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Great call Last Sunday!

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10:51:24 AM

Morgellons -

Hi Nancy!

It was a such a great call on Sunday! I know we are moving into summer, but hopefully everyone can stay connected to give that commitment to our prayer time each week! We are all here for one another, so it’s great that even through this is a difficult battle, we are here to pray & lift one another up!!

Nancy, I will continue to keep Rusty in my prayers and can’t wait for him to finally have this appointment he’s been waiting for & yes he deserves so much more!

“See you Sunday”

9:10:42 AM

Morgellons -

Hello All,

Our Sunday calls really lift you up and good fellowship! It helps get through the next week.

The calls just keep improving so if you can get on the call please do.

So good to hear from Chrissy. Bryan my spelling is terrible sometimes! But I sent Mel a message to send you I don’t have your email.

Cheryl and Tea love y’all and look forward to hearing from you!

Praying this is my last fight with this fungus but it all is in God and Mel’s hands.

Praying for all. Please pray for my Rusty! They have to fix his eye he is having a lot of pain. Goes back to the VA in June this has been going on for way to long, the VA needs to step up and do more for the guys that do fight for our country in a real war!

Appreciate all of you and so glad we have each other to fight back for our health!

God’s blessings!