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We have opened up the entire site for free all weekend until Sunday October 20th at midnight EST.

We have opened up the entire site for free all weekend until Sunday October 20th at midnight EST.

Hello my name is Karon

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8:42:43 AM

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Hello All,

Thank You, Laurie, Linda, Karianne and Joe for the info on the baking powder! I really appreciate you all!

Thank You all for your encouraging/reassuring words and prayers for me and my mom! I really don't have the words for how grateful I'am.You all taking time to encourage others, give helpful tips on what to eat and how to live, while many of you are suffering yourselves or have suffered through this!

Being part of this website and community is a breath of fresh air. Before becoming part of this community, Even though me and my mom had each other and were both going through this. We had no knowledge of what we had, If there was a cure and if would we ever get rid of it, because the Dr.s' had no clue! Just knowing there is hope is a lifeline!

Karianne and Joe- Thank you for the warm welcome! You asked me what baked goods I was making. It was the ( no corn) cornbread and coconut bread on our website that called for baking powder. I think the main ingredients were coconut flour and almond flour and eggs.

8:38:08 AM

Morgellons -

Dear Karon ,

Thanks for your thoughtful reply to us all, much appreciated:-).

You honestly don't need to say sorry if it took a little while to respond to our post. Each and every person here understands how difficult this disease is. People can get worn out and tired very, very easily. Especially at the beginning of your healing journey it can be super, super tough to navigate.

We are just glad you and your mum are here to get the help and support that you both need. And it makes a huge difference not being alone in it.

Take care and look forward to speaking to you more,

9:01:04 AM

Morgellons -

Hello Linda,
Thank you for the info on the baking powder and your encouraging words. Im so glad I found Mel and his website also. Everyone here is so supportive and encouraging which I feel is so important in the healing process.

I would like to apologize to Nezhla and Chrissie and Laura who reached out a while ago. I'm just recently seeing your messages. I wasn't able to keep up with reading and posting for a while.

I honestly was barely able to function for a while. Nezhla, nice to meet you, sorry it's under these circumstances, but Thank you for the encouragement and well wishes.

Chrissie- Yes me and my mom are both going through this at the same time. Thank you so much for your kindness and encouragement.

Hopefully, I will continue to get better and be able to communicate more and post more often.

Karianne & Joe
8:53:51 AM

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Hi Karon,

Welcome to this wonderful community of believers and supporters in the fight against toxic diseases. Morgellons is no joke and is misunderstood by so many, both in the medical and non-medical fields. Thankfully, we have a great guide - Mel - and his protocol that has helped so many people here pave the way to regaining their health... and YOU WILL TOO!

As for your question about the baking powder... I checked out both the Rumford baking powder from Linda and the Clabber Girl brand from Laurie. Both appear to be very low in any ingredient that could negatively impact the immune system, especially if you choose non-GMO. As for cornstarch feeding the disease, I guess I have not seen that thread and don't have much knowledge of the impact. My gut feeling tells me that, since baking powder is used very sparingly in baking, and assuming you're not baking every day, I would think the impact would be negligible.

As a homemade substitute, I saw online that you can make baking powder with a combination of baking soda and vinegar (white/distilled). The conversion is to combine 1/4 TSP of baking soda with 1/2 TSP of vinegar to make 1 TSP of baking powder. I linked the recipe at the bottom of this message.

I guess the question I ask when it comes to baking is, what exactly are you baking? Baking powder is primarily a leavening ingredient to fluff up baked goods like breads, cakes, and cookies, which is a big 'No-No' until you're on a solid journey of healing. Do you need to include the baking powder in your baking, or can you leave it out altogether?

Hope this helps and gives you some direction, and again, we're so thankful you've joined this community - WELCOME!


~Karianne & Joe

9:11:47 AM

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Is that you chrissie?

Dear Karon,

I am very glad you found this website and community!! I am sorry you and your mum have had Morgellons since August 2022, but rest assured you are absolutely in the right place here!!

I want to say that the sooner people get on the protocol the quicker they heal from Morgellons. So I am very hopeful for you and your mum!! Although it has been a very tough year for you both, if you get the help you need now, it's not had too long to take over.

I'm sorry too dear that you got burned so badly as a tiny child and needed all those operations. My heart goes out to you regards that. And with the car crash then it's no wonder your immunity crashed too.

But don't worry, as the, 'sum of the parts,' is wonderful to heal your bio terrain from the inside out. You can both absolutely do it, with the right meds, diet and support!

We want to help you both,

10:19:38 AM

Morgellons -

Hello Karon ,

It's so good to hear you are seeing some
Improvement in some areas, that's always
Encouraging isn't it !!

I use for baking powder a Non GMO brand .
I'll post a picture of it .. I don't bake a whole
Lot right now , my circumstances doesn't really
Allow for a lot of that but hopefully I'll be able
To find a place that I can have some kitchen
Room to work with but as for now it is what it is ..

I hope you are doing well , you sound so
Positive and pretty strong on the calls , and that
Is a big plus !! I hope some others can add to
This post what they use for baking , I to am
Interested in hearing what others have to say
As well .. I'm pretty new to Karon and I'm still
Working on the diet , I've found some pretty good
Substitutes for mustard and a few condiments
On line , it might help if you type in organic or
Clean healthy recipes or condiments , that's
How I found a lot of good substitutes..

So I will send a picture of what I use to be
Posted , I'm not sure myself about everything
But if anyone else has any suggestions I'm
Interested in hearing what they have found ...

So good to hear from you Karon and keep
On fighting. !!! You will win, with Mel's help ,
The protocol, good food , laughter , and staying
Positive , I believe will get you there !!!

God Bless!!!

7:39:45 AM

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Hello Karon,

I just read your story and am so sorry you have had to deal with so much in your life. I can understand why Morgellons would be one of the hardest to deal with because there Is no medical support.

I am so glad that you have found Mel and his web sight because you will get better as you keep following the protocol. The words of encouragement from everyone here show the love, support and understanding that is here!! We know!!!

In answer to the baking powder I use Clabbers Girl 100% pure in the green can.

God bless you as you learn how to change your life style and get well.


9:37:32 AM

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Hello All,
I just wanted to share my journey so far. I will be starting on my 4th month of the protocol on Sept 12th. I am seeing a difference in my energy and some of the skin issues. I'm sticking to the diet and trying to get more rest like Mel suggested. I'm so grateful that I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you God, Mel, John B. And all you who share your journeys, tips, recipes and positivity!

I have a question also.Some recipes say use aluminum free baking powder but the main ingredient in all the ones I've seen is cornstarch, I also saw a thread that said to not use cornstarch it will feed our yeast/disease? What do we sub with?

I saw a homemade recipe for baking powder, That called for baking soda and cream of tartar which I am not sure we can have.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on what some of you may sub with or a brand of baking powder we are allowed to use.

Thank You!
Karon, AKA MS. Donuts 1979

10:18:07 AM

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Hi Karon!

It is wonderful to hear what a survivor you are. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I pray that you continue to learn and achieve healing and stay positive.

Many blessings to you!


8:58:07 AM

Morgellons - Is that you Chrissie?
Is that you Chrissie?

Dear Karon ,

It was so good to hear you on the Prayer call. Don't worry at all if you were tired and didn't say much. It's important for you to do what your body and mind needs just now. And pace yourself absolutely!!

I am sorry both you and your mum have Morgellons and got it same time, same source. Is your mum going to do the protocol too? You can hopefully support each other as you go through this.

Hope to talk with you Karon on more community calls and to hear how you are doing. It's good that you are posting. We all want to help. We're all in the same boat, and we understand exactly what you are both going through.

Take care

8:38:23 AM

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Thank You so much Tea, Chrissie and Laura for your kind words and encouragement. This is such an awesome community! I know I wasn't very talkative. My energy is a bit low right now. Hopefully that will pick up soon.

Yes my mom has it too her case is not as severe as mine. We were both exposed at the same time, by the same source. Our symptoms even started at the same time.

Thanks again to all of you! I'm seeing that Prayer, Hope, Positivity and Encouragement is such a major major part of beating this disease and I'm so grateful for all of you!

8:17:14 AM

Morgellons -

Welcome Karon!

We are all glad you are here! We didn’t get to visit much on today’s prayer, but it was a blessing to hear you and I hope you’re able to attend them regularly. Please don’t ever hesitate to ask questions we’re always here to support one another in anyway that we can!

I’m sure so many people have recommended different things to do so I’ll keep it short and sweet. Always remember that this situation you’re undergoing is only temporary, God always has you and will not leave you!! Also know the diet is not as restrictive as some people think, so take some just look at all the recipes.

And lastly always listen to old Saturday calls, extremely helpful, especially the testimonies of those who got well!!

Again, welcome! We’re so glad you’re here!


8:14:02 AM

Morgellons -

Dear Karon,

Welcome, we are very glad indeed you have found this Community. And that you have started on your healing journey. Does your mum have it too, or was she noticing your symptoms ? I'm glad your mum is understanding regards what this is too, that will help you in your fight against this disease.

It's a very difficult disease, but I am relieved that you are onto it now. The quicker people start building their bioterrain against it, the quicker they get well.

As Nancy said, you have had a lot to deal with Karon. If you want to talk I can Skype you from Scotland. Please join our conference calls and post and share your journey. Reach out, we want to help you in this. You dont need to be alone in it.

It's not an easy journey but we all know what you're going through. Read everything you can on the website, it's a wonderful resource. And hang on in there things will improve, it just takes time.

Take care

10:58:20 AM

Morgellons -

Thank You Linda and Nancy for your encouraging words!

I'm listening to everything Mel has to say and sticking to the diet.
I'm disinfecting my environment the best to my ability and disinfecting my clothes when I wash them.

I'm so grateful for all the tips on cleaning my environment, the recipes and people sharing their struggles, positivity and prayers!, while coping with this disease.

I cant say thank you enough!!

8:54:23 AM

Morgellons -

Hello Karon and welcome.

Although I have recovered from MD, God puts it on my heart to revisit this community from time to time. You are finally in a good place to begin the healing process. So again I say, welcome!

Please continue to read and follow the information already outlined for you by people who have first hand witnessed and recovered from this disease. In addition, post your journey and ask questions. Everyone here has been through the same nightmare you are going through. I agree, it is one of the most difficult challenges you will face. So do not give up; for there is a light after MD.

Take this one day at a time and place your faith in our Lord. You can and will recover from this with great knowledge and understanding.

"I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills" Exodus 31:3

In Christ,

9:02:29 AM

Morgellons -


You really have had a ruff start!

Sorry your mom has this at least she understands what you are dealing with.

Mel is a great guy and helps people so much, he made a promise to God and he has keep it!

We all in a learning mode that I am sure we could have done without, but you will meet great people and learn a lot!

Look forward to hearing you on our free calls.

If I can help any way please just ask!

I will be praying for you and your mom!

8:57:02 AM

Morgellons -

Hi Karon ,

I'm so glad your here to and I hope you
Will get well quickly but it is a slow and steady
Process and I'm sure we all would agree that's
The hardest part sometimes because we want
To be well to enjoy our lives and our families !

But you have certainly found the right person
In Mel to do everything he possibly can to see
You get well , be patient and follow everything he
Tells you to do and you will get better !!!

I'm so sorry to hear how challenging things
In your life have been, I truly understand exactly
What your talking about and I think most if not
All do understand also .. I agree with you that this
Has been and is the hardest thing I have ever
Had to endure among many things in my life as
Well , I can't say I understand the purpose of there
Is one , all I know is I'm determined to get well !!!

Stay in there Karon and don't forget we are here
For you , don't hesitant to ask any question and if
Can answer it we will... All for One and One for All !!!
That's how I feel anyway...

Prayers go out for you And all that's important to you...

God Bless you and Keep You !! Amen !!

8:42:43 AM

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Hello All,

My name is Karon and I'm a newbie. I just wanted to take a moment and introduce myself.

My mom and I first started seeing signs of Morgellons in August 2022. Like most of the stories, The doctors didn't have an explanation ( delusional parasitosis) though one particular doctor did try to help but no success.

I'm a burn survivor, I got burned in a fire at 11 months old about 40% of my body, had over 40 some reconstructive surgeries. In 2014 I was in a car accident that disabled me and then in 2022 Morgellons came along, To me Morgellons the most challenging of them all!

I feel so fortunate to have found Mel's site and this forum because it has been so encouraging and helped so much in letting go of the fear! Thank You Mel! Thank God for giving me the strength and determination to fight! Thank you Linda for the heartfelt and warm welcome! Thank you to all of you who share your stories, encouragement, recipes, etc...