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Herxheimer Reaction

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Original 5/14/2024 Post

12:23:35 PM

Morgellons - Herxheimer Reaction

Good morning,

I hate I have not posted lately but really been having bad days and sleeping a lot. I am in my last stages but things are getting better. I have only been on the program about 2 years and dealing with this for 13 years. Mel feels like this is getting close to my healing.

Went to my doctor yesterday, she took me got off another med and all my vitals were good. Been doing breathing exercises and my oxygen level was 99 it has never been that high. Thank the Lord and Mel! I have had a busy 3days and am tired first thing in the morning.

Saturday went by myself to buy groceries, Sunday my daughter took us out to a wonderful Italian Restaurant for lunch. I had grill chicken and grill vegetables and salad ice water with lemon.

Monday had a doctors appointment so I was really tired went to sleep about 7:30 and woke up about 9am. If you don’t know they say from 8 pm to 11 pm that it is like getting 2 hours of sleep for every one hour!

My doctor said at my age it is wonderful that I am still doing good with all the health problems I have had the last 13 years. She always says the protocol I am on has really helped.
Plus they aren’t trained in this illness. Just update on my learning.

Have a few other things but need to talk to Mel and Peter.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day.

Praying for all and I really enjoyed this past Saturday’s call !!!!

Responses (Newest First)

8:12:28 AM

Morgellons - Herxheimer Reaction

Hey Dale

Just want to say "thank you" again for your continuing commitment to this community. You have a caring heart, brother. And everyone here has come to see the power in your posts and you support.


8:55:17 AM

Morgellons - Herxheimer Reaction

Good morning Nancy,

I'm so glad to hear that your overall health and oxygen level has improved. It is also great that you are staying on the diet and able to still go out to eat. Sometimes that can be a challenge for some.

I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

It is also great that you are able to get good sleep since sleep is so critical to our healing. I'm trying to get my parents on the protocol, but they are hesitant of the cost. But it is so worth it!

I'm sorry you've had to deal with it for so long, but it sounds like you've made so much improvement and your body has and continues to heal.

Take care,


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