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How many ways do I say I love you?

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Original 10/22/2019 Post

4:43:26 PM

Morgellons - Smarter then the average Dog
Smarter then the average Dog

Hello my non furry friends it's Holly the springer spaniel here!! Its been a while, I'm not gonna lie. But well, you know a spaniel needs time to let the creative juices flow. It's not every day she can put paw and pen to paper. There's so many balls to chase, autumnal leaves to jump on and cats to bark at... It makes one quite busy at times.

I trust that you are all taking good care of yourselves and your loved ones. As long as you remember, even in the midst of toxic disease, to sing at the music, laugh at the absurd and even have a wee dance now and again. Your stress levels will thank you for it. Despite my health problems, I still live for fun and for love. My philosophy hasn't failed me yet!! :-)

Now I happen to know that you humans are fascinated by dog psychology, so memorised by it that some even study it day and night to understand the innermost workings of our minds.

The main question often posed is, 'does your dog love you?' Now, let me tell you that us dogs have the same brain structure for producing emotions as humans. Therefore there are several ways both wacky and sane that we can express our infinite love and appreciation to you. You lucky, lucky people you!!! :-)

Japanese scientists at Abazu Animal Science and Biotechnology University conducted a study to show how dogs develop strong emotional connections by staring into their owners eyes. Well I look at mum and it almost feels as if I'm staring right into her very soul!!!! Well, apparently this silent contact increases the level of the social hormone Oxytocin in both the human and the dog. And well it makes us both feel loved, how lovely is that? It doesn't work if humans stare at other humans like that, they might punch you in the face!!!! Dog to human though it's cool!!!

Another way I show my love to mum is by giving her my toy. In this way I show her that my love is strong and unconditional and that she is part of my pack.

When mum yawns, I yawn back, mirroring her and showing that I have empathy. Teresa Romero at Tokyo University studies simultaneous yawning in both dogs and their owners (ha dont these people have better things to do with their time). Anyhow, she found that yawning in unison means your dog is very emotionally bonded to you. There's that song that says , 'you'll never walk alone.' What about, 'you'll never YAWN alone!!!'... Catchy huh? :-).

Now what else do we canines do to connect with you humans?? Hmmm.. We wag out tails. I could win national competitions for tail wagging. I can see it now, in first place, 'Wagger Supreme is Holly the springer!!,'.... Yeah!! Let's high five that paw style!!

Dr Carlo Siracusa from Pennsylvania Vet School says that tail wagging is a special language that we dogs use to interact and emotionally engage. My favourite wag is when my tail is at a high height and it shimmers with such a speed, showing both my enthusiasm and confidence!! Aren't I clever :-).

I also like to raise my eyebrows dramatically and show my tongue!!!! Mum says I should join a canine drama group as my drama knows NO bounds!

A study by the Scientific Reports Journal in 2017 found that dogs produce way more facial movements when humans are looking at them, than when they are not. Our secret weapon is raising our eyebrows to make our eyes look bigger creating, 'puppy dog eyes.' We do this and right on cue humans kind of melt at our feet. We act all innocent, but we know exactly what we are doing :-). Mum says I have the most beautiful golden coloured eyes in the planet... And I dont let her forget it!!

Another study published in the Journal of Science showed that we know your words and tone of voice. Of course we are selective in what we respond to, 'food,' 'toy,' 'cat' and, 'cuddles,' are some of my favourite things to hear. Sometimes I temporarily and miraculously go deaf when I dont wanna hear things.. Funny that!!

Those good ol ' scientists at Azabu University also discovered that with the release of Oxytocin us canines enjoy hugs just as much as you humans. I love to lean on mum, sit on her feet or even sit in her lap at times. It's soo lovely to bond with your own pack, so so comforting and I feel protected. When she comes home after being out, those clever scientists say that my oxytocin increases, cortisol levels decrease as we connect again. And when mum fusses over me oxytocin levels increase to a high level, so say the Swedish Department of Animal, Environment and Health.

So, my dear friends I'm sure that you can see by now that we canines love you humans that we bond with, with all of our hearts!!

However, as a member of the canine fraternity, I do have to say, you do not need to do MRI scans on our brains to find out if we love you or not. You do not need to analyse us till the cows come home (what cows, where? Eek). You do not need to be like mum and ask your woofy every single day in life if they love you. No, no, no my friends, watch and learn with Holly!!!! It is really very very simple indeed!!!!! No tests are needed, you as a species certainly over complicate things don't you!!! Bah humbug!!!

All you need to do is see, feel, hear and experience our love. We are open hearted and we give freely. Now, let me put this to you.....we don't need a dog university to study human behaviour! So why do you need a human University to study the language of dog?!?!?

Keep it simple people's!!!!!! Love is not an intellectual thing, it is a beautiful energy and you can feel it. We are all sentient creatures of this universe. We are all animals and are naturally highly tuned in to pick up on body language, emotions, feelings, smells. There is a myriad of clues as to how each of us feels irrespective of animal type. I didn't need a scholarship at Bow Wow School to understand this!!

I do know that humans complicate everything that they do. Hence us dogs exist to reflect the truth back in the most simple yet poignant ways.

So... Do I love my mum? Well.... I kiss her, paw her, yawn in empathy, smile, throw toys at her, lean on her, sit on her, protect her. And she still asks me if I love her!!!! What does she want a written declaration? Do I need to go on national news and declare my undying devotion to the world?

So my tip of the day folks is... keep it simple. If we love you, we love you. You will be in NO doubt!! Aren't you lucky, because if you have a furry friend that loves you it is indeed unconditional and wholehearted. All you need to do is... just feel it :-).

Love from Holly dog (this Holly dog philosophy of the day is dedicated to my mum Chrissie) xx

Responses (Newest First)

10:46:02 AM

Morgellons - How many ways do I say I love you?

Hello, Holly.

It’s Lilly, the cat.

I, like you, have a mum who takes care of me. Her name is Jamie.

Jamie used to have a dog named Lucy. Lucy was probably A LOT nicer to her than I am!

You see, there are so many differences between cats and dogs.

I don’t kiss Jamie very often. If I do, it’s a rare occurrence. Occasionally, I do appreciate the fact that I am tremendously spoiled. I am far more likely to give kisses to Alan. Jamie cannot figure that one out for the life of her.

When I paw her, it’s because I want something, usually food. I like to paw her at 4 am, an hour before she has to get up for work. Sometimes, just to annoy her, I paw her in 10-minute intervals until she gets out of bed. After all, I am the center of her universe!

When I yawn, I’m just tired. I sleep a lot. Whenever I want to go to sleep, I stand in front of the fireplace and stare at her until she turns it on. If she wakes me up from a sound sleep to pet me when I am in front of the fireplace, I howl at her and often give her a warning bite. I don’t like to be disturbed!

The only toy I play with is my catnip mouse. Jamie cannot have it; it is mine. if she tries to take it away from me, it only means trouble for her!

When I lean or sit on Jamie, I make sure that I am not looking at her. She gets to look at my rump.

Protect Jamie? Well...I have never had to do that. I guess it counts that when the neighborhood cat named Timmy comes onto the property, I howl at him. He’s an orange cat, and I don’t like him very much. He’d better never try to get in MY house.

Holly, you have to learn to be more like a cat and put that Chrissie in her proper place! After all, YOU are the king of that house, not her!

Cats rule.

NOTE: For anyone who thinks I (Jamie) am being serious in the least, I am not! :)

On a serious note, I am praying for Holly, Chrissie! I hope your baby feels better VERY soon! Love you both!
