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Hump day Wednesday, New Weekly updates

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9:41:10 AM

Morgellons -

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you all well. Wednesday – often known as "hump day" – is a reminder that we’re halfway through the week, and even when challenges arise, we’re moving forward. I want to take a moment to thank Pete again for stepping in last week. Your support in times of need doesn't go unnoticed.

As a community, we are facing difficult challenges that in the past were less prominent. The increasing toxicity, whether it's industrial pollution, bio-weapons, or even new technologies like 5G, is affecting many of us in ways we couldn’t have predicted. These are complex times, filled with uncertainty.

And let’s not forget the rising inflation, which has heightened feelings of anxiety for so many. Fear is understandable, but I urge us all to resist the temptation to let it overwhelm us. In these quiet, trying times, we must remember that more communication and connection is key. Not just within our community, but across the world. By sharing our experiences, supporting one another, and staying united, we can build a stronger foundation to face these challenges together.

As always, may God bless each and every one of you. Let's keep faith and hope alive, because He did not create us to live in fear, but to stand strong in love, trust, and compassion.

With love and respect,

8:24:18 AM

Morgellons -

Hi Mel

I am looking forward to regularly visiting this thread. I think creating this thread is a great idea. It should become yet another "one stop" thread for folks to visit to have instant access to current affairs that relate to important news about community activity.

Reading this thread should also keep menbers engaged with the important considerations that will inform and advise them regarding other significant benefits happening here. You've hit another home run, brother. "Thanks for continuing to grow this forum!"


8:00:25 AM

Morgellons - Our Community World News!
Our Community World News!

Hello everyone,

If hump day Wednesdays post arrive on Thursdays, it is because Wednesdays are very busy!

Other News:

1) Our youngest community member Delilah celebrated her 2nd birthday!
(Pictures to be seen in the thread once you chose HOPE)

2) The two new threads, This one and oldies but goodies are being received very well.

3) There is a shift of Attendance once again, after two months of more newbies, this month we are seeing those newbies being converted to community members and now become regulars.( last month; New Visitors:392 55% Returning:325 45%) (This month so far; New Visitors:42 46% Returning:50 54%).

4)Our testimonials Thread is being updated yet again this week, check it on the weekend.

And Finally…

5)Linda has left our community to join her sister in California who is very ill, we will miss her and hope to hear from her in the not too distant future with an update.

As the rabbit used to say, "That’s all, folks!"

Wishing you a great week, and God bless you all,

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