Marie 7/29/2017 8:18:44 PM | Cassandra, It would seem from a good deal of research that antibiotics are only of help if given within the first few weeks of the initial infection before the bacteria get into the cells. After that antibiotics such as Doxycycline etc cannot reach the critters and they do nothing for the immune system or the gut. In Uk we don't get Doxycycline unless we pay for it privately and for most it's too costly and for chronic lyme and Morgs its pretty useless in my opinion. Being stressed out is natural , feeling deep despair and miserable is natural with this thing but take heart it will all pass. You just need faith and hope and patience. The thing is this can be cured with Mel's protocol, the right diet, no sugars and as low carb as you can manage together with anything that boosts your immune system such as rest and sleep and good organic food and pure water. And faith. Perhaps most important of all is prayer.It quietens the mind.And God listens. Stress further weakens the immune system so you must try to find something to ease the stress. Cry if you must but make it brief. Tears waste water which you need for detoxing. Music , sun and laughter all help. Drink lots of water with lemon juice, eat the whole We have weakened or damaged immune systems which is why this thing has done so much damage. Once we strengthen that then it can work to overcome this disease. With Mel's protocol you do not need antibiotics for as Karen has said it contains natural ones.The protocol is designed to break through the biofilm and get into the cells and kill the nasties. , Starve then by cutting off their food supply(sugars. the carbs that turn to sugar) and eventually even they all die and you get well again. Disregard the creatures that you see, Just spray with Kleen Green, sprinkle lavender and clove oil around and read through the posts to find all the things that help you through. Natural antibiotics have been around for thousands of years. Even the tiniest plant may have healing properties so trust them Alopathic doctors use something called vincristine -which comes from a plant I have in abundance in my garden- in cancer treatments, or taxol that is derived from the yew. There is no mystery to herbs and plant remedies- just goodness and healing. The Protocol is very special combinations of natural plants and such and taken correctly will effect a cure but it takes time. The gut is most important. You are on the protocol and you don't need manufactured antibiotics. Silver is an antibiotic anyway. Carbs and sugars and starchy vegetables are poison to Morgs sufferers. This time next year you will be well on the road to full health. Please believe it. |
Karen 7/28/2017 7:28:56 PM | Hi Cassandra, I'm not a doctor, but I do have both Morgellons and Lyme Disease. My doctor does recognize both and in the past I've been on antibiotics and other prescriptions to treat them. For several months I was using these along with this protocol, though at the time, my adherence to the protocol was far less than stellar. I limped along keeping my nose above water for a while and then started improving, though slowly. About nine months ago, I got serious about sticking to the protocol... and things improved...and at a bit faster rate...though...it would have been faster if I didn't occasionally fall away from the protocol and diet for a week or so...usually on a holiday or when I have my grandchildren...but even when I allowed this to happen, I could get back on the protocol and get back on track within a few weeks. And so, with this method, I continued to improve, though my progress was still fairly slow. About three months ago, I made a decision to get off all prescriptions and really stay on the protocol, and I've done both with a couple of exceptions (more about that to follow). What resulted was the most dramatic improvement I've experienced in the twenty months I've had these illnesses. I only used the supplements on the protocol...got rid of the antibiotics and other prescriptions...and in less than 90 days, I've experienced a remarkable improvement. As a matter of fact, I returned to work this week after being off for summer break for almost six weeks...and several people have commented on how much healthier I look. I can only assume this improvement has come from sticking to the protocol exclusively...which has meant stepping away from prescriptions. But...I'd said there's more to follow and so here it is. I've had my grandchildren for over two weeks...they just went home a couple of days ago. It was wonderful...I loved seeing them, but it was challenging to do everything I needed to do for myself and take care of them too (they're both preschoolers, so they require a lot of energy). I started off pretty well...but after a few days, I fell away from the protocol...and then I succumbed to the temptation of proximity to all kinds of foods I'm not supposed to eat. Fatigue was certainly a factor in my poor choices, but I suppose I could have done better if I'd been more disciplined. So now it's time to pay the piper. The last time I had a slip up I was still on antibiotics and other prescriptions. Now I'm off all prescriptions except for the recent addition of hormones which doesn't seem to have created any problems so far. It's still a little early to tell how I'll bounce back this time, but...it does seem to feel a bit different than it did at this point in time in my recovery from past slip ups...and I really do think the difference overall is related to my stepping away from so many prescriptions and staying (with the recent exception) true to the protocol. As mentioned, I'm not a doctor, but I am pretty good at analytical thinking...and going with a more natural approach makes obvious sense to me because these are toxic diseases. It's common knowledge that prescriptions are land mines of toxicity...one almost wonders how much thought of risk / benefit actually goes into the decisions of the drug makers to market certain drugs. I'm not against prescription drugs across the board...I definitely believe some are beneficial and in some circumstances would be the best choice. Unfortunately, we as consumers now have to figure out when to make what choices. This is probably the biggest difficulty in people getting the treatment they need to get well. If one listens to, and adheres to the advice of those who worship at the alter of hard core medical treatment only, then one might experience not getting well. That's obviously what's happened to people who are reading this post right now. If the medical community had responded to these diseases with recognition and appropriate treatment, then that's where people would have gone and that would have been the end of it. That's obviously not what has happened, and so people have been forced to try to figure this out on their own. I thank God every day for Mel who was the trail blazer in figuring out what to do to get himself well and who has been beyond generous in giving his support back to the community of toxic illness sufferers. I don't know where I'd be without Mel...I've realized over the last few months that everything he's told me has worked...though the things he says to do aren't a quick fix...as he says, "slow and steady"...and I think that's really hard for most of us. However...it's really even harder to drag along doing this and that and then look up and a lot of time has gone by and you realize you're still not well. That's when I realized that if I'd done what Mel had done for himself earlier on, I'd have probably been well by now. On an additional note, I've also noticed improvement when I've stepped away from toxic cleaning solutions and other toxic chemicals that are a part of our everyday lives. Since this has helped me and others, it would make sense that actual treatment of these diseases would have to be centered around a natural approach. I think I'm not alone when I say this is a hard concept to actually accept. For one thing, it means having to think on one's own and not putting all of one's faith in the medical community which, in our culture is up there with God and Jesus. In my opinion, it feels like such a betrayal that these diseases are ignored and even vilified by most of the medical community, and I believe that mindset was the biggest obstacle I faced in finally making the decision to choose a plan of action. There was just so much information out there that I kept going back and forth. I also think there was some actual grief...a true grieving process over feeling so let down by the medical community. After all...if one cannot put one's trust in our doctors, then one is really in a scary place. It occurs to me that this is just one snapshot of what is happening to our whole health care system. So...maybe we're the lucky ones. We get it. We now see we have to take health care into our own hands in some circumstances. I'm not talking totally...but definitely with toxic diseases. This type of approach to healing has so many other benefits though...and I now believe that taking responsibility for our health by adopting healthy habits and prevention is probably going to be a big part of the answer to the current health crisis for each of us. The upside of healing from a toxic disease with this natural method is improved health in other areas and an awareness of what it takes to become and stay healthy. So...lots of food for thought Cassandra...and ultimately, you'll have to make your own decision about what to do related to taking prescriptions...but you do have a lot of evidence from those of us here on the site that a more natural approach is better. I look at success...and I see success in those who are following the protocol which is a completely natural approach. My best to you, Karen |
Deanna 7/27/2017 11:19:55 AM | Hello Cassandra and welcome! If you are on Mel's protocol and have completed the first month of the protocol which then adds what is called the Extension Kit, you are actually taking one of THE best antibiotics you can take; the Logos Nutritionals, Olive Leaf Extract is all natural and a VERY clean product as are ALL the Logos products. If you are not on the protocol, I suggest you read the FAQ's and get started right away!!! I also suggest you read and follow the SUM of the parts... outside supplements and protocols are not necessary unless in extreme cases where the individual works directly with Mel or John. I have been on the protocol almost 13 months now and am 90% healed from chronic lyme, morgellons, candida, epstein-barr, babesia, mycoplasma AND rheumatoid arthritis. So PLEASE believe me when I say this protocol works EXACTLY as it's laid out for us... no outside supplements, medicines, or other protocols are needed and will in fact inhibit our recovery!!! Please do keep in mind that part of the healing process can and does mean that we will get worse before we get better. For me though the biting and stinging subsided immediately when I started the protocol and cleaned up my diet. If I had a biting or stinging sensation it was typically always a result of my body not being ready for some type of food I ingested. Again PLEASE read the FAQ's, print them out and if you're anything like I was early on you'll need to read them again and again and again!! This is MOST DEFINITELY the place to heal but we do have to follow the protocol as it's designed not as we want to design it!!! I hope this helps!!! God Bless!!! Love, Peace & MANY Prayers, Deanna |
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