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It's Raining Men

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Original 3/1/2020 Post

3:56:58 PM

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This post is to all the gentlemen that come and visit this wonderful site.

Mel has mentioned that many of you come and read the pages and we are so very pleased that you have now come to a place that is safe and where you can get good sound advise , I am from England and this site has helped me so much, we have a regular gentlemen from America Australia and from my side of the pond.

If you would like to join us on our Saturday and or Sunday calls that would be awesome as Mel and his buddy's could do with some support! :)

We have fun, as well as pass on tips that help us to cope with this horrid disease, whilst we continue to get better, we know what you are going through, truly we do. Mel has had many people including men who have got rid of this disease.

You don't need to use your real name we don't need to know this we just need to know you are here so Mel can help you the way he is/has helped us, his heart is so in the right place and his bark is worse than his bite.....he will hate me saying that ..cause he's a New Yorker where men are men and they say it how it is...he sure says it how it is ! :)

Anyway when you feel up to it, come and join us

Freddie x

Responses (Newest First)

8:59:07 AM

Morgellons - It's Raining Men

Hey Joe,

Thanks for the post - we're all in this together and when the time is right, we'll be well. Great to "hear" from you and good luck with your new job, business and 3 year old! I know you're being kept busy.


8:51:25 AM

Morgellons - It's Raining Men

Hello everyone,

It's so wonderful having a close group of men now representing this community!

Dave, Teddy, Brian, Kip, Peter... you guys are AMAZING and I'm so thankful to have you here, actively posting and keeping up the positive momentum that we CAN restore our health!

I know I've been MIA for quite some time, but it's just a breath of fresh air to see you folks on here and making an impact along with the community.

Thank YOU for all you do!!

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