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JoAnna's Journey

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Original 7/23/2021 Post

11:35:02 AM

Morgellons - JoAnna's Journey

Hello Everyone!

This is my first post, so please bear with me.

My journey started in March 2021. My son removed old shrubs from his front yard, and got bitten by mites. (We think bird mites, but not sure.) The infestation spread from him to his wife, then to me, then to my husband. Praise God in Heaven their four children did not get infected! Everyone (except me) got rid of their mites, using about the only thing the doctors will throw at you…Permethrin topical cream. Very toxic! I ended up using the cream three times. The only thing I accomplished was getting a rash all over my back (allergic reaction). I itched like crazy! Went to a dermatologist, and she prescribed Ivermectin pills. I ended up taking two rounds of those pills. Also very toxic! After that is when the black fibers started emerging.

I joined a couple of Facebook “mite support groups”, in the hopes of finding a cure. It’s incredible how many people are suffering with toxic diseases! However, these Facebook groups don’t offer long-term solutions.

In my research to find a cure, I was reading reviews of a book by a guy who sells debridling soap. In one of the reviews, a lady said she got the most help from Mel’s Protocol! After a google search, I found Mel’s website.

I was amazed and intrigued! So much good information, all in one spot. So much support and positivity. No toxic creams or pills…only things that serve to improve your health and do no harm.

I’ve only been on the protocol for six weeks, but I can see improvements already. Oh…and coaching with Mel is crucial! You need guidance and wisdom from one who has “been there, done that”!

I truly enjoy the Saturday and Sunday conference calls. I’ve met some really fantastic people in this Community who offer help and hope!

God’s Blessings to you all!

Responses (Newest First)

9:04:51 AM

Morgellons - FAITH & HOPE, A Winning Combination
FAITH & HOPE, A Winning Combination

Dear Tea,

Thank you so much for the sweet post! I feel the Lord brought us all to this place, and in HIS time, we shall all be healed. Trials and tribulations are to teach us and make us stronger for future trials. I recently heard a sermon on faith and trust. We can have faith without trust, but we can’t have trust without faith. I had to let that sink in. We actually need both. Trust is putting ourselves in God’s hands, knowing without a doubt that He has our best interests at heart.

I am so blessed to have met wonderful friends like you, Tea, in this community. It’s comforting to know that others know exactly what we are going through, and are just a phone call away. Thank you for your friendship, and for making my faith stronger!


9:30:40 AM

click to expand

Oh my goodness!

What a memorable moment to read and to know how well you’ve become. It’s a true inspiration JoAnna!! I’m sooo happy for you and thanking the Lord for what He’s done!!

It’s giving hope for those who need to hear the story from a true warrior! It continues to give me hope to read this, so thank you for sharing.

And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

Your a fighter, you walk by faith and not by sight. You showed up, you followed through and you got the badge! Now your proof to those searching to be renewed, and without a doubt this journey definitely helped transform our life, and it brings us all closer to Jesus!

You are my sister in Christ. Praying your next journey with your family is full of everything God intended you to have. You deserve it all.

Love you,

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