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Joe, John, & Tia - Matcha Tea

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Original 3/14/2023 Post

11:50:28 AM

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Hello All,

I was wondering if Matcha tea is ok to have for people with MD/Candida. I've read that it is very beneficial for arthritis/inflammation, so I would like to add it to my arthritis pain regimen, but not if it is not ok for MD/Candida.

Thank you in advance!

All my best,

Responses (Newest First)

9:08:21 AM

Morgellons - Joe, John, & Tia - Matcha Tea

Thank you John!


John Burgstiner
9:27:12 AM

Morgellons - Joe, John, & Tia - Matcha Tea

Hello Kelly,

Matcha is a full leaf green tea powder that is rich in catechins and other antioxidants and it does have strong anti-inflammatory properties. It is fine to take as long as you don't add sugar to it. Green tea is actually delicious by itself once you get accustomed to its flavor. Use stevia if you must use a sweetener.