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Lemon Elixir/ AKA /Lemonade Cleanse

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Original 7/30/2017 Post

12:46:47 PM

I call this an elixir because it tastes great and provides wonderful relief from itching...AND...the dreaded tickling.

This is basically Mel's recipe...and he froze his, but I've had great success by just drinking it cold over ice.

Here's the recipe:

Lemon juice (I either squeeze fresh lemons or buy a bottle of pure organic lemon juice. I forgot the brand name, but Sprouts and Whole Foods both carry it [Sprouts is cheaper]'s with the juice on the shelf...not refrigerated or frozen. A bottle costs a few dollars, but it lasts a long time and, to me, the convenience is worth the price. I work so much I'm constantly trying to find ways to keep protocol friendly things ready to go and easy to grab...otherwise I get tempted to cheat).

Sweet Drops stevia to taste (I like the vanilla creme flavor)

Cayenne pepper (Don't go too crazy with this at first...just use a dash. I find that the vanilla creme flavor Sweet Drops allows me to go a little heavier on the cayenne, but start light and work your way up, or you'll get tears in your eyes on the first sip.)

Just add the above to cold filtered water and pour it over ice. I make my own ice cubes with filtered water because the water in my town is I make sure the ice cubes are from good water too. I just turned off the ice maker in my freezer and have gone old school with ice trays. Four ice trays popped out almost fills up the ice maker container, and it really doesn't take too long if I stay ahead of it.

Most people now carry around those big steel insulated cups with water now days (Yeti...but I have an off brand that works great too). If I'm on top of my game, I leave the house in the morning with this big cup filled with lemon drink and have a refill in a big Mason jar in my cooler / lunch bag.

The only thing to be aware of is that the lemon is an antioxidant and it will counteract WPS, so you can't drink it on two hours either side of your WPS dose.

This drink will make you happy and MD very sad!

Responses (Newest First)

10:08:18 AM


When using bottled juice, how much do you add to how much water-juice to water ratio?

There is so much back and forth about whether you have to wait two hours before or after WPS or not - what is the final word please.

Do you drink it all day? How much a day is enough?

Also, how soon after WPS can one eat (without supplements)?

freddie Bean
8:42:23 AM

Morgellons - Lemon Elixir/ AKA /Lemonade Cleanse

I went out and bought some Cayenne pepper yesterday and made myself some Lemonade Cleanse... WOW! mine packed a punch I think I over did on the pepper somewhat.

I remember that burn when I was given a whisky shot in my younger days!

So I suggest if like me you have bought the cayenne loose and not in a capsule add a little.. sip..

Mel Says (SLOW AND STEADY, When ever trying something New, remember just a little to begin with.)

then keep doing this until you have the desired taste/ heat factor.

This evening I made it with warm water I much prefer it warm especially now the nights are drawing in, this is going to be my Hot Toddy... minus the whisky of course ;)

Freddie x

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