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Less is best

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Ruth Ann
8:27:14 AM

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I love corn bread will have to try the recipe.

The cold weather we are experiencing the last couple of days have revived the daffodils and they are beautiful and
the tulips are blooming
I have been waiting to get out and plant the beginning of a garden, I can remember several years ago working outside in my garden when it was 55 degrees out in March and sunny. It is 41 degrees here now (southern Michigan) and have a light rain.

If anyone knows how to keep wood chucks out of the garden I'd love to know. My brother farms and they have to deal with a LOT of wood chucks every yearas they eat soybeans, corn etc. I live in town so can't shoot them.

My husbandtrapped them and released them in a woods away from town.

They are a nuisance and are very destructive.They actually ate through my neighbors wood siding on
his garage and dug under the porch of another neighbor.
And they dug under ourgarage cement floor.

Hope all are doing well. Warm weather is coming soon.

Ruth Ann

"While the earth remains seedtime & harvest & cold & heat & summer & winter & day & night shall not cease." Genesis 8:22

1:45:08 PM

Morgellons -

Hello all,

I Love all our food just hate it when I feel to tried to fix it! Going through a hexing the last week! These things sure put up a fight but I don’t quit fighting back!

Mel helps me understand what is going on. No pain but still fighting nose ear and mouth infection but it to will end.

I hate to miss our calls but Sunday we was without power because of a thunderstorm Saturday night. We got power back on late Sunday afternoon.

Praying for all and hoping no one goes through what I have, But you are in the right place to get well, just not in one day!

Love you guys and love all the post!!!

8:27:14 AM

Morgellons -

To all the newbies,

The diet was one of the hardest part of the protocol for me! I have never had to diet because I am small so when I had to learn a new way of eating I was totally lost.

Then I read many of the “delicious recipes” and picked out some ideas there but I was raised on a simple way of eating and found I just had to cut out all carbs and dairy. I have found “less is best”.

In the morning I eat 1- egg 1 piece of turkey bacon & a slice of corn bread (delicious recipes) or Logo’s renaissance shake mix with almond milk which I add flax seed too.

I’ll eat a lot of salads with apple cider vinegar & avocado oil or lemon & olive oil & ( A little crazy mixed up salt) with a slice of corn bread (delicious recipes).

I buy “sweet pick” bran vegetables in the freezer department and cook them on the stove with Keri butter and have them for a whole meal. Or buy fresh!

I slice and cook chicken breast seasoned on the stove in olive oil & garlic or “Bam”( Emeral Lagasse) and I freeze them and will take out a few pieces at a time & put with my salad or vegetables.

“Sweet pick” frozen vegetables are really good or you can use fresh. I take a small amount of spinach & a small amount frozen cut up green peppers & onions and cook them in a little Keri butter pour a egg on top and make an omelet!

I only eat small amount of meat and not every day. For snacks I will eat almonds or celery and almond butter w/ nuts ( Trader Joe’s has the best), and I Keep flacker crackers on hand.

Make sure you follow Tea's’ list for the vegetables that we can eat! Another favorite is to buy the cut up yellow squash and steam it & mash it up with a little coconut milk.

Mel says I can have hamburger or fish which I eat if we go out.

For desert I eat a piece of Donald’s bread or have a few blueberries or raspberries. No no process food!!! It’s simple eating but it’s working for me!

Hope this helps in fighting this disease!!

God Bless and pray you all get well!

For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of love, power, and of a sound mind. 2 Tim 1:7