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Original 10/11/2024 Post

6:19:48 AM


Dear Friends

I wrote this post on the past but God put it on my heart to submit it for publishing again. I hope it reminds us all that a love gift given to the "He Cures All Foundation" is the most beneficial way one can serve. God bless you all!

Hello folks

As we continue to move through the second half of 2024, it is clear that the rising cost of living is creating a larger burden for us all. This is especially true for those that live on a fixed retirement or struggle from pay check to pay check to make ends meet.

Imagine facing this debilitating disease without the means to aquire the resources that are absolutely necessary to reach a return to health. So many people need the financial boost to purchase even the basic protocol products.

And so I'm asking with my whole heart for everyone who is well again or who has the gift of abundant financial security, to search your heart and give to this noble foundation. When you do, you will be doing the most wonderful act possible....providing the means that will release the afflicted from their pain and suffering.

And so I am hopeful that you can experience the great joy in giving whatever you are able to this foundation. And that God then will surely take your gift and use it for great good. "Thank you" and "may God bless you!"

In His Love