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Memorial Day

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Original 6/9/2023 Post

11:59:32 AM


Hello everyone,

In my coaching session with Mel after Memorial Day I told Mel that I had a very good Memorial Day with family. Mel suggested that I do a post just to let everyone know that I am making progress and that life has become somewhat normal again.

So, I am getting better. I am seeing and experiencing marked improvement. I am positive that my recent improvements are related to me getting more rest. Due to my employment obligations and other business interest, I have very little spare time.

I am forcing myself to take advantage of every opportunity to rest. Even if its in the middle of the day. Essentially, I rest in my spare time. I am also going to bed a little earlier and trying to sleep a little later.

As a result of this, I have more energy and I am seeing my healing progress. My healing journey is taking longer than I would like, but I have accepted the fact that it will happen in due time.

To everyone: the ground work has been done, the foundation for healing is in place, we have a road map. Stay positive and stay the course.

I am looking forward, I hope you are too.


Responses (Newest First)

10:20:38 AM

Morgellons -  A very important part of "THE SUM OF THE PARTS"
A very important part of "THE SUM OF THE PARTS"

Thank you for sharing the importance of rest. Regardless of the health challenges anyone is facing; rest is essential. You are right about this disease taking time, so again; try to get as much rest as possible to help with the healing process.

Please continue to post about your journey as this will be beneficial to others as well as yourself. Going back and reading over the progress you are making, gives you the assurance you are recovering. When ever I had a set back, I would revisit my diet or sleep patterns in order to make necessary adjustments.

Again, thank you for sharing the importance of rest and sleep for others to read. It sounds like you have the perseverance it takes to overcome MD. Keep up the good work.

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:5

In Christ,

8:39:02 AM

Morgellons - Memorial Day

Hello you all,

Dale, Sounds like you are headed in the right direction!

Mel has the answers and we all have the questions.

We do have up and downs but once you get the everything lined up it will be a lot easier.

Glad you are here, we all will be praying for you!