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We have opened up the entire site for free all weekend until Sunday October 20th at midnight EST.

We have opened up the entire site for free all weekend until Sunday October 20th at midnight EST.

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10:47:29 AM

Morgellons -

Dear Jen,

I'm sorry you weren't feeling so good but I'm glad you hunkered down, listened to your mind and body and gave yourself that much needed rest! It is so important when we all feel overwhelmed to have a safe place to go to that can help us recuperate.

Its so sad that when people are really unwell with Morgellons that nothing feels safe. Sometimes then the best thing is just to rest and sleep. Shutting our brains down at such times is helpful.

And then after that rest we feel able to cope with it all again. It's when we don't listen that things become way too much and then our health ultimately suffers.

Oh your naughty with the Mac n cheese, just like Mel and his cheesecake:-).

Sadly when people are really sick with Morgellons it is advisable that they don't hug other people. Especially if the other person has a weakened immunity. This is such a difficult thing for people, especially around family and loved ones. At such times that have to find other ways to express affection, which is not easy.
But, so many have managed to get better, even with family around. My heart goes out to them though at how difficult that has been for them.

But it is a wonderful thing when people regain their health and can hug others once again:-).

Aye, tis not a disease for the faint hearted. We aren't called warriors for nothing!

Take care,

10:47:29 AM

Morgellons -

I felt great after weekend. Then yesterday not so good. Numerous factors getting overwhelmed with things out of my control. And some health related. Maybe all connected.

I turned everything off yesterday. No politics, current events or visits with anyone. Couldn’t even take a shower.

Later yesterday I started to have more energy. Praying and giving thanks to Lord Jesus Christ. Made a small dinner which was Mac n cheese from a box. Not my usual…So excited!

Today my spirit and energy is higher. Shower day always makes one feel better. A few people came over today. Great because I’m not forcing it.

Learned a long time ago it’s ok to feel down for a day. Grateful to know God is always with me. And no shame in turning the world off.

Hesitant to turn on a little today. There’s so much happening I’m sure what’s important will come to my attention.

Enough to do for myself. Wishing Mel a smoother move. And for all things to work out as hoped.

Be well everyone. Give someone close to you a hug. You’ll get one too.

Blessings to all.