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Newbies: Essential Oils for your Skin!!

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Original 10/15/2022 Post

8:33:26 PM

Morgellons - Newbies: Essential Oils for your Skin!!

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to share some helpful uses of essential oils for dry, irritated and itchy skin!

I use this one daily! For a base I use the Alaffia Coconut Lotion, or your lotion of choice, and with a quarter size from of lotion add…

3 drops of clove
3 drops of tea tree
2 drops of lavender
3 drops Lemongrass

This will help calm your arms and repeat for the use of your legs.
If your skin is itching (especially at night) …

Use the same amount of lotion (or vaseline really helps) with…

4 drops of Peppermint, and and it’s perfect to treat the lower legs, especially the shin area where itching can make you go crazy!!!

If your skin isn’t too sensitive, add one drop of oregano in each use. Absolutely powerful and you’ll love it!

For a helpful foot soak use 1/2 Cup Baking Soda, 1/2 Cup Epsom Salt with approximately 4 gallons of warm water and add….

1 drop oregano
2 drops lavender
2 drops tea tree


1 drop oregano
2 drops lemongrass
2 drops geranium

It’s always helpful to add the essential oils first with the baking soda and epsom salt with a bit of warm water shake it around to get it to dissolve completely and then add the remaining amount of water and soak away for about 20 to 30 minutes!

I hope this helps you and please do not hesitate to ask questions and hang in there, you’ll get through this!!!!!

Love ya!

Responses (Newest First)

10:46:00 PM


There are so many essential oils that are helpful in treating so many skin conditions so please don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Everyone can have different skin issues and sensitivities so the good option is to be careful and start in small doses with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil.

For relaxation use lavender oil, as we need to be definitely need to be calming.

For energy use peppermint or lemon essential oils as they are a definite boost and especially for your mood!

10:32:26 PM


Hi Claire!!

I’m sooo happy that you are finding relief and I appreciate that your sharing with everyone how you find it helpful! And thank you and for your kind words!! ;-)


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