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Newcomers Who Are Just Browsing and Newbies Who Have Joined

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Original 8/25/2022 Post

Rockin Robin
9:53:18 PM

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Hello To Those who Are New, Welcome!

If you are browsing or a newbie, these are some of the best topics to look for on the Home Page or in the search engine on the Home Page.

Mel Friedman started this website for healing of toxic diseases and its co-infections and he has an incredible story that must be heard. If you are looking for a diagnosis, have a strange disease, or know you have Lyme, Morgellons, or one or more of the over 50 co-infections associated with Lyme, this is the place to research and learn.

Many have come, learned, followed Mel and are healed and leading joyful full lives again!

Here are the topics to start reading:
My Story
Guiding Principals
Sum Of The Parts
Testimonial Archives
Protocol Page

There are also many videos and tapes that you can watch and listen to that gives you extremely valuable information.

If you have want to restore your health, this is the right place to be to do just that. Many of us wasted tons of time and money going to doctors who never helped us.
Mel CAN help!

Start your healing journey today. Read and email Mel. He has the answers!
We are a community that will care, have compassion, and support you.

With Care & Love,
A Fellow Sufferer,
Rockin Robin

Responses (Newest First)

6:37:30 AM

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Dear Newcomers and Newbies,

Welcome !!! Reach out and tell us your story here. We want to hear from you. This website focuses on healing and looking forward with positivity and hope, despite how difficult this disease is!! This is an excellent place for you to begin your healing journey. No one needs to go through it alone!!

You do not even need to give your name. Call yourself anything you want!! All that matters now, is you getting support, help, knowledge, understanding and not being alone as you do heal.

Please ..... Reach out. We understand. We care. We want to help YOU.

Love Chrissie

8:10:11 AM

Morgellons - Newcomers Who Are Just Browsing and Newbies Who Have Joined

Greetings! Thank you for this reminder.

It is wonderful to have new people on the calls and coming to the site. I have always found it helpful to know that I am not the only one going through a problem. I'm sure others feel the same and when you come to the site and participate in the calls and review the forum, you will have so much support to help you heal and feel like you are not alone.

Our stories help each other and everyone is happy to provide encouragement to one another. Don't be shy!

Thank you,

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