Jen 9/2/2023 11:48:03 PM
| Hello everyone,
I just listened to Saturday call with Ellen. Mel mentioned that “us” newbies don’t share as much. For me it’s true. When I start I want to make sure it wasn’t a dump of nothing useful. So I kept quiet.
As I sat on couch trying to stand up and getting frustrated that it wasn’t working I felt it would be good to share what’s happening. Ever since Weds my body from waist down has been numb. My feet are really numb. Legs are weak.
It could be anything from the full moon, I took way too much copper or a PT was holding my feet while I did exercises. Last week a lot of new people came into my life.
AC is on and I’m still too warm. No wonder I can’t stand up. So many variables.
Good news I felt better this morning. Nighttime is my challenge.
Thank you for reading. God bless