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Original 1/19/2025 Post

8:52:42 AM

Morgellons - OWN IT!

Hello everyone,

Quite often I refer back to this website and community of people who are recovering from MD. And as I sit reading new posts from new people searching for answers I cry a little for them and then PRAY they remain in this community where I know for a FACT they will get well.

First of all my story is absolutely no different from anyone else's. Our path of getting this disease (some type of parasite, mite or whatever bite), followed by countless trips (lots of money) to a doctor only to be told we are delusional. UGGGGG! My reasons for stating this; we all found this website based on similar circumstances. What will be DIFFERENT, is your decision to OWN that it is real and move on.

Secondly, it takes perseverance and determination to win the race against MD. Again, OWN this mindset and move toward recovering. You must make up your mind to follow the “Sum of the Parts” and stay in this race. It will be worth it.

Last part of Owning it; is to reach out to others in this community through posting, conference calls and fellowship. They understand this disease and have been through the same scenario as you. Words will never express the relief I felt when talking to members of this community who understood me. I talked to nurses, teachers, business owners, professors and many more well educated successful people who had MD. This disease is not biased and can happen to all types of people.

I pray that you will decide to own the knowledge you will gain here, own the mindset you must have in order to recover and OWN the future being free of this disease.

“Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge.”
Proverbs 23:12

In Christ,