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Pilgrim's Progress

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Original 8/1/2018 Post

3:41:31 PM

Morgellons - Pilgrim's Progress

"The Lord your God has placed the land before you; go up, take possession, as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has spoken to you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 1:21

As it is the beginning of a new month and my schedule allows it, I am finally posting after 3 months of following the protocol. The scripture above is one God gave me for this journey and my progress. The community, the website, the protocol, the recipes, the conference calls, etc. have all been placed before us, and the time is now to take possession of the healing.

Like many of you, I went through plenty in life before Morgellons: spinal fusion and a body cast for a year, surgery for a tumor, hysterectomy due to precancerous cells, 2 hip replacements, and Hep C which has been cured. So I am familiar with pain. But for 3 years, this Morgellons was an uncontrollable beast. But I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, and that's just what I did.

I researched anything that had to do with strange bug bites, sores not healing fibers, black dots on know. I was sent by my primary to the dermatologist, but the doctor couldn't tell what it was even after I brought in many samples on lint roller sheets, which they looked at under a microscope. They just wanted to give me cream for my body and antidepressants, so after 4 visits, I did not return. I found a few things that seemed to work for awhile but I just could never sleep, as I was up all night with the stinging and itching, and the sores were spreading.

Since I thought I may have mites, I went online and found Kleen Green. Yay!!! After using it for 3 years, I opened an email this past April that said, "Do you have Morgellons?" What? I had all the symptoms! So I followed the link, and it led me here. Praise God!

I"m still at 5 drops of WPS/day...but that is due to ordering the extension kit a little late and early herxing!!! I'm sticking to 30 carbs or under per day (Thank you Karen) but have lost 12 pounds. I just gained 2 back recently with lots of avocado, coconut, butter, and fried chicken (Thanks for the advice Mel), which puts me at a whopping 94 pounds! I'm sleeping so much better at night and even finding times to nap. (Unheard of for me) My skin has begun to clear up so well that my husband had to stop rubbing oils into the unreachable places on my back. Hmmmm I may need to continue the oils there.

I'm going slow and steady with the protocol and believe my health background may be contributing to the way I am feeling so quickly. 40 years ago, I started to eat as natural and organic as I could. I even tried a macrobiotic diet for awhile. I did cleansing baths, fasts, grew my own veggies, used oils, and made my own soap and candles. Yes, I was a 60's hippie! Then when I discovered I had Hep C, I went on MMS for several months in conjunction with Monolaurin.

All this has helped, but I believe it is God's grace, the specifics of this protocol, and the inspiration of the community that will lead us all to a full recovery. I feel blessed to be part of this family and on my way to His perfect healing. God is good all the time!

Responses (Newest First)

7:29:55 AM

click to expand

Hi Precious Community!
Just checking in. I miss you all and happy to get to know some of the newbies through your posts. Praising God that I've been able to go back to full-time work these past 2 years! I'm keeping busy teaching the Bible to disadvantaged middle-schoolers through a ministry in South Florida called One Hope. Let's just say it is delightfully challenging.
Some great news - My 2 deaf great-granddaughters have received cochlear implants and are beginning to form words.
Prayer Requests:
My daughter Alli just completed 12 weeks of chemo and is recovering from surgery in California. My husband has skin cancer on his legs and arms and will be treated soon.
I hope to stop by for coffee with you all as soon as things settle down around here.
Love you all and many, many blessings from our Wonderful, Merciful Savior!

3:42:25 PM

Morgellons - Pilgrim's Progress

Hi Micky,

I am so sorry to read that you have had such a difficult time lately. I don't know why, but sometimes when it rains it seems to pour.

I am so sorry that your brother-in-law and close friend passed away. You must miss him terribly. I know it comforts you to know he is with Jesus. Plus your precious little dog, Topper, passed away as well. Then the stress of seeing your daughter have to go through a divorce is a hard thing. And then losing your job as well. Those are a lot of hard things you have had to go through.

It is so nice that you found Mello. He is quite adorable and just the right size to sit on your lap. Zeke must be very sweet but definitely too big to be a lap dog at 70 pounds!

It is so lovely that you now have 2 great granddaughters. It must have been wonderful to travel to see them, and even hold and kiss them :-)

Even though the difficult things you have been through lately have been very hard and have taken a toll on your progress, you will regain any lost ground soon. I am confident of that! The day is coming when you will reach 100%.

1 Corinthians 13:13 (NIV)
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


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