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We have opened up the entire site for free all weekend until Sunday October 20th at midnight EST.

We have opened up the entire site for free all weekend until Sunday October 20th at midnight EST.

Prayers for Ruth Ann

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9:38:15 AM

Morgellons -


Thank you for the update on Ruth Ann. I've been praying for her every day and will continue.

I pray that God strengthens and heals her, and she will soon be out in her garden.


8:43:02 AM

Morgellons -


Thank you for the update on Ruth Ann. I am praying that Ruth Ann will be healed in Jesus' name.

She has been a great addition to the calls I have attended, and I hope she continues to get stronger and comes through this.

I enjoyed hearing of her garden in the past and I hope she is able to get back out to it and the sunlight. Keep us updated.

Thank you,

8:31:06 AM

Morgellons -

Dear Chrissie

Thank you for this post......and....

Ruth Ann

I will be praying that the God of comfort and peace be with you during your current struggle. I will also pray that the Father reach down and touch you and annoint you with healing. Please do your best to continue to lean into Him and to remain rooted in faithfulness. "When we are faithful, he will do it!"

You have gifted this community with your whole heart over the course of your healing journey here. We all love you and are standing with you today and every day moving forward. God bless you sister!

"In His Love,"

5:33:24 PM

Morgellons -

Thank you so much Christy for giving me this update. I really appreciate it. I will most definitely keep her in prayer. Ruth Ann is such a sweet spirit within her. I’d always adore, listening to her share her story. I do miss her.

I am so thankful she has her son there to help her. Hopefully we can spend more time praying for her on a Sunday call, that the Lord will continue to open doors for her and find a way to get her a wheelchair to get her outside.

Please send hugs & let her know she is loved from so many.

5:29:40 PM

Morgellons -


Thank you for reaching out to encourage prayers for dear Ruth Ann. You are a true friend and a blessing to her.

I pray our Savior brings Ruth Ann peace as he restores her health and provides the resources needed to once again enjoy the beauty of her garden. I also pray that she is well enough to attend the weekly prayer calls she has been so devoted to.

In Christ,

"I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security." Jeremiah 33:6

9:38:15 AM

Morgellons - She's one heck of a gardener!!!
She's one heck of a gardener!!!

Dear All,

Our dear friend and community member Ruth Ann is very poorly and has been confined to her bed for quite a while now.

She is very tired and the medication she takes can also make her feel drowsy. We miss her very much at Prayer Call. It's just not the same without her as she was a regular member for years.

She is now in heart failure, but on medicine and been looked after by her doctors.

She is also been looked after by her dear son Terry and comforted by her cat Victor:-). And she has a great faith which absolutely sustains her. Her room also has nice windows she can see out to the world outside.

Please pray that Ruth Ann gets another wheel chair soon and that she can find the strength to sit in the garden, whilst the weather is good.She adores the Flowers and the Greenery. And some Sun on her Face would do wonders for her!

Poor Ruth Ann has definitely being having a time of it, but she does her absolute best with the help of God and people who Love her to keep her spirits up.

Please hold her in your thoughts and Prayers,

Love Chrissie