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Original 9/10/2022 Post

John W
3:19:46 PM


If you don't want to receive emails from this website, please click the unsubscribe button at the bottom an email we send. This will take you off the list right away. This will help ensure that others that want to receive the messages keep getting them.

Sometimes people click the "report spam" button in their email program thinking it's just an easy way to opt out. It's with good reason as we don't always trust the unsubscribe button on spam ads.

Though this causes trouble for legitimate companies. Marking an email as spam involves the "Email Feedback Loop" also known as the "Email Complaint Loop". The sender receives an unsubtle message of "remove these addresses or else". They also err on the side of caution so other members that want to keep receiving the emails get removed from the list too.

So, the best thing you can do for the community is click "unsubscribe" at the bottom of an email if you want stop receiving it.

If you are not receiving emails, as you once were and wish to be added back. Please just rejoin the email list, just click the picture!

Thank you!