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Purging -"The Red Cardinal"

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Original 7/4/2018 Post

Donna M
11:24:45 AM

Morgellons - NOT TOO FAR AWAY

I decided that I need to start my own thread about my journey, which I will write very soon and explain why I chose to name it "The Red Cardinal". However this post will be about something that happened to me last night.

I didn't take my WPS until 1:00 a.m. although I had taken Magnifizyme and MSM at bedtime. I seem to procrastinate taking my evening dose and am not sure why. But a couple hours after taking my other supplements, I began to feel slight itching which usually means "granules" or fibers are purging. Lately it has been mostly on my upper chest but honestly I hadn't had any purging in quite a few days. However last night, it was in a new place - my neck. The purging escalated after I took the WPS.

I was discouraged somewhat but trying to be positive thought that maybe this could be a good thing. After all the three small raised bumps on my face as well as the two small ones on my chest are going away. These are just as I describe, red closed bumps not open lesions. Putting liquid stevia on them a couple of times a day really has helped.

Well, after talking with Mel, we came to the conclusion that this could be a very good thing. Because it was in a "new" area, it could be that a pocket of bio-film had been attacked by the supplements and released because they had nowhere to go. Most of the other areas of my body that I have experienced purging in the past have stopped - my hands legs and arms. I also remember my acupuncturist/rife therapist telling me that the head area, bowels and urinary tract are the exit meridians of the body and these areas are the ones that I am still purging from. So although it is purging - it is a very good thing. As Mel, would say "Better out than in".

Happy 4th of July!

Responses (Newest First)

9:02:56 AM


Hey Donna,

Somehow I have overlooked reading your updates on this thread. I went back to August and began reading.

I love the inspirational and lovely things you posted concerning Red Cardinals and your experiences with them.

You have been so steadfast in your determination to get well.

You have been at the Saturday conference calls and the Sunday prayer calls, always taking part and encouraging others.

You have been so careful with your diet and have faithfully taken the protocol.

You have purchased coaching so that Mel could help you through questions and tough spots.

It has been such a pleasure to see you getting better, and now here you are in the 90's, soon to do a happy dance.

I know you are thrilled to be spending more time with your family and your grandkids.

Mel has talked about you having white and blue suede sneakers, Karen said you should dip them in liquid gold when you are well.

I am hoping you will have a pair of cardinal red sneakers to do the happy dance in by Christmas :-)

Hebrews 12:11 (NIV)

11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.


9:22:53 AM

Morgellons - Purging -"The Red Cardinal"

Hi Donna,

Since you got tested again, it has been on my mind lately what improvement would be seen with this last batch. It's amazing how much your immunity has risen and that you have a double confirmation with your body showing signs of fighting a virus. I'm glad that it's gone up as much as it has. It seems like you've flipped on your immune system switch and that it's now doing its job again. That's wonderful news and I'm sure it'll mean a wonderful Christmas for you this year. So get started with your decorating plans! I hope that you might be able to put up the tree this year with the train for your grandbabies..

It would be really good if you would post the websites you found that explains why people with Lyme never get sick. It is a very hard thing to explain to people, and can be very confusing. I think for the most part that when we are sick with a cold or flu virus, the symptoms we get are actually the symptoms of our bodies fighting it, and that the lack of symptoms show that there is no fighting. So what happens? We are somehow catching the cold or flu virus, but our bodies deal with it in a less effective and aggressive manner, in which case we don't show any symptoms of our bodies fighting. However even though we have this cold or flu virus, we don't completely succumb to it. It almost seems like there's a Plan B “backup” immune system silently at work. It's pretty interesting though and I would like to learn more about it by reading these websites that you found. It would be great to have a clearer understanding so that I can better explain it to others when asked about it.

I once prayed to God that He would cause my faith to grow legs so that it could walk on water. I believe through these trials, our faith is refined and made stronger. But the process can be so hard, and so long. But I do know that I've become more patient as a result of these trials and that the Bible equates patience to perfection. So there is fruit that comes with our suffering. Fruit that will cause us to become more like our Lord, and to be more effective Christians. I pray that we all who are going through these many trials will come through them with an abundance of fruit (a hundredfold).


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