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Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update

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Original 1/1/2019 Post

11:55:46 AM

Morgellons - Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year! For some of us 2019 will be the year we receive final healing from our journey or at the very least much better health. This will be a long post so I apologize in advance.

My 2018 was not an easy one to say the least. To quote Charles Dickens, "It was the worst of times, it was the best of times"

Let me start with "It was the worst of times". I started experiencing symptoms in early October of 2017. I would awake from a sound sleep with intense itching and biting sensations on my stomach and purging granules. Thinking it was everything from lice, fleas (although my beloved Yorkie had died 6 months before) or bedbugs, I bathed in lice shampoo, sprayed my home, covered my mattress, etc. At this time I had a social engagement that I couldn't get out of so I bathed head to toe in lice shampoo, washed and dried my clothes with everything I could think of and ironed them as added precaution. Most of all I prayed that all the people that hugged me that weekend would be spared from whatever I had. For whatever its worth, I know of no one that caught it, thank God!

Still no relief in sight, I contacted an exterminator. Needless to say, he could find nothing. Then I took samples of what I was finding to a DIY exterminator store. He could find nothing and to my dismay said "Go home and relax, enjoy a glass of wine and a soak in the tub". I also sent samples of what I was finding in my home and on me to a state university. I never received any response. I even quit my part time job, stopped sleeping with husband, seeing my children and grandchildren etc. for fear of being contagious.

My family pressured me to see a doctor. I went to my PCP and brought him samples of what I was finding on me and in my home. He prescribed permethrin cream which did not help. Returning to him, he asked if I had been out of the country. Bless him, as he did not believe I was crazy and said he would get to the bottom of my problem. He ordered blood work, stool samples, ultrasounds and x-rays which all came back normal. At that point he referred me to a dermatologist. The appointment wasn't until the first week in December.

I pretty much had figured out that I had M through research and using a microscope, but was hoping I was wrong. On my own, I got an appointment with another dermatologist. She was in her 80's - I kid you not, but I thought she may be more open-minded. Was I wrong! After showing her samples which was a big mistake, she diagnosed me with Acarophobia which is a fear of insects (similar to Delusional Parasitosis). I was livid and reacted as such. She left the room to write up prescriptions, and my husband calmed me down and said you are only confirming her diagnosis. He was right, so I left with the prescriptions and didn't fill them because they were psychotic meds.

In November, my sister, who knew I was sick, insisted I join them at their camp for Thanksgiving. I had been taking supplements that I read about, doing everything in my power to get rid of this. I did go and told everyone, I had been sick so I could avoid hugs. I only sat on one wooden stool and slept in a hotel. I covered the hotel bed with plastic tablecloths and brought my own blanket and prayed that would prevent me from spreading it to anyone.

December 2017 was a turning point. I went to see the 2nd dermatologist, who although did extensive blood testing and skin punch samples. She prescribed minocycline to help with the few lesions I had. It did help a little. When she called me to give me the last results, I mentioned that I had read about Morgellons and could this be a possibility. She quickly shut down that theory as she said she didn't believe it existed but then proceeds to tell me that she doesn't know what is making me so uncomfortable. Really!?

The turning point - I had ordered Kleen Green from Cathee, which had helped. She said that she had a great deal of people that experience the same things that I did. She suggested Mel's website and I quickly said that the website scared me. Apparently I had confused it with another website. Not long after this, my husband said that I needed to find some type of protocol because just experimenting with everything I was reading was not good. That led me back to Mel's website. I sent an email and to my surprise, Mel called me. I ordered the protocol and decided to wait until January 1st to start. My son, called and said "Mom, start it now, don't wait". I began the protocol on December 24, 2017 - my Christmas present to myself.

The best of times - 2018. I started noticing improvement very soon. My environment has slowly improved. I could go into more detail, but this post is already quite long so I'll just leave it at that. I have gone through many ups and downs, cried many tears, and prayed constantly. As I continue my journey, the tears are less and the praying and my relationship with God has increased. Through a dear friend in this community (Karen) I was able to find a doctor who recognized M in April, 2018. She confirmed, with my husband present, that I had Lyme and Morgellons. My immediate family believes me, although they truly don't understand it. Even though they believe me, it has not by no means been easy. A very special person to me does believe I have Lyme, but refuses to believe I have M - "I need psychological/psychiatric help". They don't understand all my precautions, symptoms, etc. - they just want the woman that I was, back in their lives.

I want to be back in their lives, like I was too. I welcomed a third granddaughter in May. I have only held her a few times mainly because of my own fear, which I am slowly working through. These granddaughters are my life! Thank you Karen, for all your tips in today's post. However, through the grace and mercy of our Lord, the protocol, Mel's coaching and genuine concern, the friendship of this community, acupuncture/rife treatments, prayers and healing blessings from a very special priest, I am on the way to complete healing. Although I wanted to complete this journey in 2018, I know that 2019 will be my year.

I know I am in much better health and just need to put on a little weight. I forgot to mention that I have lost 40 pounds and am quite thin. Ha Ha, never thought I would have that problem especially since the last five years before M I was always try to lose weight. The good news is after one year on the protocol, I am so close to finally being rid of it. If I can do it, anyone can. Is it easy? No! Is it worth all the hard work, ups and downs, and heartache? Absolutely Yes!

My sneakers are still on and I am still running towards that finish line!

May God bless you all with healing and I pray that 2019 be your best year yet!



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11:03:04 AM

Morgellons - Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update

Hi Donna,

I'm so very happy for you. You have traveled the difficult path and now you're seeing the light. It won't be long now Friend!



10:37:23 AM

Morgellons - Purging "The Red Cardinal" One Year Update

Hi Donna,

It is fantastic that you are doing so well. The toes of your sneakers are right there, just in front of the 100% mark, getting ready to cross the finish line.

Whenever I talk to you, I can hear in your voice that you are almost completely well. You always sound so healthy and happy.

I'm glad you are able to spend time enjoying your precious granddaughters and your family without fear.

Thank you for being such a kind and caring friend to me and to so many others in this community.

God bless,


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