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Renewal is Happening

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Original 7/7/2024 Post

3:18:44 PM

Morgellons - Renewal is Happening

Dear All,

I never had a garden before. I love flowers and this time of year is wonderful for flowers!!

I have to my amazement grown six Rose bushes, peach, pink, light purple, yellow, orange and red colours. It's a delight to see the vibrant shades of colour and to smell the sweet scent. The red Roses their petals are like Velvet.

I have lavender it's scent is lovely, it's colour beautiful. I have lilac freesias and purple Allium flowers big orbs of purple! The bumble bees love the nectar of those purple orbs and can often be found there! I love bumble bees too:-).

I have a Cistus Plant who's petals are the deepest pink. She renews her flowers daily, sometimes the plant has forty vibrant little pink flowers a day in the height of summer.Then every night her petals fall, like a delicate fluttering carpet on the ground. Only for her flowers to be renewed and grow up again the very next day. And the next and the next.....

It's a funny story as I thought at first my Cistus Plant was stressed out as her flowers fell off every night. I talked to her, patted her leaves and asked her what was wrong? Ha who says us toxic disease sufferer's are crazy :-).

Anyway, one day I phoned the nearest garden centre and I asked the horticulturalist about the Cistus being stressed. Well she said, "your plant isn't stressed it's meant to shed it's flowers daily and renew daily." Well I never ...I laughed out loud at me assuming this plant was poorly and I wasn't doing right by her somehow. I thought she had a weakened immunity. When in fact she was doing just what she was supposed to do:-). Isn't that something!!!

And there's something quite beautiful about the Cistus Plant showing up every day with vibrant pink delicate tissue petals and flowers. Then she falls away and renews, falls away then renews.

The Cistus Plant made me think of us in our community. How our immunity works for us day in and day out. We renew slowly but surely every day, shedding old skin and renewing with new skin. The bio terrain within also, as we go through our healing journey renews the good bacteria and lessens the bad. Unlike the Cistus Plant we cant always see what's going on behind the scenes, but it's happening.

But like the Cistus Plant we all show up for ourselves every single day. No matter what the weather. And believe me the Cistus Plant can get a battering in the harsh Scottish wind or rain even in summer. We don't have an easy journey either. But we work through it all come rain or shine. And we don't give up. And we Renew too on a daily basis bit by bit...

So I think that my Cistus Plant is a reminder of the miracle of being alive. We do all the time cleanse ourselves of the old and welcome in the new. We get revitalised from the nutrients in the Protocol and good food and water. Just as the Cistus is nurtured by the soil and fertiliser and the sun. And we should all at times turn our faces up to the Sun, not unlike petals do:-). As Sunlight can be warming and nurturing to body, mind and spirit.

Just remember and never forget, you Got this, you are Renewing. Your Renewal may not be as obvious as the Cistus Plant or as quick. But it is happening.

Love Chrissie

Responses (Newest First)

8:17:13 AM

Morgellons - Renewal is Happening

Your words and flowers are beautiful !

My mom had a greenhouse Daddy built for her and I always had to herto go in and out, because she wasn’t able too.

She loved all her flowers, talked to them moved to turn them to be the best they could be.

Her children and grandchildren have followed in her footsteps. I tell them all mama sure would love what y’all are doing.

The simple things are the things we enjoy the most. So many things remind us of great memories.

Kiss Holly for me

8:49:54 AM

Morgellons - Renewal is Happening

Hi Chrissie

I'm happy to know that you are enjoying a greater degree of health in your life. To read your post about your gardening found me smiling.

So "Thank you Chrissie," for continuing to bring hope to the afflicted. You are a true blessing!
