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Original 8/9/2023 Post

10:29:13 AM


Hello Everyone and Welcome,

I have said that repetition is part of restoration is a reality to me that I have come to embrace.

I have seen over the fourteen years of our website existence that everyone learns in their own time.

I have also seen a constant flow of new people.

Remember that brain fog also rears it's ugly head fighting toxic diseases

Repetition is part of the SUM OF THE PARTS, Restoration is the GOAL!!!

So if you were wondering why you may see posts numerous times, those are the reasons!

God bless you all,

Responses (Newest First)

8:57:16 AM

Morgellons - By George, I believe she gets it!
By George, I believe she gets it!

I know I have brought this up before, but it cannot be reminded enough that is in alignment with the importance of getting well.

As repetition is important to continue to do what you do, it is just the same in my eyes, as being maintaining repetitive daily schedule. Simple?!!?

Many studies have proven that learning to maintain a daily schedule has multiple impacts not just on our mind, our productivity, but our physical well-being too.

Just a couple to name a few, but once you Google it, of course you’ll find many reasons behind why it’s proven to be helpful.

Here are just a few….

It makes decision-making easier, eliminates uncertainties, and builds healthy habits to manage your time and energy better. It can be a part of productivity planning and goal management. Scheduling enables you to prioritize important tasks and identify potential time wasters.

When you think about how that would align with our now daily schedules for the battles we face, it gives us all the more reason to keep a daily schedule. Always be sure to pray and meditate, be respectful for your healing, and be consistent with a daily schedule and journal! (and time is everything!)

I hope this helps.

11:28:26 AM

Morgellons - Our Forum is a Lending Library to Help Restore Your Health!
Our Forum is a Lending Library to Help Restore Your Health!


Such a great form of alliteration, "Repetition, Restoration".... It was the constant understanding and revisiting the "Sum of the Parts" and establishing a routine which ultimately lead me to restoring my health.

There is so much valuable information on this website, it can be overwhelming. Thank you for re-posting important information for us to revisit and the for newbies to read.

I pray for all to persevere with the new knowledge gained through this website while being part of this community.

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:5

In Christ,