FreddieBean 1/4/2020 9:20:06 AM | Thanks Leslie As you can tell I am an animal lover and most of the stories that I tell or are publishable are about animals. Back in the 90s I visited a friend who showed me what she had found in a bucket of clothes that she had been soaking over night, it was a bat the poor little thing was still in the bucket as my friend was to scared to get it out, so I got the little mite out and gave it a swill under the tap to wash off the soap suds, dried and then popped it into a box, the bat protection collected it, 3 days later it was released under the cover of darkness :) Mel!!! is that your drone hovering outside my kitchen window?! ;) Freddie x | ||||||
Leslie 1/3/2020 9:12:48 AM | Hi FreddieBean, What a great story! Pastor Leslie | ||||||
Freddie 1/1/2020 9:04:05 AM | Hi There :) I am hoping Mel will change the heading to "What's in your Pocket" As I have another story this time, as some of you know I am from a farming back ground and my father had many things in his pockets and I use to dread the words " go and get it from my jacket pocket" apart from chaff and bailing string he had a cows horn and rabbits and a chickens foot . Anyway this one day I heard those dreaded words this time he was wearing his jacket well that frightened me more, I knew there was something new in there and I was such a whimp nothing was going to make me put my hand in there! OK my father said hold out your hand and close your eyes, oh my goodness I was shaking thinking I must not scream, I must not scream (he hated whimpish behaviour, so I did what he asked and suddenly there was something furry in my hand I opened my eye and squealed with joy it's a kitten! Nope that was no kitten it was a badger, I was so disappointed, as all I ever wanted was a kitten and all I get was a smelly badger! My job was to bring this orphan badge along until it was big enough to be released, this was nothing new to me we were always given sick and orphan animals to either to be put down or bring on I had rabbits, a jackdaw, a fox, ferrets and in later life I have had feral cats, ducks, chickens, wild birds and even mice yes I will save anything as there are all god creatures, thankfully we in England don't have any real nasty creatures that would harm us. Freddie x | ||||||
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