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Original 11/4/2024 Post

Neecy Perry
1:14:16 AM

Morgellons - Not necessary
Not necessary

I’m sorry I missed Saturday’s Q and A, and Church and fellowship Sunday!
I finally found a place to live! God
Blessed me with a trailer on the Lake
under the dam; where anyone that
is a die hard fisherman like me knows
your going to be catching huge Stripe
and Catfish! The trailer needs work
but I feel that Jesus has something
Great planned! He loves to show up
and show out! And, Mel thank you so
much for your kindness last Sunday!
I got off the phone and cried like a
baby, of course, but it was for joy
and I praised God for you all, especially
you, Mel, for making me feel at home
I’m praying for you all and others!
God bless you all, in Jesus Name!

Responses (Newest First)

9:03:01 AM

Morgellons - Sorry!

Dear Neecy,

I am so glad that you found a home:-). How are you settling in now and how is your health?

It would be lovely if you could join us on Sunday Prayer call and let us know how you are, If you are able.

It is good that you have been able to cry Healing Tears. I hope you are doing well health wise.

Please reach out to the community. We want to be there for you!

Ha the title of this post is, "Sorry!" You know never say Sorry as it will encourage Mel to reach for something naughty but nice to eat!! That's his excuse and he's sticking to it :-).

Mel always says we never need say sorry regards anything here. We just need to show up for ourselves, when we can, in the best way that we can:-).

God Bless,

7:09:04 AM


Dear Neecy

I am very happy to read in your post that you have found a new home. And its such a blessing to read that you have landed in a place where you can pursue your love of fishing! God is so good ....and even when we think He is late, it turns out that He is "always on time."

Please keep us informed in future posts of your new journey moving forward. You become a wonderful blessing to this community when you share your burdens through being engaged with posting in this forum. So i pray that you stay the course, and that you remain cemented in the truth of the science here demonstrated through this protocol and our guiding priciples. Your remission lies ahead!

Strength and Love,