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Square foot gardening

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Original 5/3/2023 Post

11:03:28 AM

Morgellons - Square foot gardening

Hello everyone,

It is good for people who are on this journey to get well to have some hobbies to focus on besides just staying busy with life in general. I know Mel has talked about gardening a lot before, so I know there is interest as Ruth Ann, Teddy, and others participated on gardening calls before.

I'm starting a garden this year. A neighbor gave me a book called Square Foot Gardening by another Mel, Mel Bartholomew. I've started growing plants from seeds in my garage under lights and will plant them in the garden I'm setting up outside in the evenings this week and this weekend. This is a great book and resource for anyone with limited space or just someone starting out. Apparently, you can get quite the harvest from just a 4 x 4 space if planned out well. I have planned 2 4x4 spaces with about 4 feet in between. I will share more later, but a few things I've planted include watermelon, cantaloupe, asparagus, tomatoes, strawberries, squash, zucchini, onions, green beans, and bell peppers. I don't have the layout and list in front of me now so I will have to fill you in more later. It has been really fascinating too for the kids to help out and watch the plants grow. I am hoping this will get them interested in actually trying some of what we grow so they can improve their diet. More pics to come later too.


Responses (Newest First)

8:25:03 AM

Morgellons - Square foot gardening

What a great thread!

I took over an allotment plot in September and it's been really enjoyable working on it. It has been fallow for six years and does have couch grass and bind weed on it, but I've been digging out the roots and nourishing the soil with leaf mulch and buried food scraps.

With the winter frost and perma rain, I've not been able to do much work on it the last few weeks/month and I got to say I miss it a lot.

What are you planning on seeding in January?

8:27:09 AM

Morgellons - Square foot gardening

Hi everyone,

Here is an update on my square foot garden:

I finally got around to putting up the fencing to keep the deer away. I never really had a problem other than a couple of times I noticed something had been in there.

In the spring I planted from seed, but for the fall I planted these plants that Lowe's had which includes cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, red romaine, green romaine, and some leftover celery that never produced from the summer.

My next project is getting a compost er and learning how to compost to add more nutrients to the mixture of vermiculite, compost, and peat moss that I have so far.

The main things that did well in the summer were grape tomatoes and green beans.

I also had one small pumpkin grow and ripen to orange just in time for Halloween.

I hope everyone can get some seeds or a plant or two and experiment with beginning to grow some of their own food. Now is the perfect time to plan ahead on paper and do your research for your spring garden.

Farmer Dale

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