Mimi 11/13/2019 3:28:46 PM | Hello friends, fellow warriors, I haven't checked in for rather a long while, so I thought I would send out an update. My youngest child, age 11, had shown some signs of the disease last summer when she felt itchiness in her private parts and scalp. I was distraught and terrified--nearly out of mind with fear. After discussing this with Mel We immediately changed her diet, and I put her on flora and anti-candida, twice a day (both daughters are on this). I would spray her with wps at night which eliminated the itchiness. The big challenge for her was eliminating sugar and carbs from her diet--she was a girl who always relished carbs such as breads, rice, pasta and sweets. My husband and I are very proud of her, and very relieved--she has made tremendous progress in changing her diet, and she now feels much improved, with no itchiness. Thank you, dear Lord. She is looking forward to going back to having sweets and breads again one day, but I am not letting her do that for a very long time, if ever. Of course, I did not tell her anything about this disease, but I explained to her that the itchiness she felt was due to the sugar. that she had a yeast overgrowth in her body, and this is made her feel itchy. This made sense to her, and did not frighten her. She also sleeps well, and exercises regularly, which have contributed to her recovery. I am in my 14th month on the protocol, and have gone down from 7 drops morning and evening (14 total), to 6 and 6 (12 total.) In addition to the protocol, I take the Regen collagen powder, and the Magnifigreens. Looking back over the last 14 months, I see that my progress has gone forward in a way that is much like that of the humble inchworm, Tu-tok. In the native American legend, Tu-tok is finally chosen amongst all the mighty, and powerful animals to climb up a huge sheer granite mountain (El Capitan, in Yosemite) to rescue two Grizzly bear cubs who have fallen asleep there. The inchworm takes many weeks to make progress..days and nights, and seasons, pass by. Rain, wind, sleet and snow assail the little guy, so he must hunker down, and halt his progress. Sometimes he slips down a few feet on the sheer rock face as elements assault him, but he resolutely re-gains his foothold. Slowly, slowly, he inches his way up..never looking up, never looking down so he won't get discouraged, or frightened. He just keeps on climbing, day after day, looking only at the path right ahead of him. From a distance, it looks as if he isn't moving at all, and that is how it feels to him, too. But one day, he reaches the top of the mountain, and the bears are rescued! I am different from the inchworm in that I have, on a few festive occasions, and while on vacation, gone walkabout...and went off my diet in a big way. I realize, in retrospect, that my biggest hurdle is myself, and my tendency to want to celebrate with food when I start feeling really wonderful. Last summer, I felt so marvelous, healthy and well, that I fooled myself into thinking I could take a break from the diet, and that it wouldn't affect me. It didn't appear to affect me...for a while. But the effect is cumulative, and it can take a while to show up. So, I have learned that lesson the hard way. Now that I'm back on track, I understand (truly, this time) that .We can never wean ourselves off the diet or protocol until Mel gives the green light. I am impatient, as we all are, to done and rid of this. But rushing it has only prolonged my battle. So, please don't make the same mistakes I have made! The protocol works--but it is the sum of the parts, critically, that must be followed in order to get well. I also made the mistake of becoming too busy and stressed--trying to work too much, and not sleep and rest enough. Ugh! I paid for that, too. I made the most progress when I followed all the sum of the parts--my diet was strict, and low-carb, with lots of fresh and steamed veggies, exercise and fresh air almost every day, enough sleep and naps when needed. I have gone from thinking I was at 85% to now thinking I am more like 75%. My progress has always been rather jerky and confusing--a really bad day with itchiness and movement will be followed by weeks of feeling absolutely wonderful with zero symptoms. Perhaps it is a mini battle being waged between my immune system and M. But then, perhaps on a full moon, or after a night of not-enough sleep, or a mystery sauce slipped into a dish at a restaurant I am very particular about ordering dishes with nothing on them, but sometimes the kitchen gets it wrong) will cause me to will have another not-so-terrific day, with mild crawling, or a few stinging sensations. Overall, though, thanks to Mel, John B's supplements, and God I am tremendously improved from the beginning-- - my hair loss stopped, and my hair is thick and shiny again - intense itchiness of certain 'hot' spots--upper left shoulder blade, and left eyebrow, are gone - large non-healing lesions have been gone for the past 12 months--occasional single pin-prick red spot or fake pimple - scars from lesions have miraculously disappeared for the most part - brain fog is vastly diminished (Magnifigreens is helping!) - I have returned to my normal, ideal weight--gained back 7 pounds while on the same low-carb diet (I had lost about 40 pounds). My body is processing the food differently now that I am getting better. Before, I could not put any weight on no matter how much I ate, it seemed. - energy levels have returned to near normal--I can work all day, exercise, run up and down stairs, lift weights, ride my bike, go for long walks and hikes--none of which was possible for me at the beginning - stubborn toenail fungus on a single toe has cleared up after being there for several years - purging of tiny sand-like grit has slowed down, to just one or two granules now and then - mild rosacea has disappeared - Acid reflux (which was pretty bad for several years) has completely disappeared - Sleep apnea has improved to the point where I may not need a cpap machine anymore - My skin feels softer and smoother--I think this is due to the Regen powder. Lovely side benefit! ;-) - I am able to sleep much better now--I can fall asleep quickly, and stay asleep all night. This was not possible for me for several years prior to getting sick with M. - Severe anxiety is gone. Even when I have a bad day, I know I am slowly, slowly getting there. - The bad days are very few, and very far apart now...weeks apart. - My elderly dog and cat do not appear to be showing any signs of the disease, happily. I give them wps (2 drops a day) in their water bowl. They don't seem to mind it at all. Ups and downs are unavoidably part of the journey we are on. But I intend to hang onto the face of this rock, like Tu-tok, until I have reached the summit!! I am living proof of it, as are many others who are getting better, or who have been cured here by Mel! love you all, Maria | ||||||
Jamie 10/31/2019 12:56:36 PM | Hello, Maria! You and I have chatted MANY times about how wonderful Mel is and how much he has done for both of us Massachusetts gals! You and I have also talked at length about how we both feel that God created a pathway for both of us to land at Mel’s doorstep. [Well, we did not actually land at his real doorstep, even though he probably feels like he has people knocking on his door at all hours of every day!] Hopefully, Mel sees a boost in his coaching money so that he does not have to stress himself out with a part-time job. That makes me so sad to think of Mel, in his mid-seventies, working another job when he had just started to be able to take some days off from the forum. I hope we all can rally around him. Jamie | ||||||
mimi 11/13/2019 3:28:46 PM | Hi friends, I was very sorry, shocked and sad to learn that Mel has been hurt and betrayed recently by a few people whom he helped. Mel's life purpose is to help others restore their health Period. How many of us would be capable of doing what he is doing??! Most people cannot wait to move on with their lives once they are well...most would want to put all this behind them, and never look back. And who would blame them? What a bizarre, mysterious and frightening nightmare this disease is! But Mel is different. Years after recovering, through painful trial and error, from this dread disease, he continued to faithfully help any and all who find him. He does this not for profit, because he would certainly be making more money for a lot less effort at just about anything else. Rather, he does this for the glory of God, because he knows God saved him. Yes, Mel can be a bit rough at times..but hey, he's from New York, and he's a hockey player! God made him tough because he had to be, to survive the various extreme trials in his life. But his heart is pure gold, and is always in the right place. With so many of us needing him, calling him at all hours, he is harried, and overworked, and that can make anyone cranky. So yes, sometimes he is short-tempered, but his dedication to helping us never fails. Mel always returns phone calls, he always talks to us, even when it's his day off. He is tireless in his efforts to constantly find ways to improve the protocol, improve the website, and reach more people. He cheers us up on the conference calls with his little jokes, contests, and educates us with wonderful guest speakers such as John and Cathee, Robert Scott Bell and others. He is kind and supportive to each and every one of us, regardless of our ability to pay...Mel makes us feel human, and hopeful again, by making this community possible. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God brought me to Mel's website after weeks of fruitless searching, praying and crying every night...and it is thanks to Mel and God that I am alive, and feeling better and better with each passing day. I will be forever grateful and indebted to Mel for many things. Not just for my life, but also for the lessons he has taught me about truly serving God, and about being selfless, and giving. I would not be where I am today without Mel's one-on-one coaching... He has kept me sane, laughing, and on the right path, all these months. It benefits us, and though it does not come close to providing recompense to Mel for all that he has gives to us, it is one small thing we can do. love, Maria | ||||||
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