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Talking Dog

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Original 4/26/2023 Post

9:00:41 PM

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Hi Everyone :

That dog in the pool in the thread just for fun was so funny Mel , it got me started, and I found this one .. Has anyone ever been here.? I couldn't resist posting this LOL .

I've found some pretty good substitutes for the standard products in the market...
There are a lot of good items on Amazon. I'll Post them later when I have more time..

I'm loving this transition that I thought was so difficult but am finding once I replace the necessities for cooking with Healthy Ones , it becomes so much easier..

I'm finding healthy gravy recipes made with coconut flour , Wow just takes searching out recipes with the right ingredients. So I'm having fun with this and I am feeling quite encouraged. : )..

I can't figure out how to post the pictures and links so the link below is the funny video I wanted to share with everyone..

Hope everyone is doing Well !!
This is the link , just click or you can copy and paste in your search on your browser , hope it takes you to the right video..

God Bless Everyone...

Responses (Newest First)

Holly and Chrissie
8:55:53 AM

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Hello everyone,

He's enjoying his protein and vegetable and staying away from the carbs!!!:-)

If this lil pup can do it so can you

Love Holly n Chrissie
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