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Thank You Peter

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Original 10/14/2023 Post

3:19:53 PM

Morgellons - Thank You Peter

Hi All ,

Just a quick Thank you to Peter for
All the wonderful insight and support
Along with very helpful and informative
Answers to all the Great questions we
Had today , also a Huge Thank you to
Mel as well for putting together these
Wonderful calls each week !!

I want to personally Thank Peter for
Helpful insight and solutions to my own
Personal issues that I have difficulty with
Currently.. since having COVID a couple
Of years ago along with this disease and
It's co-infections I have been presented
With new challenges that were not there
Before Covid , so all the information that
Will help me to recover my health from
All these things with the added brain fog
COVID adds to the mix is appreciated
Beyond words !! God Bless you Peter for
Being so kind and helping all of us with
Your research and expertise you so graciously
Bring to the table !!

I see clearly today that I am on course and
Doing all I can to restore all the functions of
The body currently, and looking forward
To learning more with time .. the learning
Process is important to my own recovery
And perhaps I will be able to offer what
I have learned to someone else who is
In need of help ..
So A Huge Thank you to All !!

Another question I've been askedLately is how to heal from the vax , which
John B has provided some good suggestions For, but I am always open for more alternative
Solutions to that question , I know that Will be helping many as the question Arises ... I want to be there for family when They need answers , nothing is really more Important !!

Thanks to all today , and looking forward To more knowledge as time goes on ...

God Bless!!!

Responses (Newest First)

9:27:46 AM

Morgellons - You are one cool cat! Professor
You are one cool cat! Professor

Hello Peter ,

I just wanted to thank you for the Encouraging words, thank you Peter
For reaching out to all of us, so nice To have you join us, you are the blessing !

Looking forward to learning from you As you share what you have learned With us !!

Thanks Again for taking part in all our journeys and helping us along
The way !

God Bless !!

9:05:35 AM

click to expand


The anti viral (discussed on Mel's last call) that will compliment the Logos Monolaurin is called L-Lysine Monohydrochloride.

Logos does not carry this, but it can be safely sourced from a company called "Prescibed For Life." Robert Scott Bell's website may have a discount code for this.

Strength and Love,

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