Amanda R 2/16/2017 9:56:01 AM edit upload | Hello, everyone. I haven't really posted in a while. I am currently on week 11. With this super moon, my skin has been on fire and my stinging sensations have been the worst it has ever been, but I think it's because my skin is really dry. You do have to use chemical free lotions and try to keep your skin from being dry. My skin is very dry and rough, so I ordered neem lotion and trying to eat more cucumbers. The crawling sensations are still all over my body but I do notice a difference in my body temperature. I still get chills, but I feel an overall 20 percent improvement in my nervous system. You will feel worse before you get better and oh boy do I. So right now I am having a tough time, because I feel that I haven't made improvements with my skin, but still gotta be positive. I am currently on 8 drops of wps, and it doesn't bother me I am not really scared of anything anymore. My diet is still good, I mainly eat salads and trying to have essential amino acids with legumes, lentils and beans. I eat meat about twice a week, and salads every day. My salads are huge, I try to make sure I mix about 5 to 10 different veggies in order to get different vitamins and minerals in my body. My salads are endless and fill me up for hours. I don't really eat that much and listen to my body when I'm hungry. One thing I do need to get better at, I eat too much almond butter. I spoil myself sometimes, so I have to control my almonds and butter. Everything in moderation and balance. I have been drinking more water, and for some reason I am having a hard time falling asleep. Also my ph seemed to have drop, but stress can effect your ph so maybe thats why it's lower than usual. I wish I could have better news with my body and health, but I have been sick for years so it will take me a longer time to heal oh well. Let's see, with college I love my classes I'm learning so much about the human body. Everyday I try to read at least an hour on health, and learn as much as I can. I'm not worried about school anymore, I see morgellons around me. I keep telling myself what Mel has told us maybe a million times, its everywhere. I'm not as worried anymore, because I have information. We have power when we know what to do, so by learning everything the fear fades. Well here is the hard part, family. I sort have accepted the reality I am in, and learned to do the best I can. I believe my whole family has morgellons, but so does everyone walking and breathing in our toxic air. Mankind, in a way is poison everything we touch ruins the natural properties in nature. So I have accepted this disease, and it's normal to me. I clean, take my vitamins, eat healthy and sleep. It's easier to deal with this, I do wish I could feel better but I still have a while to go. Regarding family, all I can do is guide them and prove to them I can get well and I can beat lyme, morgellons, candida and parasites. I wanted to add how I love every single one of you. You are all warriors and this takes grit. I don't know what I would do without this site. It's a loving community that doesn't judge. Disease doesn't discriminate it doesn't matter how what background you have. I encourage people to reach out and seek support. |
Laura 2/13/2017 10:40:39 AM edit upload | Amanda, WOW; What a beautiful prayer you delivered! Please know we have been and will be; here for you. I honestly believe you must get yourself well before you are able to help your family. So please, please move forward. It is not selfishness but rather love for your family that I say; you must first heal yourself. Think of yourself as the pioneer of this disease, because only then will you be able to help them. I pray God continues to heal you. Hebrews 13:5-8 “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”6 So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” 7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Love you Amanda my sister in Christ! In Christ Love, Laura |
Sarah 2/7/2017 11:29:58 AM | Hi Amanda - I am new to this site and so incredibly relieved to have found it..as we all are. Are you in the Denver/Boulder area? I noticed your area code from one of the calls. I'm in Denver, so if you're anywhere close by, I'd love to connect with you sometime if you'd be up for it? I will ask Mel to give you my number. One of the reasons I'd love to connect offline is that I'm having major issues with my family also. Most of them have a medical background and after hopefully winning the battle proving I don't have delusional parasitosis, I am still battling the treatment protocol that I have chosen. I don't have time for science to catch up and we clearly know that antibiotics haven't been successful in treating morgellons. They want me to follow antibiotic therapy and they think sites like this are just taking advantage of the sick...which couldn't be further from the truth. It's the best support system that I have right now. The stress my disease has brought my family is off the charts and I feel terrible about it. As a result, no one in my family will allow me to live with them anymore. I was staying with my parents temporarily while dealing with a God awful 8 month trial in Cape Town over the death of my husband who was killed shark diving in South Africa in 2008. We all thought at the time that it was most likely severe stress and I was just coming unraveled. I left my parents house in 2014 when I started developing skin sores and crawling sensations. This was after going to dermatologists, urgent care, primary care and was told by all of them that I was delusional..which I knew and still know that I'm not. I was trying all sorts of home remedies, taking baths, trying various shampoos and ointments. My parents got really frustrated with me and told me I was imagining things, to stop wasting my money on home remedies and to get a job and stop focusing on the biting/itching/crawling. So, after the shit hit the fan on more than one occasion, I moved back to CO since I thought it was one of the best ways to diffuse some of the stress. Unfortunately, that made the stress and support from my family even worse. I was finally diagnosed with Lyme in Feb 2016 as well as some other lovely co-infections including morgs. So, considering you are having some luck with getting some of your family members on board, I thought you'd be willing to chat with me since I'm not having any luck with my own family. I have to admit that I'm very impressed and inspired by you having to deal with this while in college. My hat goes off to you for handling all of this with such grace. Please let your family know I said that! :) And, glad your brother believes you. I am going to start my own thread later today and look forward to connecting with you soon. |
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