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Things that may help

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Original 4/12/2023 Post

8:43:46 AM

Morgellons - Things that may help

Hello everyone,

I have found these items to be very affective.
The spray bottles works great with the WPS. It sprays like an aerosol can and you can get completely sprayed down in seconds. It comes in 3 sizes, I buy the medium size for the WPS. You can find them at Sally’s beauty supply.

The beauty skin cloths by Salux are very mild and help remove the biofilm. I cut them in half and wash them with the towels. I buy them on amazom.
I hope this helps on fighting this disease!

God bless!

Responses (Newest First)

9:03:31 AM



Thanks for the tip on the bottles and cloths. I tried cheap bottles from Dollar Tree and they have a cheap piece in the inside of the top that kept dissolving into the wps and Kleen Green solution so I had to replace them frequently. I just ordered those bottles you described from Amazon, I hope they are the same quality as the ones from Sally’s.


thanks for the tips on the oil mixture. I have tried a similar mixture. The oregano oil really burns so anyone that tries it may need to make sure they dilute it enough.

The Miracle treatment of spraying wps, letting it dry, spraying Kleen green and letting it dry, and then putting liquid stevia drops on and letting it dry helps too. With rubbing in between to help massage it in the skin and get any biofilm or fibers out.

Alaffia coconut lotion seems to work well too.

If only there was a quick fix. With the sum of the parts cleaning our bodies from the inside out taking time it’s good to share these techniques to help with providing relief for the outer symptoms.

Hold steady until the storm passes,


8:23:33 AM


Hi Mark!

Thanks so much for sharing. I know that essential oils are extremely helpful with our skin!! Please let me recommend that you trying putting on the essential oils with pure coconut oil or coconut lotion.

Using water only can with essential oils can irritate your skin. It’s totally your call, I just wanted you to know that adding essential oils to straight water can actually increase the depth into the skin, which isn’t always bad, but when you use that much at once it continually can be very irritating.

I really find it helpful to wait for treating the skin with essential oils after I apply to Kleen Green first and let it dry. Then use essential oils with your choice of lotion or oil. It will help very much!

Another great combo would be to use oregano, with clove, tea tree and lavender or you could also try lemongrass. I hope you find this helpful!

Wishing you the best!

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