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Thinking of you all!

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Original 8/18/2023 Post

3:45:02 PM

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Hello All,

I Hope everyone has had a good week!

Each day is so different for me, I never know what I will feel like doing so I just go with the flow!

You can read so many different things about this and people post things on other sites that can confuse you, that is why it is better to stay with one commitment protocol.

I Hope everyone can find the food they need to help them get better. I know you can order it or
if you are near or live in a large town they have many more stores.

Because of what is going on in the world, you never know what the stores will have anymore, plus the prices go, containers are getting smaller and stores are closing
But we all know God will provide, so keep the faith! God’s word always has the answer!

Again I say, there is so much information on this site and I am thankful for the people that helps us stop on top things.

Go, slow & steady and stay on the right path!

We all need encouragement and answers and you will find them here!!

Hope to hear your voices on the calls Saturday & Sunday!!!

May God bless us all,