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Tracy's Devotional

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10:43:43 AM

Morgellons -


Since we have a great High Priest . . . , Jesus the Son of
God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess . . . Let us
then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that
we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:14,16)

Our great Helper in prayer is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our
Advocate, ever pleading our case before the Father. He is
our "great High Priest," whose primary ministry has for
centuries been intercession and prayer on our behalf. It is
He who receives our imperfect petitions from our hands,
cleanses them of their defects, corrects their error, and then claims their answer from His Father. And He does so strictly
on the basis of His worth and righteousness through the
sufficiency of His atonement.
Believer, are you lacking power in prayer? Look to Christ, for your blessed Advocate has already claimed your answer.
And if you give up the fight just as the moment of victory
approaches, you will grieve and disappoint Him. He has already entered "the Most Holy Place" (Ex. 26:33) on your
behalf, holding up your name on the palms of His hands. The
messenger is now on his way to bring you your blessing, and
the Holy Spirit simply awaits your act of trust, so He may
whisper in your heart the echo of the answer from the throne of God, "It is done" (Rev. 21:6) A.B. Simpson
The Holy Spirit is the one who works to make our prayers acceptable, yet we often forget this truth. He enlightens our
mind so we may clearly see our desires, then softens our heart so we may feel them, and finally He awakens and focuses those desires toward godly things. He gives us a clear view of God's power and wisdom, provides grace "in our time of need," and strengthens our confidence in His truth so we will never waver.
Prayer is a wonderful thing, and each person of the Trinity is involved in every acceptable prayer. (J. Angell James)

10:23:37 AM

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I know how thou hast not fainted. Revelation 2:3

I suppose the more perfectly we live in His Presence the
more quickly we shall be aware of Him, and the more clearly
we shall hear Him; but I do know that at any time we may be tested by disappointment, and need to ask God to give us
persistence. And He will not refuse. He understands. He has
told us that He does. And in the end - - - oh, joy of all joys -
we shall hear the Voice we love best in all the world saying to us, even to us, "I know . . . how thou hast not fainted."
(Amy Carmichael)

PRAY ABOUT IT: We have all experienced disappointment
in prayer. But should such disappointment discourage us?
All they really do is demonstrate that we don't see the whole picture of our life as God does. We look at the bottom of the tapestry and see the loose threads. God sees the top, where the beauty resides.
In disappointment, don't faint. Grasp onto God even tighter. Don't let disappointment rob you of God. Let it drive you to Him.

God is telling you, "You think it's all over. You see only
your circumstances - - - failure, ruin, no results. So you
say, 'This is the end.' But I say it is the beginning! I see
the reward that I'm about to pour out on you. I have good
things in mind for you - - - wonderful things. So, stop your
crying!" (David Wilkerson)

10:10:43 AM

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Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for
you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Nothing occurs by accident under the superintendence of
an all-wise and perfectly just God. Nothing happens by
chance in God's moral or natural government. God is a God
of order, a God of law, but none-the-less a superintendent
in the interest of His intelligent and redeemed creatures.
Nothing can take place without the knowledge of God.
(E.M. Bounds)

PRAY ABOUT IT: So often we spend time telling God our
woes - - - and that's alright, He sympathetically listens
while we unload. But just remember: all that you're telling Him isn't news to Him; He's known it all. He is in utter control
of this universe. There has never been one split second when something has happened of which God was unaware.
Such an awareness as we pray should add great
confidence to our petitions. Pray boldly then.

Known unto God are all His ways from the beginning
of the world. (George Whitefield)

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