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Update from Hong Kong

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Original 8/14/2024 Post

7:08:26 AM

Morgellons - Update from Hong Kong

Hi everyone,

Greetings from Hong Kong!

This is a long overdue update on my progress and I also wanted to share some of the things that God has been putting on my heart in this season especially as I get closer to complete healing!

I am doing very well! There was a real shift about 2 months ago when I started soaking my hands and feet in WPS as suggested by Mel. I was purging a lot from these areas and it was difficult because the things that were coming out of me were staying on the things that I was holding onto and touching. for example my phone. This meant I was constantly getting reinfected when I touched things that I had held previously. I found myself in a cycle of constant cleaning to try and manage it, which of course was not sustainable and wearing gloves was only helpful in certain circumstances. But once I started soaking my hands and feet for 10 mins each per day, the purging significantly improved! I also bought a small ozone/UV sterilizer which I use to sanitise things that I use on a daily basis like my phone, keys etc and this has also worked really well. I can share details if that would be helpful - in fact I ordered 1 sterilizer and got sent 2 so I have an extra one I can send to someone who may be struggling with this too. I am happy to report that I am now at a place, after just over a year of being on the protocol, where I am feeling minimal itching and the burning/stinging sensation on my skin is also less intense.

Alongside this I have also been turning to God to do some inner healing which I have come to understand is also a big part of this healing journey. God had been showing me the connection between the condition of my heart and soul and how that manifests in the body as disease. I need to be free from the heartache and trauma that this disease has created in my life and also deal with any other issues that have kept me in a place of bondage spiritually! It has been hard sometimes re-living events that have taken place but I am taking these hurts and pains to God in prayer and He is freeing me from them.

I especially want to encourage those that are new to this forum that this protocol works and with God at the center, he will heal you completely if you allow him to also work on the areas of hurt and pain in your life!

Grateful for all of the encouraging posts and will continue to keep you updated!

God bless,


Responses (Newest First)

8:12:24 AM

Morgellons - Update from Hong Kong

Dear Michelle,

Thank you so much for your very inspiring and uplifting post.

Firstly, it's great to hear you're doing really well!! And how excellent that ten minute feet/ hand soaks in WPS and your ozone/UV steriliser has helped you to now have minimal itch and stinging on skin:-).

It's also great that you are working through the emotional trauma that was caused by this disease, with the help of God. And that you are taking your pain to God through prayer! And with his help and the, 'sum of the parts,' you know that you WILL HEAL!!

Thanks for reaching out and posting! We are all happy for you and your post also helps other people to keep going in their healing journey!

Take the best care,

7:58:48 AM

Morgellons - Update from Hong Kong

Hi Michelle

It's great for folks to have the opportunity to read your update. There is lots of really useful information to contemplate. So "thank you!" It's surely interesting to read about your continuing journey. I especially appreciate that you understand how really useful it is to newbies here to have the benefit to read your ongoing testimony.

Please accept my gratitude to you for providing such compelling hope and for sharing your faith in God. Stay the course!
