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Original 8/8/2023 Post

2:49:31 PM

Morgellons - Weather

hello all,

As they say in South Carolina if you don’t like the weather wait 15 minutes and it will change! It has been true! But the weather also changes how our bodies react!! The rain really makes this stuff a lot more active. Plus the heat makes the humidity so much worse! If we didn’t have a dehumidifier I don’t know what I would do. It really helps the house stay a lot more comfortable! The cold weather helps a lot also, so looking forward to cooler weather.

My dogs just find some where to hide til late in the day. About time you think things are getting better the weather changes! But thank the Lord I haven’t heard of any of our people being in a flood and pray none of us will be!!!

Great calls Saturday and Sunday.So glad we have some new people you are in a great place to get better and heal it just takes time and patience!

Mel will help keep you updated and explain to you about anyone you are dealing with. If he can’t we have some great warriors that can help about food, living quarters, families and friends.Also about clothing and personal hygiene.

Also wonderful people that donate to He Cures All Foundation.
I am so thankful for their help you can donate any amount monthly and it will help!

Love and prayers to all!