Original 12/6/2022 Post | |||||||
Nancy 12/6/2022 10:13:34 AM | HI YA ALL, It was so good to hear from everyone this last weekend! We have to keep learning to get better and sharing and encouraging each other. We know many people have been healed and we can be too. It takes patience and information to get there. Praying is a main part also consistency and timing. It talks a while to get it all down. Using a notebook helps a lot. Thank you Karen for getting Mel back on his feet! It really showed us how bad mold is. But it is hard to get rid of plus it can upset everything. Most of us can’t just up and move or afford professional help, so that it take longer to recover! But God will provide a way! Prayers for everyone | ||||||
Responses (Newest First) | |||||||
Holly and Chrissie 11/17/2023 8:26:01 AM | Hello to all, Every Saturday's free conference call is a wealth of absolutely essential information. We have Guest Speakers and Manufacturers and Doctors/Holistic Practitioners and the holistic knowledge is tremendous!! Let' not forget those who got well and come back to tell their stories and offer you all more HOPE!!! Also come along to our free prayer call on a Sunday. It's not recorded, so we have that privacy and it is a safe space. You can express yourself, have spiritual comfort and connect with others in the community. It's so important not to be alone in this healing journey. You don't have to pray, you can just listen. Do what feels right for you. Times, phone number and access code are listed below. Conference call line 712-775-8962, access code 664059 Problems Connecting? Try this Number Back Up Line 302-202-1112, Access Code 664059 Saturday's Coffee, Tea with Me & Sunday's Prayer and Fellowship 9:00AM----10:30AM (Pacific) 10:00AM-----11:30PM (Mountain) 11:00AM-----12:30PM (Central) 12:00PM-----1:30PM (Eastern) Please join us. All are very welcome :-). Chrissie & Holly | ||||||
Linda 8/16/2023 9:40:42 AM | Hello Everyone , Wow , what a wealth of information Dr. Griffin From Natural Immunogenics, Sovereign Silver and Sovereign Copper , shared with all of us on the Call today !! Thank you Dr. Griffin and Mel for helping us to Understand how Sovereign Silver and Sovereign Copper work in synergy with the protocol to restore Our health . So much help in easing the concern With this disease and other health issues we have As well. Dr . Griffin shared how silver and copper help To heal so many issues in the body .. Just a synopsis Of the many things Sovereign Silver does in the the Body ; Silver speeds up healing in so many areas and Supports the eyes , eye health , nasal health , ear Health , respiratory health, mouth and gum health, Throat health, stomach and intestinal health .. And Sovereign Silver does not harm the beneficial Bacteria . It also supports liver function, so many Wonderful things it does to heal and keep our bodies Functioning properly.. neither does it interfere with The elimination pathway of the body which relieves Concern of its safety .. I personally I am so grateful for having it recently Added to the protocol for my particular health Challenges.. Thank you Mel and HCAF .. !! Sovereign Silver also plays a critical role in Skin Health and Collagen production all working in Harmony To the health of veins and vessels making them more Pliable and with better elasticity supporting blood Flow throughout our body !! Wow , so vital and in my Opinion so important to complete the protocol for Optimum restoration.. The list of benefits are extensive and I would Encourage everyone to listen again to the call this Saturday, so helpful.. I believe it explains what and why we need To understand.. Dr. Griffin also recommended chelation and activated Charcoal for ridding the body of heavy metals like mercury And so on .. Dr. Griffin went on to explain the importance of Sovereign Copper, So many !! So Cooper is an Anti fungal and Anti parasitic also has been used medically for hundreds if not thousands years.. certain other minerals like zinc and vitamin C , high fructose deplete the copper from our bodies, Which is why we need to supplement sovereign copper To our protocol making it more effective and efficient , Some signs of copper deficiency are premature whitening Of the hair , anemia , and heart or clotting issues . Copper like silver helps with eye issues , skin flexibility Collagen production , bone health , mitochondria support, Decreases inflammation and helps regulated things in the body . I certainly can't explain it like Dr. Griffin but it's clear how Vital it is in the health and good function of all our body Systems.. D r. Griffin went on to say there's 90 pathways that Sovereign copper helps . So Dr. Griffins advice is to Trust the Process, Trust the Maker , and Trust Mel he knows what he's doing.. You can do this !!! Remember that !! So encouraging and So helpful!! Thank you Dr. Griffin for all your insight and expertise, And taking the time to explain all the benefits of Sovereign Silver , and Sovereign Copper in make the protocol more Effective. Thank you Mel for hosting all the wonderful people who Are so vital to our progress and recovery.. So much hope in The other health issues as well of either healing completely Or getting better .. So please listen to the call and follow all the sum of The parts , do everything Mel asks you to do and you Will get better.. God bless everyone on the call today and those who Could not make it! God Bless you and a speedy recovery! PS This is why Mel Says" If you're not taking Silver & Copper your protocol is not Proper" !! | ||||||
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