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Weight Loss

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8:29:16 AM

Morgellons -

Thank you all for the replies!

Teddy, I'm happy to hear you're improving (even if it is slower than you would like). I feel the same at times but this is not in our timing apparently! I've learned that the hard way LOL

Nancy, thank God you are in the last stages. I pray that you God moves you into whatever new chapter that He has planned for you! I've always loved your faith and perseverance.

John B - long time no chat brother! Good to hear from you and I appreciate the info. I've incorporated an extra shake here and there and also added more raw almond butter and pecans - hopefully this will help me with some weight gain!


John Burgstiner
7:39:24 AM

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Great question Brian.

Of course every person's situation is unique, but it is not uncommon to see one shed weight as the process of remediating their bioterrain unfolds for a variety of reasons... for example hormonal changes that take place when the thyroid "wakes up" from being suppressed by mycotoxins.

Some Logos products can also have dramatic impacts on energy storage and utilization in the body such as our FitCose 1C, which greatly impacts sweets cravings and hormones that control our hunger/satiety levels and helps our bodies run more efficiently. If you are taking that one you can expect to shed water weight and any unneeded pounds...

Nancy S
9:48:53 AM

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Brian, stop chasing the Elephant, I'll buy you sneakers for your birthday!

Hey Brian,

We all are different and the same! When I first started I lost about 86 lb. But I needed to lose that much because I am only 5’2. But in the last few weeks I have gone down to 115. Mel feels like I am in the last stage of becoming healthier, but I will never go back to the bad diet had had before!

You would think as a hospice nurse we would have learned more about food!!! But God through Mel has provided us with information
From around the world that our doctors don’t even know! Thank God!

I feel sure if you are losing weight it is just another step towards healing praying that is the reason!

I am thankful that I have a doctor I can tell the truth to and not made to feel bad about myself even if she didn’t know what was wrong 13 years ago.

Thank you GOD for Mel and this website!!!!!

love to all of us,

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