Nancy 10/28/2022 10:03:23 AM | Hiya All, I am so thankful for all the new people and glad you found you way to this site! It starts out confusing but it gets better and we all will help any way we can! Just ask, we all been where you are and knowledge really helps! Donald was great to hear you Sunday! Always miss you! Have a great week! Praying for all and our 4 leg children too! | |||
Nezhla 10/25/2022 3:19:53 PM | Dear Community members and Newcomers; Bernie, Linda, Mark, Cassie Clare, Shanelle, Kash, Jesse, and Participants, It is so inspiring to have you as part of the community. There is strength in numbers and whether you have been here awhile or for a very short time, each and every person seeking help is setting an example for others. Your presence is even encouraging for the people already in the community and for those yet to come. I was once told that we are supposed to take care of our "Temple" and that we are to love others as ourselves. That implies that in order to love others, we must first love ourselves (and God). Well, taking the time to get one's health right is doing that. It takes humility and care to take care of oneself and this action can even be interpreted as a "calling" to spread the love that God wants to be here on earth. That is why I thank you for being here- even people I have not met yet. You uphold the community so that it is here to touch others and you are an unwitting example on how to struggle, in a good way, to attain well being physically and spiritually. It is not that easy to change our diet, our lifestyle or even the cleaning needed in certain cases, but it is so much easier when you know you are not alone! Love~ God bless you all, Nezhla, The Arabia P. | |||
Claire 10/25/2022 2:49:17 PM | Hello Robin, Thank you for the warm welcome! I also wanted to say thank you so much for sharing the lemon cleanse with me! I am super excited to try this more consistently! I want to say welcome to all of the newbies as well! I have been here for a little over a year now (just haven't been participating in the forum much), but I'm happy to be here corresponding with you all now. I can attest to what Robin said below. After trying so many things over the last 6 years trying to do anything to get well, the only thing that has healed me in any way is Mel's protocol. Yes, it is very slow and can be discouraging at times (I know from experience... lol.) but it will be worth it! One way that God gave me strength through this is by having others to talk to and relate to about this weird disease that can make you feel like you're off on an island by yourself. I would love to connect with any of the new people who need someone to talk to. Anyways, I hope everyone is having a blessed day and thank you Robin for the wonderfully encouraging post. :) Much love, Claire | |||
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