Nancy 5/18/2023 2:26:18 PM | Great write up Christie! We really have a lot of people and companies that help us. So glad that new people have found the site, all of you are very welcome! It is a learning process to get our health back and everyone is different. Plus we families and jobs to work at and that makes it harder to get well. Because so many don’t understand or believe!, We have to find our own way! Thankful we have found Mel. I love reading about all the gardens! We always had one but because of the weather we haven’t started one yet. It is raining here now. My grandson came and spent the night with us and helped his papa do something being in your 70’s it takes longer to get them done. Looking forward to Saturday’s call!!! |
Chrissie 5/18/2023 2:26:18 PM | Dear Newbies, Welcome and hello, I'm sorry you are all sick but very glad you have found us. The first thing I want to say to you is reach out!! This is a difficult illness and it makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE not going through it alone. You don't need to be alone now you have joined our community!! So post here, ask questions regards your healing journey. We want to help you all!! This is the best website re Morgellons in the world wide Web as far as I am concerned. Now you have joined ..read, read and read some more. Look at, 'delicious recipes for your dining enjoyment,' to help you change your diet. Put relevant topics in the search engine and research. Look at, 'testimonials,' see others healing journeys. It's a wonderful resource so use it! And ask questions, we are here and we will help. Another excellent thing is that the ethos of this community is Hope and Restoration. There are no horror stories allowed here. We focus on healing our bioterrain, we don't go into the in's and out's of the strangeness of this illness. Let's face it, we are all traumatized enough, especially when very sick. Our minds need to be helped to focus on the positive and the future. Please threw away your microscopes, studying the weirdness will mess with your head and not help. Dont even entertain taking MMS until you have been on the protocol and the ,' sum of the parts,' for a while. I took it out of desperation when I wasn't on the protocol and let's just say I got VERY sick. You need the synergy of the herbs, vitamins, probiotics, digestive enzymes, liver and skin detox etc BEFORE you take MMS. It is strong medicine and has to be used the correct way. At the time I called Mel and I was very unwell and he told me in no uncertain terms to stop it till I had the protocol. And he was completely right. Don't make the same mistakes that I did, you have to be careful, mindful and follow what has been shown to work! I can't stress that enough!! Don't switch up protocols. The Protocol is a fine tuned synergy of herbs and nutrients and vitamins and enzymes etc. Many people have taken it and slow and steady, they healed their bioterrain. You could over do it adding things you're not supposed to and make yourself sick. Or you could mess with the synergy of what we know works together. Mel says, 'slow and steady,' for a reason. You have to be careful, listen to those who have went before you. And listen to your body. Drink lots of water, get lots of rest and sleep. Take gentle exercise and get some fresh air. And give yourselves a big hug. It's difficult, I know, we all know:-(. But it's not our faults we got this illness. Don't let it drown who you are. Focus on what you can do, not what you can't. Focus on what you have, not what you don't have. And don't lose your sense of humour, watch a comedy, find some time to laugh and take your mind off it. Do a hobby, listen to music, do nurturing things for you. Give yourself Love, you need it just now. Get coaching from Mel to keep you on track and if you can't afford it apply to the HCAF for free coaching. Come to the free Saturday Conference calls and Sunday prayer. You will be welcomed with open arms. You can ask questions and also pray and have fellowship with people who totally understand what you are going through. Again reach out ...we are here. God Bless, Chrissie |
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