Rockin Robin 6/23/2022 2:48:48 PM | Dear Nezhla, Hi girlfriend! Hope today finds you better and full of hope! It gets better and better each day that goes by. You are on the right track, attending the calls is very important. You will learn a wealth of information on the calls. Plus your spirit will be lifted by frienships. Read all you can, constantly, as you have time in the website and listen to video tapes of others journeys and healings, they also provide much needed information. I am glad you are here, and please remember we are here for you and want to help you in any way possible! Be strong, stay positive, become a warrior and you will beat this thing! Love & Hugs, Your Sister In Christ, Rockin Robin | |||
Nezhla 6/14/2022 8:09:22 PM | Thank you Tea and Brian for that advice and for the encouragement! ~Nezhla | |||
Rockin Robin 6/14/2022 12:26:53 PM | Hello Newbies! I am so glad you are here and have found the one and only place to get well from Toxic Diseases! There are many of us who spent tons of money going to all kinds of doctors to no avail. What a waste of time and lots of money for me! Mel is the cheapest cure you will find out there and he has not raised prices in 6 years and is not considering raising them although our world is getting so expensive to live in. Coaching with Mel is truly the key to getting well. Pay $5.00 and join the community. You will get all this wonderful information ( 12 years worth ) of testimonies of healed people, info on toxic diseases, remedies to help with symptoms, Mel's supreme plan and protocol to getting well, and love and support you cannot even imagine! If your sick, what have you got to loose? If you are serious about getting healed and well.....then dive in wholeheartedly and begin your healing journey! Listen to Mel and do what he tells you and one day you will be giving your testimony of your complete wellness journey! Our community members are a loving, compassionate, helpful group of people who care about others, Plug in, get involved, you won't BELIEVE where you will be in 6 months. With Love and Hope for You, Your Christian Sister, Rockin Robin | |||
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