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What Truly Matters Is….

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10:26:43 PM

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I believe that many in this community now and to the many who have moved on in healing and wellness will agree that;

It’s doesn’t matter what got you here, or all that’s going on within you and not even not all those symptoms or the horror stories. All that truly matters is that you focus on getting well!

Healing will take patience, perseverance and inner peace, but you can do it. So strengthen your mind with positive thoughts, remember your heart is tender so love who you are, always have Hope and absolutely always trust in the Lord.

This is only temporary.

You got this!

Prayers to y’all.

Trust in Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5&6

9:05:26 AM

Morgellons - There is no rainbow without a storm
There is no rainbow without a storm

Dear Tea,

Thank you for your lovely, insightful post. You are so right, God Is helping each and every one of us, because he led us here to get the help that we needed! So we get the guidance, the wisdom, the companionship of others in the same boat. It's so important that we are all no longer alone in this! And we know what to eat and we also have the nutrients in the supplements that help our bodies to heal!

And yes, it's so important for us to focus our minds on healing with the help of God and each other! That's it, healing and self love and being kind to ourselves as we go through this.

After all yesterday Is gone, tomorrow will look after itself, all we have is today. All we have is right now! And in order to heal we need to breathe and focus on the positive things we can do for ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually each day.

Rome wasn't built in a day so we need patience and perseverance as we heal our bioterrain from the inside out. But we have got this!

It is absolutely important to remember the bigger picture, especially when life throws us various trials, sometimes at once! It's tough yes and healing from toxic disease is tough too.
But it's so important for us all to be grateful for what we do have in our healing journey!

God Bless,

9:21:20 AM

Morgellons -

Dear Tea

You are always so spiritually uplifting in how you regularly bring truth from a Godly perspective. We so appreciate your love for the Lord! And I personally want to commend you for your dedication to bringing truth about this protocol together with your advocacy to the science of "restoring the bioterrain." On behalf of Mel and everyone else in this community, please accept our gratitude.


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