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What Truly Matters Is….

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10:02:14 AM

Morgellons -

I believe that many in this community now and to the many who have moved on in healing and wellness will agree that;

It’s doesn’t matter what got you here, or all that’s going on within you and not even not all those symptoms or the horror stories. All that truly matters is that you focus on getting well!

Healing will take patience, perseverance and inner peace, but you can do it. So strengthen your mind with positive thoughts, remember your heart is tender so love who you are, always have Hope and absolutely always trust in the Lord.

This is only temporary and you got this!

I felt that I needed to share this as a reminder to myself. I’ve had so much going on, that I think my thoughts have drifted elsewhere with all my stress in my life, so this reminder was on time.

So, if you’re feel alone, abandoned or like your circumstances are unmanageable, remember that the God who brought you to this point in your life is the one whom will bring you of it. In the meantime trust in Him and let not you thoughts be detoured. What matters is your walk with Him and how you will participate in your own responsibilities with your health along the way. God gives us that decision, make it count, your life depends on it!!

Prayers to y’all.

Trust in Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5&6

9:29:40 AM

click to expand
As the Beattles always said "Let it be"

Hello All,

Can you post this for Duncan and other's who might benefit from shifting their focus, for as Mel has always said the only thing that matters is "restoring your health!"

Distill skin purging down to its simplest form, and you end up with cellular debris (fibers and other artifacts) conjugated within biofilm. Colors result from iron oxidation and pigment diffusion within any given artifact. Metals leave colors within their substrate.


8:53:39 AM

Morgellons -

Hi Everyone ,

I just want to do a quick post and thank
Everyone on the prayer call today , so beautiful
And helpful!!! The theme that ran through the
Scripture reading and prayers was to give thanks
In all things , no circumstance can separate us
From the love of God and his presence with
Us to help us get through difficult situations , no doubt
There's plenty of them , but if we cast our cares
On the Lord as he instructs us to do then it
Becomes less heavy and encourages our hearts
That God's got us in the palm of his hand , and

All things work together for our good according to
His purpose. So thanks everyone for a beautiful
And inspiring time and God Bless you All !!

Hope you have a wonderful week and be encouraged!!!
And God Bless you Mel !!

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