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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Date Added: 3/31/2024
Date Of Original Post: 11/29/2023


This is so important for all to understand. "It is not a thing" but rather a state! We must learn to restore our internal terrain. The protocol and guidelines that Mel advocates for is powerful. I had to learn that the process takes time, perseverance and commitment. Understanding that there never was a "quick fix" is when I finally began to heal.

Thank you Mel for the countless hours of dedication and sharing the information presented here in this community to help others restore their health.

In Christ,


Date Added: 3/26/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/9/2024

Hey Folks

For years there has been an ongoing debate about whether eggs are healthy or not. So, since our discussion on Saturdays call included how eggs provide lactoferrin, (a nutritive component that helps reverse iron disruption in the blood with Morgellons), I thought a post with more on eggs might serve you well. I recently came across this.

Eggs are widely used as a symbol of fertility, new life, and unlimited potential in some cultures. But while they may make eggs-cellent decorations or literary allusions. (lol)

First, a little background: In the 1970s, there was a focus on reducing dietary cholesterol. Eggs were initially considered an unfavorable food because of their high concentration of cholesterol. However, the thinking on eggs changed when it became known that dietary saturated fat had a larger impact on fasting cholesterol. Not to mention that cholesterol is a growth hormone that we need!

That said, the truth becomes...eggs contain several vitamins, are low in saturated fat and high in choline, which is essential for brain health. Add to this the lactoferrin benefit, and that they clearly provide a wonderful natural source of protein, and I'm thus persuaded they are very healthy.

Strength and Love,


Date Added: 3/26/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/25/2023

Hello All,

Nice info on Essiac, which I used to ingest for further cancer healing, after my herbal protocol.

I Shall bring it back!



Date Added: 3/26/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/16/2023

Hello Folks

Essiac is a powdered mixture of herbs. I believe Essiac can be an extremely important part of eliminating biofilms. Essiac is an old, time-tested product, a gentle natural herbal chelator which takes the heavy metals and toxins out of the body without taking out the minerals (which you need.) It’s been helping people with cancer and other illnesses for many years. Essiac has the potential to remove some of the covid vaccine components as well. . It is also protective of DNA, and can repair damaged DNA. The research I have seen supports that people have gotten 85% better from covid vax injury by drinking Essiac.


Prevents the buildup of fatty deposits in artery walls, heart, kidneys and liver.

-Regulates cholesterol levels by converting sugar and fat into energy.

-Destroys parasites in the digestive system and throughout the entire body.

-Counteracts the effects of aluminum, lead and mercury poisoning, having important implications for detoxification of the body.

-Strengthens and improves the functioning of muscles, organs and body tissues.

-Nourishes and stimulates the brain and nervous system.

-Promotes the absorption of fluids in the tissues to prevent edema (otherwise known as fluid buildup).

-Removes toxic accumulations in the fat cells, lymph system, bone marrow, bladder, and alimentary canals.

-Regulates the body's pH.

-Clears the respiratory channels by dissolving and expelling excess mucus.

-Relieves the liver of its burden of detoxification by converting fatty toxins into water-soluble substances that can then be easily eliminated through the kidneys as nature intended.

-Assists the liver in producing lecithin, which forms part of the myelin sheath that forms around nerves.

-Reduces heavy metal deposits in tissues (especially those surrounding the joints) to reduce inflammation and stiffness.

-Improves the functions of the pancreas and spleen by increasing the effectiveness of insulin.


-Increases red cell production and strengthens the cells, helping to prevent anemia. -Increases the body's ability to utilize oxygen by raising the oxygen level in the tissues.

-Maintains the balance between potassium and sodium within the body so that the fluid inside and outside each cell is regulated. In this way, cells are cleansed and nourished with needed nutrients.

-Converts calcium and potassium oxalates into a harmless form by making them solvent in the urine. Essiac regulates the amount of oxalic acid delivered to the kidneys, thus reducing the risk of stone formation in the gall bladder, kidneys, or urinary tract.

-Protects the body against the potentially damaging effects of radiation and X-ray.

-Speeds up wound healing by helping regenerate the cells in the damaged area.

-Increases the production of antibodies such as lymphocytes and T-cells in the thymus gland, which is the defender of our immune system.

-Increases the appetite for healthful foods and decreases sugar cravings due to improved blood sugar control.

-Absorbs toxins in the bowel.

It’s very important to use ONLY the Essiac from the original recipe developed by Rene Caisse. You might try I would not go through Amazon.

Strength and Love,


Date Added: 3/26/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/5/2024

About 6 months ago I suffered a huge decline in mobility. Overnight the toxic load was greater than I could eliminate. Unable to put any weight on legs I was scared yet knew I would be ok in time. At least I prayed for it to be true.

The big change started with being able to transfer. Homecare discharged me because my needs became a “skill”. I’m grateful for the “shower girl” and others who tried to help.

Well I get to enjoy showers on own…a huge win. I learned the gift of relying on God. As if I needed another lesson. ;)

Last Weds. I faced my fear and not only got up but out into car for bloodwork. My friend was so excited too we rode around for errands and lunch. I even transferred to couch for first time. It wasn’t as much about getting there as it was about getting up safely. I hope to not call fire dept. again.

Today I’m relieved and cautious when moving around. Grateful for every day and being able to spread joy. Take nothing for granted as many already know.



Date Added: 3/26/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/12/2024

Hello All,

God allows us to go through things in our lives to prepare us for other situations that we will have to face! He is always right and he knows what lies ahead, we will never understand why as long as we are living on earth but one day it will not matter!

But he guides us through whatever we just have to learn to trust him about everything! Praying for all the sickness in this world and especially Robin, Ruth Ann, Chrissy and her family and Holly.

It seems like we all are having a difficult time right now! But we will get through this together we have to support each other.

Saturday’s calls helps and of course Sunday’s calls lift us up! With God on our side who can be against us. Please post it does help.

Please don’t forget the He Cured All Foundation without them a lot of us wouldn’t be alive.

Looking forward to our weekend calls!

Love and prayers for all

Mel and Peter

Date Added: 3/26/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/2/2024

Hello folks

Here are some useful considerations for you to contemplate as you navigate through the "sum of the parts" in 2024. They will become instructive for you to contemplate in your journey to recovery.

** Pray daily as an exercise in fulfilling mind and body healing accomplished through conviction
to faith in Christ and the living God
** Commit yourself to the therapeutic power in positive thinking.(learn about behavioral
** Accept and fully embrace the absolute requirement to introduce the nutritional component of
recovery that is provided through the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol in combination with
specific dietary guidelines
** Convict yourself to healthy routines and habits that you must incorporate for life
** Learn about your bioterrain through investigating the science of bioremediation as authored
by John and Carson B Burgstiner and the healing legacy of Logos Nutritionals
** Embrace the therapeutic alliance provided through this community and it's message

Our warmest regards


Date Added: 3/26/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/6/2024

Hello Everyone ,
Saturday's Call Coffee Tea with Me

Another great call with Peter today , I can
Hardly keep up with the vast knowledge that
Peter gives to this community , I for one am
Grateful the the insight , guidance and the
Strong arm to lean on , I think we all benefit
From the strength and hours upon hours that
Of research that goes into the knowledge that
Is brought forth to all of us from Peter , Mel ,
John and all the rest that contribute to our
Healing journey.. A Huge Thank you to all of
You !
Robert Scott Bell extended his apologies to
All on the call today , he has been recruited to
Help a dear friend campaign for office , so thank
You to Robert .
The call today was very informative , starting
Out with a discussion about Microwaves ,
Peter discussed the Huge towers they have
Put up everywhere for the 5G networks ,
He talked about this microwaves which is causing
What they call microwave syndrome, that being
The cause of the illnesses and how it's effecting
Our immune systems . You can if interested look
Into these towers and what they do for yourself
,research it and you will be better informed .
So Peter described how this microwave frequency
Affects our bodies at a cellular level , therefore
Affecting our blood, it puts off a positive charge
Which causes the blood cells to clump together ,
So that's why there's so much sickness right now ,
And why we're seeing immune system problems ,
Along with heart attacks , strokes , and air hunger ,
Because it's all around us we should do everything
We can to limit our time on our devices , put your
Phone on airplane mode, move away from smart
Meters and so on , so I would think we need
To educate ourselves on this subject and help
Ourselves the best we can ..
There were some really good questions and
Answers today , I really appreciated the insight
Peter so I can make informed decisions and not
Be guided the wrong way , thank you !
Without questions and answers we would not have
The knowledge to make good decisions..
I would highly recommend and suggest listening
To the call in its entirety, I cannot do justice to the
Wealth of information that peter shared today , but
I for one appreciate all the help I can get ! It's
Priceless ! Peter also talked the importance of
Incorporating WPS into the protocol and how it was
Instrumental if not the element that took him to the
Finish line , so please consider adding that to your
Protocol , but be sure to talk with Mel first and let him
Guide you through it.
Next subject was Vaccines , Peter talked about how
They are using MRNA I think that's what he called it , but
Again listen to the call in case I didn't get it right , but
It is a gain of function just like it was with Covid , so our
Immune system is being overwhelmed by these mutations,
And we are not designed to handle this , therefore illness is
Rampant .
Peter said we need to evolve our immune systems and
Them smarter ..
Peter suggested these enzymes to help us ,
They are , Nattokinaise , lumbrokinaise , and bromeline ,
These enzymes will help to break down the spike
Protein from the vaccines.. I believe they do the
Same if you've had COVID. These work with magnifizyme ,
Along with Infa-stat from logos , helps to reduce
Inflammation as well . Peter recommended Tart Cherry
Extract for insomnia with melatonin for sleep..
He suggest reading the Miller Review for a more
In depth understanding..
So in short do the research necessary to inform yourself
About the vaccines that are currently coming out
And take care of yourself .. Peter talked about how plants
Can purify your air , if you can't afford a medical grade
Air purifier.. There were many things discussed today so
Be sure to listen to the call so you don't miss anything ,
We all have come to understand the importance of reducing
Your stress if not eliminating it all together.. yes that would
Be a wonderful thing , we are all working on that I'm sure , it's
Interesting though how this disease thrives on stress isn't it ..
Has anyone thought about why that would be .....
Fruit for thought...
So in conclusion, Peter talked about the importance of
Staying connected to God through prayer and the Word of
God and may I add worship as well , we can gain insight and
Understanding as we spend that vital time with him !
So we need to do everything we can to find the truth ,
And find your way to health again !
I hope everyone will find the path for them to get their
Health back and I hope it's soon !!
Thank you Mel for always bringing the best of the best to these calls.
Happy New Year to Everyone and God Bless All!!

"What You Need to Know"
with Peter Horn
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 01/06/24


Date Added: 3/26/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/6/2024

Hello Everyone ,
Saturday's Call Coffee Tea with Me

Another great call with Peter today , I can
Hardly keep up with the vast knowledge that
Peter gives to this community , I for one am
Grateful the the insight , guidance and the
Strong arm to lean on , I think we all benefit
From the strength and hours upon hours that
Of research that goes into the knowledge that
Is brought forth to all of us from Peter , Mel ,
John and all the rest that contribute to our
Healing journey.. A Huge Thank you to all of
You !
Robert Scott Bell extended his apologies to
All on the call today , he has been recruited to
Help a dear friend campaign for office , so thank
You to Robert .
The call today was very informative , starting
Out with a discussion about Microwaves ,
Peter discussed the Huge towers they have
Put up everywhere for the 5G networks ,
He talked about this microwaves which is causing
What they call microwave syndrome, that being
The cause of the illnesses and how it's effecting
Our immune systems . You can if interested look
Into these towers and what they do for yourself
,research it and you will be better informed .
So Peter described how this microwave frequency
Affects our bodies at a cellular level , therefore
Affecting our blood, it puts off a positive charge
Which causes the blood cells to clump together ,
So that's why there's so much sickness right now ,
And why we're seeing immune system problems ,
Along with heart attacks , strokes , and air hunger ,
Because it's all around us we should do everything
We can to limit our time on our devices , put your
Phone on airplane mode, move away from smart
Meters and so on , so I would think we need
To educate ourselves on this subject and help
Ourselves the best we can ..
There were some really good questions and
Answers today , I really appreciated the insight
Peter so I can make informed decisions and not
Be guided the wrong way , thank you !
Without questions and answers we would not have
The knowledge to make good decisions..
I would highly recommend and suggest listening
To the call in its entirety, I cannot do justice to the
Wealth of information that peter shared today , but
I for one appreciate all the help I can get ! It's
Priceless ! Peter also talked the importance of
Incorporating WPS into the protocol and how it was
Instrumental if not the element that took him to the
Finish line , so please consider adding that to your
Protocol , but be sure to talk with Mel first and let him
Guide you through it.
Next subject was Vaccines , Peter talked about how
They are using MRNA I think that's what he called it , but
Again listen to the call in case I didn't get it right , but
It is a gain of function just like it was with Covid , so our
Immune system is being overwhelmed by these mutations,
And we are not designed to handle this , therefore illness is
Rampant .
Peter said we need to evolve our immune systems and
Them smarter ..
Peter suggested these enzymes to help us ,
They are , Nattokinaise , lumbrokinaise , and bromeline ,
These enzymes will help to break down the spike
Protein from the vaccines.. I believe they do the
Same if you've had COVID. These work with magnifizyme ,
Along with Infa-stat from logos , helps to reduce
Inflammation as well . Peter recommended Tart Cherry
Extract for insomnia with melatonin for sleep..
He suggest reading the Miller Review for a more
In depth understanding..
So in short do the research necessary to inform yourself
About the vaccines that are currently coming out
And take care of yourself .. Peter talked about how plants
Can purify your air , if you can't afford a medical grade
Air purifier.. There were many things discussed today so
Be sure to listen to the call so you don't miss anything ,
We all have come to understand the importance of reducing
Your stress if not eliminating it all together.. yes that would
Be a wonderful thing , we are all working on that I'm sure , it's
Interesting though how this disease thrives on stress isn't it ..
Has anyone thought about why that would be .....
Fruit for thought...
So in conclusion, Peter talked about the importance of
Staying connected to God through prayer and the Word of
God and may I add worship as well , we can gain insight and
Understanding as we spend that vital time with him !
So we need to do everything we can to find the truth ,
And find your way to health again !
I hope everyone will find the path for them to get their
Health back and I hope it's soon !!
Thank you Mel for always bringing the best of the best to these calls.
Happy New Year to Everyone and God Bless All!!

"What You Need to Know"
with Peter Horn
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 01/06/24


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/6/2024

Hello Everyone ,
Saturday's Call Coffee Tea with Me

Another great call with Peter today , I can
Hardly keep up with the vast knowledge that
Peter gives to this community , I for one am
Grateful the the insight , guidance and the
Strong arm to lean on , I think we all benefit
From the strength and hours upon hours that
Of research that goes into the knowledge that
Is brought forth to all of us from Peter , Mel ,
John and all the rest that contribute to our
Healing journey.. A Huge Thank you to all of
You !
Robert Scott Bell extended his apologies to
All on the call today , he has been recruited to
Help a dear friend campaign for office , so thank
You to Robert .
The call today was very informative , starting
Out with a discussion about Microwaves ,
Peter discussed the Huge towers they have
Put up everywhere for the 5G networks ,
He talked about this microwaves which is causing
What they call microwave syndrome, that being
The cause of the illnesses and how it's effecting
Our immune systems . You can if interested look
Into these towers and what they do for yourself
,research it and you will be better informed .
So Peter described how this microwave frequency
Affects our bodies at a cellular level , therefore
Affecting our blood, it puts off a positive charge
Which causes the blood cells to clump together ,
So that's why there's so much sickness right now ,
And why we're seeing immune system problems ,
Along with heart attacks , strokes , and air hunger ,
Because it's all around us we should do everything
We can to limit our time on our devices , put your
Phone on airplane mode, move away from smart
Meters and so on , so I would think we need
To educate ourselves on this subject and help
Ourselves the best we can ..
There were some really good questions and
Answers today , I really appreciated the insight
Peter so I can make informed decisions and not
Be guided the wrong way , thank you !
Without questions and answers we would not have
The knowledge to make good decisions..
I would highly recommend and suggest listening
To the call in its entirety, I cannot do justice to the
Wealth of information that peter shared today , but
I for one appreciate all the help I can get ! It's
Priceless ! Peter also talked the importance of
Incorporating WPS into the protocol and how it was
Instrumental if not the element that took him to the
Finish line , so please consider adding that to your
Protocol , but be sure to talk with Mel first and let him
Guide you through it.
Next subject was Vaccines , Peter talked about how
They are using MRNA I think that's what he called it , but
Again listen to the call in case I didn't get it right , but
It is a gain of function just like it was with Covid , so our
Immune system is being overwhelmed by these mutations,
And we are not designed to handle this , therefore illness is
Rampant .
Peter said we need to evolve our immune systems and
Them smarter ..
Peter suggested these enzymes to help us ,
They are , Nattokinaise , lumbrokinaise , and bromeline ,
These enzymes will help to break down the spike
Protein from the vaccines.. I believe they do the
Same if you've had COVID. These work with magnifizyme ,
Along with Infa-stat from logos , helps to reduce
Inflammation as well . Peter recommended Tart Cherry
Extract for insomnia with melatonin for sleep..
He suggest reading the Miller Review for a more
In depth understanding..
So in short do the research necessary to inform yourself
About the vaccines that are currently coming out
And take care of yourself .. Peter talked about how plants
Can purify your air , if you can't afford a medical grade
Air purifier.. There were many things discussed today so
Be sure to listen to the call so you don't miss anything ,
We all have come to understand the importance of reducing
Your stress if not eliminating it all together.. yes that would
Be a wonderful thing , we are all working on that I'm sure , it's
Interesting though how this disease thrives on stress isn't it ..
Has anyone thought about why that would be .....
Fruit for thought...
So in conclusion, Peter talked about the importance of
Staying connected to God through prayer and the Word of
God and may I add worship as well , we can gain insight and
Understanding as we spend that vital time with him !
So we need to do everything we can to find the truth ,
And find your way to health again !
I hope everyone will find the path for them to get their
Health back and I hope it's soon !!
Thank you Mel for always bringing the best of the best to these calls.
Happy New Year to Everyone and God Bless All!!

"What You Need to Know"
with Peter Horn
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 01/06/24

Mel and Peter

Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/2/2024

Hello folks

Here are some useful considerations for you to contemplate as you navigate through the "sum of the parts" in 2024. They will become instructive for you to contemplate in your journey to recovery.

** Pray daily as an exercise in fulfilling mind and body healing accomplished through conviction
to faith in Christ and the living God
** Commit yourself to the therapeutic power in positive thinking.(learn about behavioral
** Accept and fully embrace the absolute requirement to introduce the nutritional component of
recovery that is provided through the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol in combination with
specific dietary guidelines
** Convict yourself to healthy routines and habits that you must incorporate for life
** Learn about your bioterrain through investigating the science of bioremediation as authored
by John and Carson B Burgstiner and the healing legacy of Logos Nutritionals
** Embrace the therapeutic alliance provided through this community and it's message

Our warmest regards


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/2/2023

Dear Newbies,

Welcome each and every one of you. We are sad you have this disease, but glad that you have found us. Please pay the five dollars if you haven't already and read, read and read again!! There is a vast amount of knowledge in this wonderful website.

Reach out to Mel. The first phone call is free for everyone. Further coaching is accessible for all. If you can't afford it fill in a form to get free coaching through the, 'He Cures All Foundation.'

Post in the Forum. Ask questions and learn from those who are in various different healing stages of their journey.

Come to the free Saturday Conference Call for great knowledge and support and information. Come to the free Sunday Prayer Call for Worship, fellowship and friendship. Get to know others in the same boat as you, you do not need to be alone with this hugely difficult illness, reach out!! If you feel shy at first that's okay, we understand that don't even need to give your real name. But come join us :-).

We care. We know what you are going through. We want to help you. And we want to encourage and support you in your journey. And the ethos here is Hope and Positivity. We focus on Healing not Horror stories. We focus on the positive, not the negative. Your immune system will thank you for that!!

God Bless and we look forward to talking with you,


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/18/2024

Hello all,

Thankful for what I do have and most thankful for knowing my Lord!

We all think at times we have it bad with everything we are dealing with but when we look around we can be so thankful that we have each other to encourage each other and know God is in our mist!

If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t be here learning how to get better or making friends all over the world

Also. so thankful for the He cured all Foundation for helping us get what we need help right now and thankful for Mel, John, and all the companies that work with us.

It can really make you feel like there are still caring people in our world! So thankful for all of you and everything you do!

Looking forward to the call Saturday with John and all the people on our mission to get well.

See you then


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 11/21/2023

Hello you'll,

I just had One of the best weekends I’ve had in12 years!

My oldest grandson came home Friday and had to go back Saturday.
We met my daughter and her husband and 2 of my grandsons and their girlfriends for lunch at a Asian Restaurant. They all had sushi! Which I don’t eat but I had nice grilled chicken, garlic green beans and a salad with lemon water! It was nice to just relax with family and enjoy a great meal.

I Also got my hair cut short, went by health food store got some juice and coconut body lotion that Tea had recommended along time ago they hadn’t had any for a while!

It was just a good normal day!

Plus my son-in-law pay for everyone’s lunch! My sister that lives in North Carolina with her daughter came down she used to live 3 miles from me and when I got so sick and couldn’t help her she will be 87 in March and doesn’t drive anymore.

So Sunday went and had breakfast at the hotel with her and her daughter-in-law and her niece on her husband side of the family came by and caught us up on that side of the family. Then we went to lunch and shopping so she could have Christmas for her granddaughter and great granddaughter.

Got home Sunday about 9 pm. It felt so good to have a normal weekend!!

But today I cleaned and washed clothes.I am so thankful for Mel and the foundation for getting me this far and the most important God! I thought for so long I would never get this well again but I listened to Mel and stuck to what he told me to do! So don’t give up keep fighting and get well!

Also my sister is not doing good and her oldest son has to have heart surgery before Christmas.

Praying for everyone!

God is in control so keep the faith and everybody have a wonderful Happy Thanksgiving.

My Bread recipe is coming as soon as I find it!


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/14/2022

Dear All,

We had a wonderful conference call, Saturday Jan 8th (see, 'more communication is better). It was with Ruth from England who was the first person to get well from Europe here!!! Its a great call so check it out if you haven't heard it :-).

Ruth, however wasn't the first person around the world to get well with,' the sum of the parts,'. The first was most likely Teresa from Australia who got well alongside her little boy.

Both women used Skype and it was a tremendous help in their healing. They were able to fully be a part of our community through it. As Mel says,"90% of those who fully become community members get well." It helps to stay on track when you connect!!

Skype is easy to use and the least expensive way to communicate. Then no matter where you are in the world, you can take part in conference calls including the prayer call. You can talk to Mel and other community members too by video and /or audio. It's a win /win situation.

Don't be shy, reach out now, no matter where you are from. We want to help you and you do not need to go through this journey alone.

I can tell you wholeheartedly, that it makes a huge difference having community who understands exactly what you're going through.

Take care, we are looking forward to hearing from you,



Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/14/2022

Dear All,

We had a wonderful conference call, Saturday Jan 8th (see, 'more communication is better). It was with Ruth from England who was the first person to get well from Europe here!!! Its a great call so check it out if you haven't heard it :-).

Ruth, however wasn't the first person around the world to get well with,' the sum of the parts,'. The first was most likely Teresa from Australia who got well alongside her little boy.

Both women used Skype and it was a tremendous help in their healing. They were able to fully be a part of our community through it. As Mel says,"90% of those who fully become community members get well." It helps to stay on track when you connect!!

Skype is easy to use and the least expensive way to communicate. Then no matter where you are in the world, you can take part in conference calls including the prayer call. You can talk to Mel and other community members too by video and /or audio. It's a win /win situation.

Don't be shy, reach out now, no matter where you are from. We want to help you and you do not need to go through this journey alone.

I can tell you wholeheartedly, that it makes a huge difference having community who understands exactly what you're going through.

Take care, we are looking forward to hearing from you,



Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/15/2023

Hi everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted but sadly it’s been very difficult over the last few months as my dad passed away unexpectedly from cancer and I’ve had to fly home several times as a result. Dealing with grief and this illness has been incredibly hard but I’m grateful that God showed up and led me to a few things that have made this season more bearable. Staying on the protocol hasn’t been easy but I managed to stick to it even whilst travelling by using travel pill boxes labelled for each day.

One of the main thing that I discovered was an infra red sauna blanket which has just been an absolute lifesaver! Using the blanket for just 30 mins a day has allowed me to sleep right through the night with minimal activity and I no longer feel the effects of the full moon.

Cold water hair rinses have also been amazing at reducing the activity on my scalp and hair. After all of the travel, I finally started on WPS. I’m on 2 drops and feeling great - the only noticeable symptoms so far has been my fingers swelling which I have been soaking in Hydrogen Peroxide as recommended by Mel.
Another nice surprise is being able to wear the same clothes twice in a row which is something I haven’t done (at least not intentionally) in over 14 years!! Im excited to see how things will progress over the next few weeks!

I’ll continue to keep you all posted. Special thanks to Linda, Tea, Chrissie and Nancy for all your support!

(Hong Kong)


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/14/2021

Hello All,

As a fellow newbie,
I’d like to express the importance of the “Sum of the Parts”.

One thing I’ve learned early on is how important it is to follow these steps exactly as they’ve been laid out for us.

I know it may be overwhelming at first, but the good news is that you have a community here who cares and will walk with you every step of the way. Eventually, the more you do it – the more it becomes like a second nature.

Also, this is your path to healing and it’s well worth it. When I first developed this disease, I thought my life was over – I was way wrong.

This is your opportunity to get well and we need to take full advantage of it! Many have gotten well off of Mel’s protocol – THERE IS HOPE!

The “Sum of the Parts” are made up of the following:

Drink lots of Spring water! Water is extremely important in hydrating the body and pushing out the

While everything mentioned is important, this is probably one of the most important pieces of the protocol. It’s VERY important to stay away from processed foods and foods that turn into sugar in the body! Sugar feeds this disease. Everything has been laid out on the site for you. There’s a list of foods to enjoy and foods to avoid. There are also many great recipes that have been posted for you to try. The best diet is an alkalizing diet which consists of green leafy vegetables, low glycemic fruits, certain nuts like raw almonds and/or walnuts.
Kosher/Organic meats like chicken and beef should be limited.

Calm Mind:
Anxiety and fear feed this disease! It’s very important to find ways to calm your mind and spirit.

Another important factor in healing is sleep. Consistently getting quality sleep should be at the top of
your list if you want to keep your immune system strong.

The sun is one of the best sources of vitamin D for the human body. The body also needs vitamin D in
order to absorb calcium. Vitamin D is important in regard to the healing process and also plays a role in
bone growth/healing and immune system function.

WPS, or MMS, is a 28% solution of Sodium Chlorite that has been acidified with 50% Citric Acid. Mel
used WPS in order to get well in his battle with Morgellons. This is something you will start later on in
the protocol as directed by Mel. This is not something you want to start on your own – only when Mel
says you’re ready. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!

Kleen Green:
Kleen Green, which you can purchase through Natural Ginesis, is a non-toxic, non-bacterial enzyme
cleaner and I have to say, this stuff is amazing! I can’t imagine going through this without it. I used it to
clean and in my laundry and have seen great results!

Coaching with Mel is a very important part of this protocol. Being new here can feel overwhelming at
first. There is so much information coming at you that it can be confusing at times. I signed up for
coaching with Mel and have no regrets! This is something you should look into immediately. Mel has
been through it all and has much knowledge in regard to Morgellons. It’s a great feeling to know that
whenever you have a question or concern, Mel will be there to guide you. Remember – do not go
through this alone!

For all you newbies out there, please know that this is a great community. You will meet many who are
going through the same experiences that you are, some who have been on this protocol for a while and
can offer you valuable information. You will also meet other newbies like myself.
Everyone here knows the struggle!

Light exercise is like walking or biking can be great for your mood and can also enhance your immune

Prayer & Fellowship:
We hold calls on Saturdays and Sundays of each week. Being new, you might be a little shy at first and
that’s OK. I would suggest joining in on the calls and at least listening. You will gain some valuable
information. As a believer in Christ, I can honestly say that prayer and fellowship are both very
important in this journey! All are welcomed!

Sovereign Silver:
Sovereign Silver can not only boost your immune system, but can also be used for other
ailments/burns/cuts/scrapes . Ask Mel for guidance on how to use and purposes.

Cathee Mabrey:
Cathee is the founder of Natural Ginesis, the maker of Kleen Green along with many other great

John Burgstiner:
John is the owner of Logos Nutritionals and extremely knowledgeable. Logos Nutritionals produces high
quality nutritional supplements/natural medicines.

Robert Scott Bell:
AKA the Robert Scott Bell Show (radio) – Robert is a homeopathic practitioner who aids his listeners in regard to many types of healing


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/12/2024

Hi Everybody,

The December Kleen Green contest was such a lot of fun! There were so many wonderful entries. Each one of them must have been a lovely blessing to Cathee.

I was so excited to win 1st place in the contest. The prize I received from Cathee was 1 gallon of Kleen Green! I've been enjoying this fantastic prize so much.

Some of the things I've been using the Kleen Green for:

Mixing Kleen Green and water in a spray bottle and adding a few drops of essential oils (such as Gardenia and Clove) makes the loveliest smelling room spray.

My laundry smells so fresh and "kleen", with a little Kleen Green added to my wash.

Kleen Green mixed with water in a spray bottle makes a "kleen" and fresh body spray. A few drops of essential oils can be added to this too.

Kleen Green amazes me as a cleaner! Once again, a few drops of essential oils can add to the already nice, refreshing smell of Kleen Green.

Cathee, thank you so much for your kind and caring generosity. I appreciate the opportunity to be in the contest, and the gallon of Kleen Green that I received has been such a HUGE blessing to me.

Mel, thank you so much for putting together this great contest. I know that it's very important to you that there are times of fun in the community. Also, you know that the prizes are great blessings to those who receive them.

God bless,



Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/14/2024

Saturday1/13/2024 Coffee Tea with me Call.

Hello Everyone !

Mel, Peter and Dale were the guests on today's call .

Mel and Peter discussed the importance of getting enough
Rest and trying to incorporate extra sleep into your schedule
If at all possible .. Rest helps so much in the healing process
And helped you heal faster .

Dale joined the call and talked about how busy he is all the
Time , with his children and all their activities , his commute to
Work and back everyday along with his business he works on
Weekends .. it's hard for dale to get extra sleep but he does try
Best he can .. he also encouraged everyone to follow the protocol
With All the sum of the parts .. Cleansing and healing the body
Takes time but stay diligent and you will have success ..

Peter encourages everyone to be their own Integrative health
Specialist , learning and researching how the body works and how
We can help ourselves to regain our health again .. we have to
Workout our journey to recovery.. Peter also talked how our emotions
And environment play a very important role in our getting well , and
By dealing with the things that stress us we can get better sooner
Maybe , regardless it plays a very important role in our recovery and
Staying well in the future , things learned through this are valuable to
Our future well-being..

Peter posted a link to Rhays questioner , and he encourages everyone
To take the quiz to identify where your stresses are enabling you to work
On them and eventually eliminate them from your life , in doing so
It will encourage your body and emotions to heal faster .. emotions and
Thoughts play a huge role in your health as well , we do offer overlook that
Part of our lives but we need to address these things for our benefit..
Our Environment is important as well in the healing process , as we learn
How to support the adrenals and address the components of stress . Too
Much Cortizol can cause health problems on its own , so let's not neglect
All aspects of the body on our journey to recovery.. So we must learn how
To manage stress , not easy at times , but with knowledge and understanding
We can do it..

Peter recommends Tart Cherry extract which helps you sleep and the
Importance and absolute necessity of WPS .. in your regime ..

Mel we are all praying for you to get well very soon , you have the tools , and we
Hope and pray for your speedy recovery..

Peter talked a lot about the importance of a relationship with God through Jesus
And how it is so vital in so many ways to our complete health , for our
Emotional healing, physical healing and not to forget our spiritual health as well ..
So I sincerely hope all find that wealth of goodness the Lord has for everyone who comes to
Him , he's there for you , that's his promise ... God's blessings to all and Peter left us with this
Scripture to help us on our journey to better thoughts .. :-)

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.

God Bless and Good Health to All !
Peter & Mel
Rest, Sleep and Stress and how they affect your health.
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 01/11/23


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/16/2024

Hi folks

On a call a couple of Saturday's back, Diane asked about information regarding using the prescription drug Paxlovid to treat for Covid.

Mel asked me to research this!

This drug is classified as an anti viral. For right now,
my research.inclines me to issue a special word of caution towards using this drug.

I have found that there is much to investigate here. So I will be deepening my search into several side effects that may be unfavorable. My first inclination is to suggest that it be avoided. I will update everyone when I have completed my study of existing peer reviews.

As always on our website Mel Says "FIRST DO NO HARM"

I think it is reckless and ill advised to consider it safe.

Buy for now


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 11/25/2023

I believe that many in this community now and to the many who have moved on in healing and wellness will agree that;

It’s doesn’t matter what got you here, or all that’s going on within you and not even not all those symptoms or the horror stories. All that truly matters is that you focus on getting well!

Healing will take patience, perseverance and inner peace, but you can do it. So strengthen your mind with positive thoughts, remember your heart is tender so love who you are, always have Hope and absolutely always trust in the Lord.

This is only temporary and you got this!

I felt that I needed to share this as a reminder to myself. I’ve had so much going on, that I think my thoughts have drifted elsewhere with all my stress in my life, so this reminder was on time.

So, if you’re feel alone, abandoned or like your circumstances are unmanageable, remember that the God who brought you to this point in your life is the one whom will bring you of it. In the meantime trust in Him and let not you thoughts be detoured. What matters is your walk with Him and how you will participate in your own responsibilities with your health along the way. God gives us that decision, make it count, your life depends on it!!

Prayers to y’all.

Trust in Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5&6


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 9/28/2022

I believe that many in this community now and to the many who have moved on in healing and wellness will agree that;

It’s doesn’t matter what got you here, or all that’s going on within you and not even not all those symptoms or the horror stories. All that truly matters is that you focus on getting well!

Healing will take patience, perseverance and inner peace, but you can do it. So strengthen your mind with positive thoughts, remember your heart is tender so love who you are, always have Hope and absolutely always trust in the Lord.

This is only temporary.

You got this!

Prayers to y’all.

Trust in Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5&6


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/29/2023

This connection to trains is absolutely "right on!" I love the profound meaning the words provide when describing a train enthusiast. Thank you for sharing this with the community, Peter. It truly gives us insight on certain connections and the needed "peace" people find throughout this life.

"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." (Psalm 29:11)

In Christ,

Martina C

Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/31/2023


I’m so glad I found this website.

I pray that God will break me through this.

Thank you Mel for sharing.

God bless you


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/2/2019

Hello Everyone and Welcome

If you are a toxic disease sufferer, take advantage of this informative group of videos and save yourself a lot time.If you have been with us for a while this is the best and fastest way to reaffirm the basics.

It would take one year+ of reading and six month's+ of past conference calls to learn the information made available to you in less than 6 hours in these extraordinary videos.

Remember, slow and steady. Don't rush. Take notes when possible, but no worries, These videos are here to stay, available for you to use as a reference anytime you wish.

Mel Friedman - Morgellons Warrior - Shares His Story & Offers Hope & Good News for Those Who Suffer from Chronic Conditions - March 26, 2018

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Morgellons Warrior - Outlines His Path to Health - April 17, 2018

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer. Ask Mel about natural treatment for Morgellons, Lyme Disease and other chronic illnesses - May 9, 2018

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Meet the Manufacturers of Mel Friedman's Protocol - May 29, 2018

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Sum of the Parts - Mel Friedman's Protocol for Healing Morgellons & Other Chronic Conditions - The audio is from Mel's "Coffee, Tea with Me" weekly conference call of April 1, 2017

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Life After Morgellons - Bill M. Reached the Light at the End of the Tunnel with Mel Friedman's Protocol - This show is Bill M.'s story of his recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, “Oldies but Goodies” on October 7, 2017

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Life After Morgellons - Ellen has Resumed Her Life's Passion of Painting after Healing with Mel Friedman's Protocol. This show consists of Ellen's story of his recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, “Oldies but Goodies” on October 7, 2017.

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Life After Morgellons - Mary's Fishing with Her Family... Again... after Healing with Mel Friedman's Protocol. This show consists of Mary's story of his recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, “Oldies but Goodies” on October 7, 2017.

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

The next video in the Mel Friedman, Toxic Disease Pioneer Series is available: Life After Morgellons - Kelly & Family are Off to the Fall Fair after Healing with Mel Friedman's Protocol.
This show consists of Kelly's story of her recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, "Oldies but Goodies" on Oct. 7, 2017.

Watch on Bitchute
Listen to PodCast

Hello Warriors,

I totally agree with Rockin Robin and all the others who have watched the the videos. I recently watched Daisy video and it brought so much joy and hope to my heart that her health was restored here and she came back to share her awesome story with us.

Daisy not only talked about restoring her health but also how God blessed her to restore her life. Even through this she was blessed to find love agin in her life. Yes she got married and the rest is history.

When you let go of everything that seem to be gone or seem like it can’t be restored; God restores back to us.

Joel 25-26 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.


This show is a continuation in the Mel Friedman – Toxic Disease Pioneer Series. Daisy shared her story of recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, “Oldies but Goodies” on Oct. 7, 2017.

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Life After Morgellons – Paula’s Back Doing What She Loves after healing with Mel Friedman's Protocol - This show consists of Paula's story of her recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, “Oldies but Goodies” on Oct. 7, 2017.

Watch on Bitchute
Listen to PodCast

Hello Everyone!

The next video in the Mel Friedman, Toxic Disease Pioneer Series is available:

Life After Morgellons – Donna Revives Her Lust For Life after healing with Mel Friedman's Protocol

This show consists of Donna's story of her recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call on May 4, 2019.

Watch on Bitchute

Listen to Audio Podcast

Be sure to thumbs up the video! Here's to everyone's continued healing and well-being.

God bless everyone and never give up HOPE!

Much love,



Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/2/2019

Hello Everyone and Welcome

If you are a toxic disease sufferer, take advantage of this informative group of videos and save yourself a lot time.If you have been with us for a while this is the best and fastest way to reaffirm the basics.

It would take one year+ of reading and six month's+ of past conference calls to learn the information made available to you in less than 6 hours in these extraordinary videos.

Remember, slow and steady. Don't rush. Take notes when possible, but no worries, These videos are here to stay, available for you to use as a reference anytime you wish.

Mel Friedman - Morgellons Warrior - Shares His Story & Offers Hope & Good News for Those Who Suffer from Chronic Conditions - March 26, 2018

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Morgellons Warrior - Outlines His Path to Health - April 17, 2018

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer. Ask Mel about natural treatment for Morgellons, Lyme Disease and other chronic illnesses - May 9, 2018

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Meet the Manufacturers of Mel Friedman's Protocol - May 29, 2018

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Sum of the Parts - Mel Friedman's Protocol for Healing Morgellons & Other Chronic Conditions - The audio is from Mel's "Coffee, Tea with Me" weekly conference call of April 1, 2017

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Life After Morgellons - Bill M. Reached the Light at the End of the Tunnel with Mel Friedman's Protocol - This show is Bill M.'s story of his recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, “Oldies but Goodies” on October 7, 2017

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Life After Morgellons - Ellen has Resumed Her Life's Passion of Painting after Healing with Mel Friedman's Protocol. This show consists of Ellen's story of his recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, “Oldies but Goodies” on October 7, 2017.

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Life After Morgellons - Mary's Fishing with Her Family... Again... after Healing with Mel Friedman's Protocol. This show consists of Mary's story of his recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, “Oldies but Goodies” on October 7, 2017.

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

The next video in the Mel Friedman, Toxic Disease Pioneer Series is available: Life After Morgellons - Kelly & Family are Off to the Fall Fair after Healing with Mel Friedman's Protocol.
This show consists of Kelly's story of her recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, "Oldies but Goodies" on Oct. 7, 2017.

Watch on Bitchute
Listen to PodCast

Hello Warriors,

I totally agree with Rockin Robin and all the others who have watched the the videos. I recently watched Daisy video and it brought so much joy and hope to my heart that her health was restored here and she came back to share her awesome story with us.

Daisy not only talked about restoring her health but also how God blessed her to restore her life. Even through this she was blessed to find love agin in her life. Yes she got married and the rest is history.

When you let go of everything that seem to be gone or seem like it can’t be restored; God restores back to us.

Joel 25-26 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.


This show is a continuation in the Mel Friedman – Toxic Disease Pioneer Series. Daisy shared her story of recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, “Oldies but Goodies” on Oct. 7, 2017.

Watch on BitChute
Listen to PodCast

Mel Friedman - Toxic Disease Pioneer - Life After Morgellons – Paula’s Back Doing What She Loves after healing with Mel Friedman's Protocol - This show consists of Paula's story of her recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call, “Oldies but Goodies” on Oct. 7, 2017.

Watch on Bitchute
Listen to PodCast

Hello Everyone!

The next video in the Mel Friedman, Toxic Disease Pioneer Series is available:

Life After Morgellons – Donna Revives Her Lust For Life after healing with Mel Friedman's Protocol

This show consists of Donna's story of her recovery from Morgellons in Mel’s “Coffee, Tea with Me” conference call on May 4, 2019.

Watch on Bitchute

Listen to Audio Podcast

Be sure to thumbs up the video! Here's to everyone's continued healing and well-being.

God bless everyone and never give up HOPE!

Much love,



Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 8/25/2022

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

I do not believe I have emphasized enough of the importance of THE BOOK an 8x11 three hole binder with dividers.

Asked anyone who has restored their health, about me bugging them until they started keeping THE BOOK.


We shall be discussing THE BOOK in an upcoming Coffee, Tea , with Me Saturday conference call in September.

God bless,


Date Added: 3/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 8/25/2022

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

I do not believe I have emphasized enough of the importance of THE BOOK an 8x11 three hole binder with dividers.

Asked anyone who has restored their health, about me bugging them until they started keeping THE BOOK.


We shall be discussing THE BOOK in an upcoming Coffee, Tea , with Me Saturday conference call in September.

God bless,


Date Added: 3/12/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/11/2024

Hi everyone,

I hope you all are doing well. I am with the family on a small spring break trip to Great Wolf Lodge this week. I have gone on so many waterslides with the kids and we're having a great time.

Timothy, how long have you been sick? I hope you are seeing improvement on the protocol.

I first started having symptoms in May of 2020, but didn't find Mel's site until sometime in fall of 2021 and started on the protocol on 10/23/21, so almost 2 1/2 years ago. Before I found Mel's site I was hospitalized with diverticulitis July 4th 2021. Had I found and started the protocol sooner this probably could have been avoided. I also had Covid twice and most recently had the Flu (all 5 of us in the family got it) a few weeks ago, and still dealing with residual symptoms (cough and congestion). About 6 months ago I was having severe pain and my Dr. sent me to a urologist and I had an ultrasound in which they found a cyst and a clot (not at risk of it traveling). All they want to do is pharmaceutical pain meds with bad side effects unless it gets very bad and in this case, they do surgery. I have been using RSO and Nattokinase for this which seems to have helped the pain go away, Praise Jesus!. Things have greatly improved with Morgellons symptoms, but I still have longer to go to get completely well as some problem areas linger on. We all have been through so much and seem to have more going on than just morgellons. Thankfully the protocol can help us get the body back to a healthy state.

Timothy, I heard you mention about eating less meat on a call. I feel like I must do this too. Lately I seem to be in pain when I eat red meat. I think this is related to the diverticulitis and meat staying in the gut longer and irritating it. I was in so much pain a few nights in a row in the last week, and got so little sleep from the pain after eating steak for dinner one night. Unfortunately, I had to take simethicone gas pills, tylenol, and ibuprofen to make it through, but it greatly helped. So I think I'm going to have to give up red meat for a while and will continue to try eating more salads and fruit. I seem to do fine with chicken and salmon. And I am to the point I seem to do fine with adding more fruit without making my morgellons symptoms worse, and I think it is so healthy for cleansing the body if you can handle it. Two things I don't think I will ever bring back is alcohol and sugar. Because it is hard for me to do those in moderation and they are like poison for the body. Thankfully there are so many keto foods available these days.

Teddy, I hope your breakout has completely healed. Even though the herx is hard to go through at least we know it is a good sign of the body purging toxins out and we are healthier on the other side of it.

Nancy, I hope all is well with you and Rusty and that you are continuing to improve.

Joe, I hope you, Karianne and Delilah are doing well and Karianne I hope you are continuing to improve.

Have a great week everyone!

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3


Date Added: 3/8/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/5/2024

Hello everyone,

I decided to re post this, I believe that our continued growth has directly related to our ability to translate all over the world.

A special thanks to our webmaster John Waiveris!

Good Morning All and Welcome,

It's been about two plus years with the new translation installation and here are the interesting numbers!

For the past year we have been 62 / 38 newbies to regulars.

In these first two year we have seen a good increase in newbies 62 / 38% regulars, it seems to be working as our goal was to be to reach and help more people!!

Also very good, the fact that our pages read has increased by 30% and we had the record month in pages read this past December!!!

We will keep you all posted with updates on our new translation installation.

God bless,


Date Added: 3/8/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/21/2023

Hi Katharine

Here is s link to a short video that explains Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) Chiropractic. The menegial adhesions ( spinal cord biofilms) are explained later into the video with x rays that show their presence.

You will need to Google ABC practioners in your local zip code for possible chiropractors that practice this particular science.



Date Added: 3/8/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/27/2023

This post was so significant that while updating the testimonials section, Mel and I decided to repost it.

His next conference call will be 5/21/22

Silver Hydrosol for Restoration of Intestinal Health and Balance
by Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom.

A sea of potential enemies threatening our gastrointestinal microflora lives within us. We carry both beneficial and potentially pathogenic bacteria in our gut, but it is the balance of all life that determines good health or a diagnosed condition. When the “bad guys” multiply due to poor diet, antibiotics, chlorinated water, food poisoning or medical drugs, this resulting manifestation is called dysbiosis. If health is your goal, reversing this situation becomes imperative. Dysbiosis contributes to more serious conditions including Crohn’s disease, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other inflammatory immune disorders. Chronic gut inflammation can also lead to malabsorption, cellular metabolic shifts and obesity.
Although counterintuitive because of its antimicrobial properties, newer research on silver hydrosol reveals its ability to benefit gastrointestinal health. Silver can be delivered internally to the gastrointestinal tract and offer important assistance for epithelial recovery and terrain restoration. in other words, silver is essential for much more than its powerful antimicrobial activity. Its anti-inflammatory and tissue-regenerative properties are underutilized, yet may be more important, for recovery from chronic intestinal diseases.
Bacterial imbalances and Candida overgrowth in the gut (dysbiosis) most acutely affect the epithelial tissue, including the villi. The intestinal villi are tiny, finger-like projections in the wall of the small intestine and have additional extensions called microvilli that protrude from epithelial cells lining the villi. As published in Wikipedia, “They increase the absorptive surface area of the intestinal wall. It is important that the food is absorbed at a considerably fast rate so as to allow more immediate sustenance on an ongoing basis, especially for recovery from chronic illness. If the process is too slow, the concentration of the nutrients in the blood vessels and the food will be equal, thus, adequate diffusion will not occur. Digested nutrients (including sugars and amino acids) pass into the villi through diffusion. Circulating blood then carries these nutrients away.”
But with gut dysbiosis and chronic inflammation, the villi are damaged. Nutrient absorption is highly impaired. Pathogenic (bad) bacteria and fungi complicate and retard the healing process from within. Inflammatory cytokines follow. The immune messengers keep sounding alerts. The inflammation spirals out of control. Your doctor sees this and typically prescribes antibiotics or even powerful synthetic steroid hormones like prednisone. In my book Unlock the Power To Heal (co-written with Ty Bollinger) the chapter on gut health recovery is titled The Road to Colostomy Bags is Paved with Antibiotics and Prednisone. Unfortunately, for every symptom these powerful drugs may suppress, collateral injury and damage is the higher price paid by your intestinal lining. Rather than balance or symbiosis, new and dangerous levels of dysbiosis result. Many in the medical profession and millions of Americans are waking to the dangers of antibiotics and steroidal treatments. It would be wise to investigate and integrate more natural substances that work with your body, rather than against it. Wouldn’t you rather have side benefits, instead of side effects?
Complementary medical options provide hope and are supported with sound scientific reasoning



Date Added: 3/8/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/19/2023

Hi Folks

On Saturdays call we spoke about synergy, which is where we see how nutrients can work together for deeper healing.. Afterwards, I submitted a very detailed and lengthy post about Essiac tea. I want here today to provide a short and simple post about synergy that includes the role it can play towards helping with covid and detoxing negative effects of covid.spike proteins.

Summary:.....There are several parts of the MRNA injections that need to be removed and/or neutralized. And there are different natural, safe products that have clearly been found to work together to accomplish this. Essiac tea removes the heavy metal components, and some of the chemicals that are found in covid infection. The Lumbrokinase enzyme works to break down the toxic proteins. The Essiac works with the Lumbrokinase to remove the toxic debris safely from the body through the bowels. The thiamine/B Complex works with the Lumbrokinase to protect the nervous system; as do the probiotics which help to normalize the person's immunity and gut integrity. They all work together in synergy!

Logos Nutritionals clearly leans on synergy in their ingredient profiles as a long established best practice.

Strength And Love


Date Added: 3/8/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/23/2023

Hello folks

This podcast is surely worth a listen. Why? Because restoring the internal bioterrain is a relatively unappreciated and largely overlooked science that is not adaqutely enbraced by the current mainstream medical community. Big pharma makes huge profits from keeping folks "centered on and committed to" using prescription drugs. So they don't want awareness of the science behind restoring the bioterrain to increase. With that said, bio remediation has tremendous healing potential. Most of you in this community already know this. For me personally, understanding this led me to my own return to health and freedom from Morgellons.

Consider further discovery here in this podcast. It will open doors to contemplate the deeper value in understanding our bioterrain and how it delivers freedom from disease. And why so many get well here!


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