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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Nancy S

Date Added: 2/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 6/23/2023

What Our Community is…

It is our new family!
We have a people that understand and will help us get through to where we need to be.

We have wonderful Sunday fellowship! Plus on Saturday's Conference Calls are a great learning time, we have people who have restored their health come back and share their stories of their restoration as well as great manufacturers that help teach us about their products and how they will help us because most of the regular doctors won’t.

We also make lifelong friends!
We pray for each other and rejoice when someone gets well or has a beautiful baby or has a wonderful story about their pets or a great joke!

We have a great HCAF that will help when you are in need!

There is so much we gain about so many things that we will use the rest of our lives to live better!!!

God bless y'all,


Date Added: 2/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 7/9/2023

Hello Everyone,

Another powerful Saturdays Coffee tea with
Me conference Call this week .
Everyone had a time of free counseling with
Mel and had a chance to ask any questions
They had for free !! How Great is that !!

I would encourage all of the community
To come and join in on the calls , those who
Have walked this out for awhile can add so
Much to the discussion considering they have
Been through so much already and are
Knowledgeable in the do's and don't s for all
The newbees .. which is very helpful...

I enjoyed listening to all the questions and
Learned from the answers ...

I might ad that Walmart does have organic meat and organic
Vegetables also for a fee of 12.00 and change
You can get a membership and do your shopping
Online and they will deliver your groceries to
Your door .. for those of us who don't have a
Car or are unable to get out like they would
Want to ...

Also one of the guests previously said
She got in touch with CSA which is growers
In your area that grow organic vegetables
And for a membership fee will deliver fresh
Vegetables to your door as you want them ,
You choose the frequency of your delivery ..
Options are out there , just have to find out
How to get started...

I hope Norma and Karon do well and are
Able to get the foods they need to get well ...
And are able to find the option best for your
Needs ...I am still learning myself,but if I can
Help at all , please let me know ..

God Bless Everyone and prayers !!!!...

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 07/08/23


Date Added: 2/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 10/22/2021


Zeroing in on what causes morgellons to be wiped out of our bodies is key! Many remedies that make us feel better can sabotage the outcome. For example, I am a meat lover. But an acidic environment is what causes morgellons to grow. Also carbohydrates are comfort foods they make you feel good, but morgellons thrives on sugar and carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body. So you want to heal faster be stricter on these basics. We may want to use things that make us feel better but do they sabotage what works to get the beasties out of us. The stricter the more you wipe them out!

Here are the basics are zero in on:

1). SLEEP. If your tired sleep more. I was sleeping a lot when I started. I did what I had to do and slept in between. Then it gradually reduced to 12 hours a day, then 11, now closer to 9 and when I overdo it 10 hours. As I require less sleep I make sure to get enough sleep when I am tired! The body heals itself when in sleep mode.

2). WATER- We are told to drink enough water. How much? Well people are different sizes. I have heard for years that to find the perfect amount of water you should drink you take your body weight, divide it in half, then drink that many ounces of water a day! So I have been drinking that much . Yes it is a lot. For tall people that is over 8, 8 ounce glasses a day. I discovered that if I was having a reaction, more water lowered that reaction faster! Since I noticed that I have very little reaction overall! On this strictness is so important!

3). DIET- A). NO SUGARS or things that turn into sugar in the system so B). VERY LOW CARBOHYDRATES . Sugar is what morgellons feeds on. The lower the carbs the quicker you starve them. Sugar is hidden in many things including: salad dressings, mayonaises, ketshup, many, many things. Read labels. I heard about 2 weeks after starting to stay UNDER 30 CARBS A DAY . I discovered I got rid of them faster and if I even had a little chocolate (very dark cacao only) that had a little erythritol with the stevia I would have more activity. So I make my own candy bars with only stevia, coconut oil and cacao( which does not act like a sugar in the system-the only one I know of). This gets rid of cravings. Leave out peas, carrots (high in sugar)and all obvious carbs(potatoes, rice, breads, quinoa, beans, lentils, grains, peanut butter or peanuts are all high) , all fruit except lemon and limes (and very, very moderate amounts of berries only), . To keep under 30 carbs a day I suggest the following: lettuces, radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, artichokes, turnips, zucchini, onion, garlic, spices, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, fennel, cabbage, avocados, celery, brussel sprouts, daikon radishes, and I like bitter melon (at Asian markets). I discovered a total meal should never exceed 2 cups.I even feel better if my salad is not too large (less work to digest). Chicken broths without sweetners, most have them, are nice for soups. I like Imagine brand). only healthy oils and only cook on low heats olive oil and coconut oils (at the most medium heat with avocado oil and grape seed oils). Oils overheated are hard on the body and the majority of oils are totally unhealthy and hard to digest due to processing. Just remember leave out all refined, processed, boxed, and canned. Artichoke in water only in a glass jar,
C). Moregllons THRIVES IN FUNGUS so best to leave out all night shades. This includes tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, all peppers, and mushrooms.
D). ACIDIC BODIES CAUSE MORGELLONS TO GROW remember KEEP ALKALINE: So meats (no nitrates, sugars, not highly processed, no hormones and no antibiotics, 100% grass feed beef. Mel ate kosher meat and only in moderation and leave out all dairy. Be very moderate on other substitutes such as nuts, seeds, since you are trying to get your body alkaline and they are acidic, so the beasties can not survive. Perhaps use a little to flavor a meal or as Mel did twice a week (not large) is more than plenty, otherwise you will not remain alkaline and the morgellons grows! IMPORTANT! The stricter the quicker you heal!

4. FOLLOW THE PROTOCOL!. This strengthens the body and clears pathways in the liver and elsewhere to handle the WPS and the removal that needs to be done (water is a vital part of the removal system too remember)
5. TAKE WPS AS INSTRUCTED BY Mel. This removes the disease , especially if we are not feeding the disease while trying to get rid of it! Without the protocol you can get very sick using the WPS when not ready.

This is where all my attention goes. Just following these 5 basics I have seen GREAT results. Yes in the beginning I sprayed myself with WPS and KleenGreen, doused my head under freezing cold water, but the above is healing me!

If I have any symptoms I refer to these 5 things above and hone in and check myself. P.S. I have been much too weak to be a clean freak during this time. My usual clean self has been sitting on a shelf and I only do what my body allows without wiping myself out. So the key to me has been the 5 things above. Period

P.S.S. Remember any issues that come up can be brought to Mel in counseling, He is quite knowledgeable. And to keep you inspired, encouraged, and lift up your spirit the calls are there for you! But for daily upkeep ALWAYS KEEP THE 5 BASICS UPFRONT AND CENTER! And there is so much assistance in the way of learning, reading, and hearing from others on the same journey. I can already attest this is definitely working!

I hope this helps newbies and even those who have been on the journey for a while who may need a little encouragement to keep the basics up front and foremost.

Love you all,


Date Added: 2/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 10/22/2021


Zeroing in on what causes morgellons to be wiped out of our bodies is key! Many remedies that make us feel better can sabotage the outcome. For example, I am a meat lover. But an acidic environment is what causes morgellons to grow. Also carbohydrates are comfort foods they make you feel good, but morgellons thrives on sugar and carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body. So you want to heal faster be stricter on these basics. We may want to use things that make us feel better but do they sabotage what works to get the beasties out of us. The stricter the more you wipe them out!

Here are the basics are zero in on:

1). SLEEP. If your tired sleep more. I was sleeping a lot when I started. I did what I had to do and slept in between. Then it gradually reduced to 12 hours a day, then 11, now closer to 9 and when I overdo it 10 hours. As I require less sleep I make sure to get enough sleep when I am tired! The body heals itself when in sleep mode.

2). WATER- We are told to drink enough water. How much? Well people are different sizes. I have heard for years that to find the perfect amount of water you should drink you take your body weight, divide it in half, then drink that many ounces of water a day! So I have been drinking that much . Yes it is a lot. For tall people that is over 8, 8 ounce glasses a day. I discovered that if I was having a reaction, more water lowered that reaction faster! Since I noticed that I have very little reaction overall! On this strictness is so important!

3). DIET- A). NO SUGARS or things that turn into sugar in the system so B). VERY LOW CARBOHYDRATES . Sugar is what morgellons feeds on. The lower the carbs the quicker you starve them. Sugar is hidden in many things including: salad dressings, mayonaises, ketshup, many, many things. Read labels. I heard about 2 weeks after starting to stay UNDER 30 CARBS A DAY . I discovered I got rid of them faster and if I even had a little chocolate (very dark cacao only) that had a little erythritol with the stevia I would have more activity. So I make my own candy bars with only stevia, coconut oil and cacao( which does not act like a sugar in the system-the only one I know of). This gets rid of cravings. Leave out peas, carrots (high in sugar)and all obvious carbs(potatoes, rice, breads, quinoa, beans, lentils, grains, peanut butter or peanuts are all high) , all fruit except lemon and limes (and very, very moderate amounts of berries only), . To keep under 30 carbs a day I suggest the following: lettuces, radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, artichokes, turnips, zucchini, onion, garlic, spices, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, fennel, cabbage, avocados, celery, brussel sprouts, daikon radishes, and I like bitter melon (at Asian markets). I discovered a total meal should never exceed 2 cups.I even feel better if my salad is not too large (less work to digest). Chicken broths without sweetners, most have them, are nice for soups. I like Imagine brand). only healthy oils and only cook on low heats olive oil and coconut oils (at the most medium heat with avocado oil and grape seed oils). Oils overheated are hard on the body and the majority of oils are totally unhealthy and hard to digest due to processing. Just remember leave out all refined, processed, boxed, and canned. Artichoke in water only in a glass jar,
C). Moregllons THRIVES IN FUNGUS so best to leave out all night shades. This includes tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, all peppers, and mushrooms.
D). ACIDIC BODIES CAUSE MORGELLONS TO GROW remember KEEP ALKALINE: So meats (no nitrates, sugars, not highly processed, no hormones and no antibiotics, 100% grass feed beef. Mel ate kosher meat and only in moderation and leave out all dairy. Be very moderate on other substitutes such as nuts, seeds, since you are trying to get your body alkaline and they are acidic, so the beasties can not survive. Perhaps use a little to flavor a meal or as Mel did twice a week (not large) is more than plenty, otherwise you will not remain alkaline and the morgellons grows! IMPORTANT! The stricter the quicker you heal!

4. FOLLOW THE PROTOCOL!. This strengthens the body and clears pathways in the liver and elsewhere to handle the WPS and the removal that needs to be done (water is a vital part of the removal system too remember)
5. TAKE WPS AS INSTRUCTED BY Mel. This removes the disease , especially if we are not feeding the disease while trying to get rid of it! Without the protocol you can get very sick using the WPS when not ready.

This is where all my attention goes. Just following these 5 basics I have seen GREAT results. Yes in the beginning I sprayed myself with WPS and KleenGreen, doused my head under freezing cold water, but the above is healing me!

If I have any symptoms I refer to these 5 things above and hone in and check myself. P.S. I have been much too weak to be a clean freak during this time. My usual clean self has been sitting on a shelf and I only do what my body allows without wiping myself out. So the key to me has been the 5 things above. Period

P.S.S. Remember any issues that come up can be brought to Mel in counseling, He is quite knowledgeable. And to keep you inspired, encouraged, and lift up your spirit the calls are there for you! But for daily upkeep ALWAYS KEEP THE 5 BASICS UPFRONT AND CENTER! And there is so much assistance in the way of learning, reading, and hearing from others on the same journey. I can already attest this is definitely working!

I hope this helps newbies and even those who have been on the journey for a while who may need a little encouragement to keep the basics up front and foremost.

Love you all,


Date Added: 2/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 6/21/2023


Thank you for sharing an inside snapshot of Mel's daily life.

Understanding that this was and older post ,I'm quite sure not much has changed other then Mel's location. I'm a newbie and I had no idea what I was getting into with this website or protocol but a friend recommended that I sign up for support . My friend has Lyme and MD and has healed to a level of about 85% of her normal .

I too could write a book about my life story, journey, helping others and now this condition that has changed my life .

Meeting Mel for "one on one" counseling was interesting to say the least "LOL" . I had no idea what to expect and he's quite the character to say the least. I'm slowly learning about my daily challenges. Mel kept suggesting that I read, read , read and I've been reading for a year and half for information to heal. So here is a little humor ..... I kept trying to find information on the website and only finding limited information . Mel sounding frustrated , told me once again to keep reading and I said "I'm trying". Mel then learned that I was not signed in to the website but he didn't give up on me . So we are learning each other and I bombed at my first pass on the protocol . I'm learning so much more now and just hoping that I can continue to work and be a success story.


Date Added: 2/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/17/2023

Dear Newbies,

Welcome and hello,
I'm sorry you are all sick but very glad you have found us. The first thing I want to say to you is reach out!! This is a difficult illness and it makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE not going through it alone. You don't need to be alone now you have joined our community!! So post here, ask questions regards your healing journey. We want to help you all!!

This is the best website re Morgellons in the world wide Web as far as I am concerned. Now you have joined, read and read some more. Look at, 'delicious recipes for your dining enjoyment,' to help you change your diet. Put relevant topics in the search engine and research. Look at, 'testimonials,' see others healing journeys. It's a wonderful resource so use it! And ask questions, we are here and we will help.

Another excellent thing is that the ethos of this community is Hope and Restoration. There are no horror stories allowed here. We focus on healing our bioterrain, we don't go into the in's and out's of the strangeness of this illness. Let's face it, we are all traumatized enough, especially when very sick. Our minds need to be helped to focus on the positive and the future.

Please threw away your microscopes, studying the weirdness will mess with your head and not help.

Dont even entertain taking MMS until you have been on the protocol and the ,' sum of the parts,' for a while. I took it out of desperation when I wasn't on the protocol and let's just say I got VERY sick. You need the synergy of the herbs, vitamins, probiotics, digestive enzymes, liver and skin detox etc BEFORE you take MMS. It is strong medicine and has to be used the correct way. At the time I called Mel and I was very unwell and he told me in no uncertain terms to stop it till I had the protocol. And he was completely right. Don't make the same mistakes that I did, you have to be careful, mindful and follow what has been shown to work! I can't stress that enough!!

Don't switch up protocols. The Protocol is a fine tuned synergy of herbs and nutrients and vitamins and enzymes etc. Many people have taken it and slow and steady, they healed their bioterrain. You could over do it adding things you're not supposed to and make yourself sick. Or you could mess with the synergy of what we know works together. Mel says, 'slow and steady,' for a reason. You have to be careful, listen to those who have went before you. And listen to your body.

Drink lots of water, get lots of rest and sleep. Take gentle exercise and get some fresh air. And give yourselves a big hug. It's difficult, I know, we all know:-(. But it's not our faults we got this illness. Don't let it drown who you are. Focus on what you can do, not what you can't. Focus on what you have, not what you don't have. And don't lose your sense of humour, watch a comedy, find some time to laugh and take your mind off it. Do a hobby, listen to music, do nurturing things for you.

Give yourself Love, you need it just now.

Get coaching from Mel to keep you on track and if you can't afford it apply to the HCAF for free coaching.

Come to the free Saturday Conference calls and Sunday prayer. You will be welcomed with open arms. You can ask questions and also pray and have fellowship with people who totally understand what you are going through.

Again reach out ...we are here.

God Bless,


Date Added: 2/17/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/17/2023

Dear Newbies,

Welcome and hello,
I'm sorry you are all sick but very glad you have found us. The first thing I want to say to you is reach out!! This is a difficult illness and it makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE not going through it alone. You don't need to be alone now you have joined our community!! So post here, ask questions regards your healing journey. We want to help you all!!

This is the best website re Morgellons in the world wide Web as far as I am concerned. Now you have joined, read and read some more. Look at, 'delicious recipes for your dining enjoyment,' to help you change your diet. Put relevant topics in the search engine and research. Look at, 'testimonials,' see others healing journeys. It's a wonderful resource so use it! And ask questions, we are here and we will help.

Another excellent thing is that the ethos of this community is Hope and Restoration. There are no horror stories allowed here. We focus on healing our bioterrain, we don't go into the in's and out's of the strangeness of this illness. Let's face it, we are all traumatized enough, especially when very sick. Our minds need to be helped to focus on the positive and the future.

Please threw away your microscopes, studying the weirdness will mess with your head and not help.

Dont even entertain taking MMS until you have been on the protocol and the ,' sum of the parts,' for a while. I took it out of desperation when I wasn't on the protocol and let's just say I got VERY sick. You need the synergy of the herbs, vitamins, probiotics, digestive enzymes, liver and skin detox etc BEFORE you take MMS. It is strong medicine and has to be used the correct way. At the time I called Mel and I was very unwell and he told me in no uncertain terms to stop it till I had the protocol. And he was completely right. Don't make the same mistakes that I did, you have to be careful, mindful and follow what has been shown to work! I can't stress that enough!!

Don't switch up protocols. The Protocol is a fine tuned synergy of herbs and nutrients and vitamins and enzymes etc. Many people have taken it and slow and steady, they healed their bioterrain. You could over do it adding things you're not supposed to and make yourself sick. Or you could mess with the synergy of what we know works together. Mel says, 'slow and steady,' for a reason. You have to be careful, listen to those who have went before you. And listen to your body.

Drink lots of water, get lots of rest and sleep. Take gentle exercise and get some fresh air. And give yourselves a big hug. It's difficult, I know, we all know:-(. But it's not our faults we got this illness. Don't let it drown who you are. Focus on what you can do, not what you can't. Focus on what you have, not what you don't have. And don't lose your sense of humour, watch a comedy, find some time to laugh and take your mind off it. Do a hobby, listen to music, do nurturing things for you.

Give yourself Love, you need it just now.

Get coaching from Mel to keep you on track and if you can't afford it apply to the HCAF for free coaching.

Come to the free Saturday Conference calls and Sunday prayer. You will be welcomed with open arms. You can ask questions and also pray and have fellowship with people who totally understand what you are going through.

Again reach out ...we are here.

God Bless,


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 6/15/2023

What this Community is

In the midst of our new life We’re blessed to have a Community to call our second home….

A place where we all connect
A place where we all can accept
And a place to never judge, but only to share, pray and Love

A place to learn all the ins and outs, the do’s and don't

A place to search, read, and to learn and grow
And a place where we often hear the word NO!! (He He)

A place to learn names of a new family we chose
A place to connect worldwide when with the, who knew
And place to share stories and did mention to read

Well a place to read, see, hear and believe
A place for the testimonies of that’s helps us make change

So what else May I Say
This place brings us joy, helps us with peace moving us forward in dissolving our grief.
Changing our minds, changing our life, making it good one healing at a time.

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/15/2021

Hello Community,


In a conversation with Mel about the community and different aspects of it and the website, God began to direct my thoughts about some things. I feel it is important for me to share this. I don't exactly know why, but I know the Father has brought it to my mind several times in the last few days.

Please help me Father to express what I feel in the right words and to give any message you want us to hear in a clear and concise way.

Everything I have gained (which is a lot) from the community and website has come to me thru 3 different avenues. One is Mel, thank God for him, the second is the weekend phone calls, but, the most influential way has been thru the posting of others. Their testimonies, their encouragement and their help with symptoms and treatments. Sharing has impacted me the most!!!

As I try to check out the forum each morning or evening for new news or questions from newbies or praises and thanks, etc.... I have been reading a lot of the same ones over and over. Mel brings them back to the forefront because there is not much sharing going on. And not a lot of posting like there has always been. Yes, there are some posts, but not like it has been in the past.

The new guys have been sharing their journeys and I have enjoyed reading them and am thrilled with their progress. Each small victory blesses my heart because we care about our brothers and sisters. We also may have knowledge that they need right at that moment for help.

The very smallest things we share, may mean the world to someone else! God has shown me this many times!! Please don't forget to share and reach out to others by posting. Sometimes when you share a defeat or victory, another can relate to the same experience and may need your advice, may need to hear your story about it or rejoice in the same victory or God may be showing them your example to follow!!

This is so important!!
This is one huge way God uses us as his vessels and messengers! We serve Him this way!

I cannot express in words what I gained reading the posts in the present forum and in the past. How I gained so much by sharing my experiences, lows, highs, and in sharing helpful info. as well as receiving so much helpful info.!! Don't take this opportunity for granted for you to bless others and for you to be blessed so very much! It is truly my Heart and for me, the essence of who I am as a Christian to help others by sharing everything!

You may share something small like a joke, or a sweet story about your child, you may share the salvation plan, or witness for the Father, you may share a treatment or a lotion that helps someone,......God uses us in a million different ways, be available, be willing, be active!!

I encourage you to take 10, 15, 20, or 30, min. a week, once a week, yes only once a week to post with others in the forum or just post yourself. I always find things to post about! Nothing is too trite!! One man's trash is another man's treasure!! Did that come out right?? You get what I mean, don't you?

You may even plant seeds that saves someone's life!! Look at Mel and his work!
You may help plant seeds for salvation! Now That is saving a LIFE!! And, I encourage us all to be this way outside the community too!!

I sometimes think we don't see ourselves as those people in the Bible, who served God, but we ARE those people in our time!! We may not feel worthy as Moses did not feel worthy, but look at what God did thru Moses!! Be God's Moses!! Just be willing and available, He will give you opportunities!!

Start posting and helping others and start posting so you also can be blessed !!
And, although we don't get out much, pray each day that God uses you for His glory!! He will amaze you!!!!!

I feel God gave me the right words to express how I feel, and why posting is so important to me. This is not to complain or discipline but just to share and let you know God is always wanting and willing to use us for his purposes! I dearly love you all !!

" And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13;16

The Good News: One of the ways you can demonstrate your love for the Lord is to be compassionate and caring toward those you encounter here on earth...." My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12

" Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ " Galatians 6:2

In HIS Love Always,
Rockin Robin


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 12/1/2022

Hi Linda!

Thanks so much for posting your question, and although each one of us are different, I hope you find this helpful.

I had went through a series of losing a lot of hair when I first got this disease which eventually with the protocol, it grew back but two years ago I got a few really bad cases of pneumonia and my doctors always explain to me at any stress or infection on the body will cause hair loss. They also mentioned they were commonly seeing it in the lot of Covid patients.

They recommended, please check with Mel and John B. first, but I was told by my pulmonologist to do 10,000 mcg of Biotin daily. After about 8 months, my nails begin to grow stronger & longer, and my hair is finally beginning to thicken as well as my eyelashes and my eyebrows.

Again I’ll mention everyone is different of course so the absorption rate in your stomach, as well as your overall need, but it will eventually help. Also be looking into your diet there are many foods that will help with hair skin and nails as well.

I hope this find this helpful!
Take care!


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 2/21/2022

Hi Vel,

Thank you for posting The Basics.

I’m a newbie, on week 3 of the Basic Protocol. It’s still overwhelming. So much information, its hard to retain. But your post made it simple. I will print it and keep it close. Thanks again!

Hope you are doing great!

Take care,


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/18/2023

Great write up Christie!

We really have a lot of people and companies that help us. So glad that new people have found the site, all of you are very welcome!

It is a learning process to get our health back and everyone is different. Plus we families and jobs to work at and that makes it harder to get well.

Because so many don’t understand or believe!, We have to find our own way!

Thankful we have found Mel.

I love reading about all the gardens! We always had one but because of the weather we haven’t started one yet. It is raining here now. My grandson came and spent the night with us and helped his papa do something being in your 70’s it takes longer to get them done.

Looking forward to Saturday’s call!!!

Freddie bean

Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/24/2020

Hi Everyone

What a great fun Sunday prayer and Fellowship call many Sundays ago, the prayers were just beautiful and the fellowship was such fun with lots of laughter.
This call went on for two hour yet the time flew past so very quickly.
If I hadn't had to go to my bed I would have loved for it to go on longer!

This Sunday was also full of tips and information on healing skin issues, some I had completely forgotten so was much appreciated to get a reminder on these great tips.

Really looking forward to next weekend for more fun and laughter.

Thanks Mel for putting these fantastic calls on.

Freddie x

Freddie bean

Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/24/2020

Hi Everyone

What a great fun Sunday prayer and Fellowship call many Sundays ago, the prayers were just beautiful and the fellowship was such fun with lots of laughter.
This call went on for two hour yet the time flew past so very quickly.
If I hadn't had to go to my bed I would have loved for it to go on longer!

This Sunday was also full of tips and information on healing skin issues, some I had completely forgotten so was much appreciated to get a reminder on these great tips.

Really looking forward to next weekend for more fun and laughter.

Thanks Mel for putting these fantastic calls on.

Freddie x


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 7/18/2021

What an excellent idea to include time clocks. I scrolled down to the bottom of the visitors right now and there they were:-).

These clocks are so handy and useful, thank you!!

God bless,


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 7/18/2021

What an excellent idea to include time clocks. I scrolled down to the bottom of the visitors right now and there they were:-).

These clocks are so handy and useful, thank you!!

God bless,


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/22/2023

Hear his video @ 1:05mins., long C-19 or TI? Dr. Buttar helped many.

Im sure he did NOT get the vaccine, I find shedding almost unbelievable till I got CDB { cross domain bacteria ] aka Morgellons.

Chris, I dont think you were still on call when I wanted to answer your question as I just saw summit that talked about that.

* If you give love & kindness to others it sooths your mind where that Love & kindness comes back to you.

I spoke to a woman who gave up her problems to God almighty regarding CDB & healed 90%, the body follows the mind.

Kathrine could find help on her rash w/ Genamicin .1% cream ,yes its a script from Derm.

I hope I didn't hog the call to much.

Sunday Blessing early-don


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/24/2023

Hello everyone,

I repeat I Never thought I would feel this good again.

God, Mel and all the manufacturers have done a fantastic service to all mankind!

You just have to follow protocol and do all of the sum of the parts!!

It takes a while to get to a better place, I had Rocky Mountain spotted Fever over 20 years ago doctor treated me and I got well but 20 years later had a old blood clot removed and everything went haywire!!!

My Cancer came back, lost all the iron in my body, high blood pressure, had type 2 diabetes but got I rid of that easy with this website!!!!

For the last almost 9 years it has been any or everything. Been with Mel over a year without his help and protocols and advice I wouldn’t be here today!!!!!

Oh yes I had doubts that it would work but hung in there through all the stuff and really starting to feel so much better!!!!!!

Looking forward to Saturday’s call.
Till Saturday praying for everybody,

God bless,


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/25/2023

Dear Sonja,

Please know healing does and will take time. I want to encourage you to take this one step at a time. You ask great and valid questions, but start by working on one thing at a time.

FIRST: You must restore your bio-terrain in order for everything else to begin healing. "The human biological terrain (bio-terrain) is the cumulation of all the systems in the body that nourish, maintain, and protect us, especially the microbiome in the gut." (Logo's Nutritional).

NEXT: You need to take the proper supplements and eat a healthy diet in order to first restore and then maintain your system. You might want to consider some coaching sessions as you begin the protocol especially when you are experiencing brain fog. Brain fog is most definitely part of this disease. But again, one step at a time so you do not become overwhelmed.

ALSO: Please focus on the cure and not the symptoms. Try researching diet and food recipes on this website that others have shared. There is a variety of healthy foods you can eat; so do not worry about trying to eat certain foods you believe you have allergies to.

LAST: Research the protocol and the many benefits you get from taking each of the supplements. There is also a protocol for Lyme's that is outline for you. Although I am back to living my life after this disease, the basic protocol is part of my daily routine.

I must continue to remind you that this process takes time, patience, perseverance, and Prayers. But you WILL get well! "May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:5

In Christ,


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/14/2023

Regarding Lyme , I have had since I was 23 years old, now 51 and just figured out all these painful years what the problem is and now I can focus on the problem, full well knowing that God has guided me here. I do not have the Morgellons, though I do itch into the night most days. Definitely have crawling, prickling, itching sensations under the skin, eyebrows, scalp etc. I am itching more after reading/ listening to this beautiful site. I am happy to take this journey with everyone here and have been aware of Morgellons as a reality for people for years.

Here are some questions for the Saturday calls, as I dive in to protocol, today being my first day!! My 9 yr old daughter Frieda will start hers tomorrow. (Lyme) I am about to have a grumpy girl. (No sugar. She does maple syrup most days) This will end tomorrow.

#1 I am peri menopause and have been given Chinese herbs for hot flashes. I definitely test for low estrogen. I get overheated multiple times a day, and feel like a hot swamp inside, that is when I’m not freezing. Can I take this focused supplement and or is there a better focused product taken with Mels protocol ?

I have I hard time keeping my joints and muscles online , meaning they go out all the time( frozen shoulder 2 times on opposite sides this last year alone,) and thus I cannot do my work for months at a time. I have lots of swelling of muscles and pulling of muscles and pain, even with all the PT, chiropractic, massage and acupuncture that I do in order to function. Praising God for the best insurance of my life, that covers a decent amount a year of the alternative care mentioned. The worst pain is in my neck, shoulders and ribs and shoulder blade areas, and low back and pelvis. I have 4 moderately protruding disks in my neck and 1 in low back. Autoimmune arthritis I hear is common with Lyme, and I imagine it is because of the bacteria and confections that I am not clear on what I have specifically. I discovered the Lyme though dark field microscopy at the West clinic with Dr West in Pocatello Idaho only in October 2022. It made the most sense of my life as to why I have suffered. It all fit the long puzzle. I do remember a bite and rash and subsequent crash in bed for 2 years with brain inflammation and pain that did improve but would always come back through the years just not as bad as those first 2 years in bed.

#2 Is there something else besides the basic protocol I could be taking now to help with this problem of musculoskeletal imbalances?

So that I might get back to baking? As baking has been my job the last 4 years. Praise God my husband is able to take over while I am not physically functioning. Though that gives him no time off. I think my diet is fairly in sync with recommended diet as I have been working on that since my mid 20s, with many breaks in between. I will follow diet recommended here.

#3 a.
Eggs . My daughter tested blood allergy to eggs. Made sense of why she threw up as a young child. We avoid eggs for her. Perhaps I could retest as these things can change, though she does get a tummy ache when they get slipped in. What is a good way to feed her without the eggs?
#3 b.
I have been avoiding eggs myself as I found EBV retroactive virus in my blood tests a few years back and had been following Kasia Kines dietician protocol for this. She has the EBV Global Institute online and her thick book titled The EBV Solution. She is big on the idea that eggs feed viral loads, and so I stopped eating them thinking that EBV was my main infection. I would love to go back to eating them. It makes breakfast so easy. I did gain some health doing her antiviral protocol which had a similar but different focus. Vit C selenium, lemon balm, zinc, d3 w K , licorice root, just off the top of my head. Do I eat eggs?

I’m spinning circles trying to remember what I was doing at home. I have gotten into the habit of talking out load, because if I hear myself I am less likely to forget. I forget what people’s names are, names of local stores, etc and my list
Is protocol going to help with poor brain function?
Is there more of a focus for that that I can turn to?

I know it can get better as my brain came back online with that recent visit to the Pocatello clinic, though it was short lived, (3 months) and the clinic is way out of financial bounds. Mel says the IVs are not good long term on the body.

Thanks for dealing with my poor grammar. I have always been more on the artsy side, A Florist, yoga instructor, and LMT for 30 years all together. All in the past now as God guides my life through this illness. I love baking now, it’s simple and I can set my own hours and work around my daughters school schedule and my little family as we navigate this windy path together.


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/25/2023

Dear Sonja,

Please know healing does and will take time. I want to encourage you to take this one step at a time. You ask great and valid questions, but start by working on one thing at a time.

FIRST: You must restore your bio-terrain in order for everything else to begin healing. "The human biological terrain (bio-terrain) is the cumulation of all the systems in the body that nourish, maintain, and protect us, especially the microbiome in the gut." (Logo's Nutritional).

NEXT: You need to take the proper supplements and eat a healthy diet in order to first restore and then maintain your system. You might want to consider some coaching sessions as you begin the protocol especially when you are experiencing brain fog. Brain fog is most definitely part of this disease. But again, one step at a time so you do not become overwhelmed.

ALSO: Please focus on the cure and not the symptoms. Try researching diet and food recipes on this website that others have shared. There is a variety of healthy foods you can eat; so do not worry about trying to eat certain foods you believe you have allergies to.

LAST: Research the protocol and the many benefits you get from taking each of the supplements. There is also a protocol for Lyme's that is outline for you. Although I am back to living my life after this disease, the basic protocol is part of my daily routine.

I must continue to remind you that this process takes time, patience, perseverance, and Prayers. But you WILL get well! "May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:5

In Christ,


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/13/2023

First of all, I would like to thank all the members of this community for allowing me to share my story. It was a privilege and blessing to interact with this community on the conference call. There is nothing easy about MD but once you overcome will never forget the knowledge you have gained from it.

I would like to encourage each of you to take "The Next Step" and begin posting your journeys. I recall being a bit apprehensive to post in the beginning, mostly because I did not know where to start. So after some thought, I decided to share my journey through poetry. The more time I spent on posting and writing poetry, the less time I gave the disease; the less time I gave the disease; the closer I got to doing the "happy dance!" Believe me when I say; posting is an important part of the healing process.

I look forward to reading the journeys and pray you will take The Next Step!
"My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not stumbled." Psalm 17:5

In Christ,


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/13/2023

First of all, I would like to thank all the members of this community for allowing me to share my story. It was a privilege and blessing to interact with this community on the conference call. There is nothing easy about MD but once you overcome will never forget the knowledge you have gained from it.

I would like to encourage each of you to take "The Next Step" and begin posting your journeys. I recall being a bit apprehensive to post in the beginning, mostly because I did not know where to start. So after some thought, I decided to share my journey through poetry. The more time I spent on posting and writing poetry, the less time I gave the disease; the less time I gave the disease; the closer I got to doing the "happy dance!" Believe me when I say; posting is an important part of the healing process.

I look forward to reading the journeys and pray you will take The Next Step!
"My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not stumbled." Psalm 17:5

In Christ,


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/14/2023

#5 My naturopath thinks I should start Low Dose Naltexone LDN to hopefully get me through this difficult time of the musculoskeletal inflammation and subsequent pain. Can I take this for awhile with the intention of quitting as soon as I am through this crazy flare up. I have heard it helps.

My focus before finding Mel’s site was WPS and rife machine for Lyme and coinfections. I started with WPS for 3 months consistently at 8 hours a day ,that did not go well for me, though did take away all muscle pain!?I seemed to get much sicker in other ways. However I did not try the rife machine yet. Some people recover from Lyme in a year doing rife alone, as I’m sure you have followed.

Could Rife machine sessions be a supplemental piece for me? My friend has a machine I could use. I see why Morgellons could be aggravated by frequency, maybe Lyme too? Any thoughts on this. I know Mel does not want protocols mixed. I don’t mean to push that. I just want to speak in the beginning of this journey, so I can leave the idea behind now or compliment what I am doing with Mels protocol.


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/17/2023


I just want to tell you how how happy I am for you after reading your post.

Though I know first hand how awful this disease is, to read your story and see that you are getting well, little by little, is so encouraging for the rest of the MD community, especially those who are just beginning.

I can honestly say that when I was in the thick of the disease, I don't know how I would have made it through without the posts from everyone on this site.

Good job and keep up the good work! I know you will recover with complete protocol and encouragement from others in this community!

God bless you.
All my best,


Date Added: 2/13/2024
Date Of Original Post: 5/9/2023

Hi Tea ,

Thank you Tea for your words of encouragement,
So blessed to be able to share with others.

That's not been the case , ever , until I found
this community of precious people going through
things that we never thought possible.

The courage and Resolve it takes to get well is something we
sometimes have to dig deep for but we can do it .

Thank You again Mel , Truly !!! We couldn't do it
Without you... : )...

May God help us All to Heal and give us a speedy Recovery!!!
Amen !!

Thank you Tea !! : )

John Burgstiner

Date Added: 2/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 4/10/2023

Hi Vanessa,

This is pollen season for sure, so very common to see allergies pop up. Try to avoid exposure if possible and keep it out of your home.

Dust mites are another possible source... dust covers on your mattress and pillows can help there.

Hepa filtration systems can also be helpful for those who are suffering as can sinus rinses with a neti pot or similar system.

Mold exposure is another potential culprit that should be investigated and eliminated.

As far as supplemental support, you might consider adding our BioC Plus to your regimen since it contains vitamin C and quercetin, both of which have antihistamine properties due to their inhibition of mast cells.

Stinging nettle tea can also be helpful in reducing allergy symptoms.

If none of these suggestions help, you might want to ask your doctor about food allergy testing.


Date Added: 2/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 1/20/2023

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

Honest In-jun, There is no doubt about prayer and fellowship With positive stories and the occasional jokes from around the globe, Are the best two hours in the week.

Sundays calls are not recorded and have a warm friendly Calmness about them, that make it easy for newbies to begin friendships, gain good information and Knowledge.

Praying is optional. All are Welcome to come and get the feel of our warm loving community!

Talk with you soon.
God bless,

Those who do not give up HOPE get well !


Date Added: 2/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 9/1/2022

Holy Mackerel Mustard!

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to start posting regularly on the health benefits foods that are in our diet, so I thought I would start on Mustard & Mackerel! Oh my!!

Mustard is rich in protein, fiber, vitamin C and many B-complex vitamins. There are several health benefits of mustard for the body like relief from muscular pains, ringworm and respiratory disorders as well and also helps in treating cancer and diabetes!

- May help fight against certain types of cancers
- May help with muscle cramps.
- May lower blood sugar levels
- May protect against psoriasis
- May offer protection against infections
- May reduce symptoms of contact dermatitis
- May help with bad breath
- May provide relief from arthritis pain and constipation.

A Mustard Seed is crazy powerful! So now let’s add it too some Mackerel!

Below is all the amazing benefits of Mackerel! (thanks Donald! ;-)

Mackerel is considered some of the most nutritious fishes. They are an excellent source of protein, vitamins B’s and vitamin D. Even their flesh is full of minerals like copper, selenium and iodine. Some of these fishes also contain good amounts of iron and B1. The nutritional benefits of mackerel are truly endless!

- A sustainable source of omega-3 fatty acids.
- Contains significant amounts of vitamin B 12.
- Excellent source of proteins.
- An excellent source of selenium.
- May help improve cardiovascular health.
- Provides amazing amounts of vitamin D.
- May help improve cognitive function.
- May help reduce triglyceride levels.

So I know we’re headed into a nice holiday weekend where everyone wants to cook out or have a barbecue, but I say we have some mackerel with some mustard on the side!!

Holy Mackerels……. and some mustard! ;-)

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend y’all!



Robert Scott Bell

Date Added: 2/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 2/17/2023

Hello everyone again,

I don’t have much to say about red light therapy as I have not used it myself. However, as with any holistic therapy, it can stimulate immune function, and that can bring on symptoms as you overcome residual Morgellon’s issues.

As to the CPAP machine, what is the reason for lack of oxygenation? Where is the blockage? Is it a physical obstruction issue? Or is it an oxygen transport issue? If it is, the latter, increase the bio, active copper Hydro salt intake on a daily basis, so that the iron in your blood can be fully utilized for oxygen transport.

God bless,


Date Added: 2/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 3/26/2023

I’m bringing it forward for the new Ladies! This has a couple of quick easy low carb dinners too!!

Hello Everyone!

I’m posting on a few things I promised from this past Saturday’s call that I’d follow up with.

First off was a few great, low carb daily meal ideas.

Breakfast: Renaissance Shake in Coconut or Almond Milk, Unsweetened.
Lunch: Chicken, Turkey or Egg Salad
Dinner: Baked Chicken and Broccoli

Breakfast: Eggs & Bacon
Lunch: Avocado Shake (I’ll post the recipe this week)
Dinner: Baked or Blackened Salmon & Spinach

Breakfast: Hemp “Oat” Meal
Lunch: 1 Med Green Apple OR a Chef Salad
Dinner: Crustless Egg Veggie Quiche

Great low carb snacks are; Homemade 2 Pumpkin Cookies, Sugar-free Chocolate Almond Milk, which can be also made into a hot chocolate!! Also can always snack on beef or turkey sticks!

For the App that helps with counting carbs is called; Carb Manager, which is free to download, or as always google for it for some nutritional information.

Lastly here’s the link for the Solar Radio;

Hope y’all find this helpful, I’ve really enjoyed sharing it with all of you!

Love & Hugs!


Date Added: 2/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 2/2/2023

Hello Everyone and Welcome Again,

In the beginning We used a product made by Jim Humble through his west coast representative Dennis Richards at the time.We actually have old conference call with them. Dennis wrote a book about health, then died. Jim and I used to argue about the way to use his product properly with our protocol.

We then moved on to healthy Way, as Pavel started his own company and during the first couple of years he was very grateful. then his son came into the business and we got treated differently ; communication became less frequent,his prices kept rising , his shipping costs we unreal and it was time for another switch.

Esty, offered a good product but dealing with their customer service department really difficult.

OK, Next, either Karen or I found a product on eBay that was good, ordered it once and then they stopped selling it, Oh shoot!

The whole community is in an uproar and people are upset with me, any body want my Job?

OK, I endeavor to do my best, and @ my age moving three times in three months has slowed me down just a tad. This product as you can see from the post has presented the most changes in our protocol!

The good news is ,I present a very good product to you from amazon, in two once glass bottles, I think its the best

God bless you all,


Date Added: 2/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 2/19/2023

Hello Kipp, This is the tooth paste I use, mouthwash I found useful: Both there products are mild but work.

The pineal gland is an endocrine gland whose main function is the biosynthesis and secretion of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating circadian rhythms, e.g., the sleep/wake cycle. Due to its exceptionally high vascularization and its location outside the blood–brain barrier, the pineal gland may accumulate significant amounts of calcium and fluoride, making it the most fluoride-saturated organ of the human body. Both the calcification and accumulation of fluoride may result in melatonin deficiency.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the concentrations of fluoride in the pineal gland may show inhibitory activity on melatonin synthesis pathway enzymes. Fluoride having this effect has been known for a long time in relation to many enzymes, Thus, it cannot be excluded that the restriction of melatonin synthesis associated with pinealocyte calcification may be caused not only by a decrease in the number of active pinealocytes but also by the direct influence of fluoride accumulated in the gland on enzymatic activity..

Good Luck,

Laura (aunt)

Date Added: 2/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 11/12/2017


First of all please know you have come to the right place for answers. We have all been where you are and there is definitely hope! Understanding the science behind this disease is beneficial. My experience with many doctors is; they have not done enough research on this disease and therefore do not have answers for us.

The protocol used on this website is based on facts from years of research by people who lived with this disease. They are now free from the disease and are once again living their lives.

We have a foundation title "He Cures All Foundation" that is for people like you who are unable to pay for the protocol. You should consider putting your name on the list for receiving the protocol until you are able to pay for it. Mel started this organization to help people in need. So once you are in a position to give back to the foundation it would be a way of helping others that arrive here after you.

I would also encourage you to use the search engine to find answers to your questions such as diet, environment, hair, etc. I do not have and never did get the lesions. All the more reason to start the protocol as soon as possible. One thing I know for sure is; you must treat this from the outside in and the inside out. Kleen Green is another product beneficial for your laundry and environment.

Once again, you were led to the best community for restoring your health. Stay strong and know we are here for you.

In Christ Love,

Laura (aunt)

Date Added: 2/1/2024
Date Of Original Post: 11/12/2017


First of all please know you have come to the right place for answers. We have all been where you are and there is definitely hope! Understanding the science behind this disease is beneficial. My experience with many doctors is; they have not done enough research on this disease and therefore do not have answers for us.

The protocol used on this website is based on facts from years of research by people who lived with this disease. They are now free from the disease and are once again living their lives.

We have a foundation title "He Cures All Foundation" that is for people like you who are unable to pay for the protocol. You should consider putting your name on the list for receiving the protocol until you are able to pay for it. Mel started this organization to help people in need. So once you are in a position to give back to the foundation it would be a way of helping others that arrive here after you.

I would also encourage you to use the search engine to find answers to your questions such as diet, environment, hair, etc. I do not have and never did get the lesions. All the more reason to start the protocol as soon as possible. One thing I know for sure is; you must treat this from the outside in and the inside out. Kleen Green is another product beneficial for your laundry and environment.

Once again, you were led to the best community for restoring your health. Stay strong and know we are here for you.

In Christ Love,

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