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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Rockin Robin

Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/7/2021

Dear Lily, Desiree, Jolanta, Diane & Joshua, Diana, & Neal ( and anyone else I may have missed),

I am so glad you are here. Some of you have been here for a little while and have already learned a lot! Reading will answer a lot of your questions. When I first came to the website, I read everyday until I had read nearly everything under each heading on the webpage site. Some I came back to later for more.

I learned a lot about help with symptoms from posts between members and in the search engine. You will learn a lot about diet that way too under Articles and Diet and the post Delicious Dining for Your Enjoyment. Keep some separate notebooks for the following: 1. conference calls, 2. diet and recipes, 3. prayer and devotionals, 4. information, medicines, and supplies. (phone #'s and emails for companies that sell our products) & help for symptoms. The reason being , is that if you put it all in one notebook, you will constantly be looking and looking for what you wrote down. I found it so much easier to organize and separate these. I like the 5inch by 7 inch or 5inch by 8 inch smaller spiral notebooks. This saves enormous time!! You will be filling them up and buying more, but it does slow down after a while.

I thought I would mention some of the food and meals I eat and are approved.

Meats - free range chicken, very lean pork, canadian bacon, turkey canadian bacon, ground lean turkey, free range beef-very lean, ground lean buffalo -delicious, Mel loves Kosher meats!! Lunch meats- that say no nitrates, no hormones, no anti-biotics, all natural. There are several brands in all big chain grocery stores. I like Hormel's All Natural Oven Cooked Turkey & Ham !4 oz. pkgs. Wild - Caught fish & shrimp

Vege's - cabbage, onions, bell peppers, garlic, celery, brussel sprouts, broccoli, califlower, califower rice, asparagus, mustard and turnip greens, okra, green beans, yellow squash, and zucchini squash, artichoke hearts, spinach, lettuce, kale, tomatoes in moderation. I buy all of these fresh or in frozen bags= nothing in them but the veges. No sauses, or extra ingredients in bags.

Other - Eggs, Eggs, & Eggs - you will eat a lot of eggs! Almond milk unsweetened, Vanilla almond milk unsweetened, and chocolate almond milk unsweetened. For a sweet treat a glass of vanilla or chocolate unsweetened almond milk with some stevia in it. ( occassionally) Olive oil and coconut oil only, Kerrygold Irish butter, Brand- Chosen Avacado Oil Mayo or make some homemade from articles and diet on the website. No regular condiments! Recipe for ketchup on website too!

Fruit- To start strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries - IN MODERATION
1/4 CUP A DAY!. I have mine with breakfast. I usually buy 2 kinds at a time. Later when Mel says its ok, you can add green apples - 2 TBS. cooked cinnamon apples.

I use lots of lettuce leaves for wraps! They are my tortillas and breads. Example: ground turkey with chili powder & cumin salt & pepper inside lettuce leaf with avacado and tomato on top. I have many different things to put in them! Lunch meat, chicken, almost anything. Salads with meat toppings! Oil and apple cider vinegar dressings. Approved mayo and lemon dressing.

Teas- Peppermint, Red Rooibus, Moringa, Green and there are others that are good, I buy all caffine free. Dandylion & coconut tea makes a wonderful substitute for coffee. add some flavored almond milk (vanilla or chocolate) and stevia and wow, it is good!

Drinks - Water, Teas, Lemon Cleanse or plain lemon drink, and Apple Cider Vinegar/ Cinnamon Drink ( with all these drinks, you have to experiment with the lemon juice or apple-cider vinegar to determine the strength you like mixed with water).

1. Lemon Cleanse - lemon juice, water, cayenne pepper ( stevia if you like, I do! )
This drink helps with the crawlies, they don't like it !!!
2. Lemon, water, stevia
3. Apple Cider Vinegar, water, cinnamon, turmeric & stevia
I love these on ice or freeze it to a slush. Mix or stir before drinking each time. All of these drinks are good for you!!

Snacks - fresh ground almond butter or in a jar. Nuts!!! Pecans, walnuts, almonds and my favorite pumpkin seeds without shells - the crawlies hate them!!

There are many other things you can add to this as time goes buy and other recipes on the website. But, this should give you a good start !!

You will bake, broil, steam and pan fry or cook most of these, plus microwave some of the vegetables etc....

NEXT - Some of your weapons for fighting this disease:

1. Protocol - Get on this right away!! This will heal your immune system. Talk to Mel.

2. Kleen Green - you can put this everywhere on your body but not in your eyes , nose, or face. It is ok in the hair. Kleen Green is your friend and kills the pathegens!

3. Sovereign Silver - You can put this on your face, neck, in your eyes, nose, ears, and sores and rashes. Mostly anywhere and you can take it orally. 1 tsp. under the tongue for a min. then swallow morning and night. There is a sovereign silver gel that is great for the sores and rashes and break-out bumps etc... However don't put the gel in your eyes, or mouth ( not orally ).

4. WPS - this is something you won't use orally until Mel tells you the right time to start it. He will instruct you on WPS. However, you can begin using it in the laundry and for me it was wonderful. After several washings, there are no pathogens in my clothes, Still using it over a year later!

5 . Stevia - can work on break-outs, rashes and sores. Mix with a little water. The Pyure brand is a good brand and Sweet Drops. Pure Organic Leaf Extract Stevia
I buy the packages, some prefer the liquid.

6. Sulfer Soap - You will bathe and shampoo with it. A miracle for sure!! I also use Tea Tree & Mint shampoo ( Walmart )

These 6 above are GOLD!!!! Your friends and you need them to manage this disease!!
5 & 6 I added because I have had great success with them!

The diet calls for organic veges and special meats and things that are expensive, you may not be able to afford all organic and special meats in the beginning but you will pick and choose and eventually work it out so your getting the best quality without the junk they add to foods and on foods ex. pesticides, hormones, dyes, and preservatives, etc...

I hope this helps all of you newbies, I floundered at first, Be patient with yourself! This is a lot of info. when you first find the website. It does take time to get it all organized and going smoothly. But, You can do it!! Take one day at a time, one hour at a time! You won't believe where you will be in 6 months or a year!!! Don't be afraid to call Mel or ask for help or advice from any of us!! We're here and we care!!!

Love & Hugs, Rockin Robin Romans 5:1-5 Have FAITH & BELIEVE !!!


Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/6/2021

As an intense migraine sufferer I know that it can be very difficult, it can rearrange your day even your week. It can mess with our sleep and even doing simple task that’s normal for most people, can be a battle.

Through my journey I’ve seen plenty of doctors to help with their insight and some really important things to look at because migraines can be so complicated. I’m not here to say anything specific for anyone, I just want to share what I have learned along the way in hopes that I can help someone else. Migraines are known to be a common symptom of Lyme.

So here are some critical things to think about in ways to help avoid them and common things that can trigger them.

1. Your sleep pattern. Very critical for you to try to stay within a sleep pattern giving you the same amount every night. It can be hard but over time I’ve learned what time I go to bed and what time I try to wake up every day is very helpful.
2. Your daily routine. Here again I know it sounds simple, but just the slightest things off, and can readjust parts of your brain on you it’s more difficult when you struggle with migraines. For example eating off schedule and even skipping meals will likely trigger one.
3. The food you eat. Along the way some of you may have learned which foods will trigger them. Some foods you can have a little amounts and some food you can’t have it all. It’s helpful in your daily journal when you keep track of your diet, make sure you keep track of the days you have migraines. You may be able to trace it to your food you weren’t familiar with that’s been triggering them for sometime. Also your sleep, weather and your moods can have an impact.
4. Common foods. I know many of these we don’t eat or drink, but just in case I’m telling you anyway! ;-) So anything containing Gluten, Alcohol, Caffeine, Chocolate, Dairy, Artificial Sweeteners, Soy Sauce, Chili Peppers, Bananas, Lima Beans/most Beans, Aged Cheeses, and that’s just a few! So know I’ll be adding some more in future posts.
5. Foods that can help. Dark Leafy Greens, like Spinach or Kale. Of course Avocados, Seeds and Nuts, especially Sunflower seeds and Almonds. Red meats and eggs are good too!
6. Smells. Pretty much all Cleaners, Candles, Perfumes, Lotions and those plug in the wall “air fresheners”. Bad….Very bad.
7. You’re water intake. I know we’re all pretty good at this but it’s critical and can easily be over look what you’re taking in, but a minimum 68 ounces of water daily.
8. Bright or Flashing lights. Even your tv, computer or your cell phone. Why even the sun can trigger or make one worse, so be careful. I’m sure y’all are familiar with the pain in the eyes & your head the moment you exposed to different light settings..
9. Sinus Congestion or Sinus Pressure.
10. Hormones. (enough said!)

These are a few ideas I’ve learned along the way so I hope some of the information here is helpful.

I know that migraines can be debilitating and rearrange your day. There are times when you push through and other times you’ll just hang out in a dark room for relief, but you will get relief. I know they stink! I pray some of these notes and ideas help you and I’ll definitely be sharing more along the way! Hang in there!!!

Prayers & Love y’all!


Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/6/2021

As an intense migraine sufferer I know that it can be very difficult, it can rearrange your day even your week. It can mess with our sleep and even doing simple task that’s normal for most people, can be a battle.

Through my journey I’ve seen plenty of doctors to help with their insight and some really important things to look at because migraines can be so complicated. I’m not here to say anything specific for anyone, I just want to share what I have learned along the way in hopes that I can help someone else. Migraines are known to be a common symptom of Lyme.

So here are some critical things to think about in ways to help avoid them and common things that can trigger them.

1. Your sleep pattern. Very critical for you to try to stay within a sleep pattern giving you the same amount every night. It can be hard but over time I’ve learned what time I go to bed and what time I try to wake up every day is very helpful.
2. Your daily routine. Here again I know it sounds simple, but just the slightest things off, and can readjust parts of your brain on you it’s more difficult when you struggle with migraines. For example eating off schedule and even skipping meals will likely trigger one.
3. The food you eat. Along the way some of you may have learned which foods will trigger them. Some foods you can have a little amounts and some food you can’t have it all. It’s helpful in your daily journal when you keep track of your diet, make sure you keep track of the days you have migraines. You may be able to trace it to your food you weren’t familiar with that’s been triggering them for sometime. Also your sleep, weather and your moods can have an impact.
4. Common foods. I know many of these we don’t eat or drink, but just in case I’m telling you anyway! ;-) So anything containing Gluten, Alcohol, Caffeine, Chocolate, Dairy, Artificial Sweeteners, Soy Sauce, Chili Peppers, Bananas, Lima Beans/most Beans, Aged Cheeses, and that’s just a few! So know I’ll be adding some more in future posts.
5. Foods that can help. Dark Leafy Greens, like Spinach or Kale. Of course Avocados, Seeds and Nuts, especially Sunflower seeds and Almonds. Red meats and eggs are good too!
6. Smells. Pretty much all Cleaners, Candles, Perfumes, Lotions and those plug in the wall “air fresheners”. Bad….Very bad.
7. You’re water intake. I know we’re all pretty good at this but it’s critical and can easily be over look what you’re taking in, but a minimum 68 ounces of water daily.
8. Bright or Flashing lights. Even your tv, computer or your cell phone. Why even the sun can trigger or make one worse, so be careful. I’m sure y’all are familiar with the pain in the eyes & your head the moment you exposed to different light settings..
9. Sinus Congestion or Sinus Pressure.
10. Hormones. (enough said!)

These are a few ideas I’ve learned along the way so I hope some of the information here is helpful.

I know that migraines can be debilitating and rearrange your day. There are times when you push through and other times you’ll just hang out in a dark room for relief, but you will get relief. I know they stink! I pray some of these notes and ideas help you and I’ll definitely be sharing more along the way! Hang in there!!!

Prayers & Love y’all!


Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 7/15/2017

Hi Jenny S.

Sorry for the late reply. Yes I agree with Peter. Cistus tea has amazing antioxidants. It's quite powerful. I drink it before or after two hours from WPS.

Please remember it's a very powerful biofilm buster, so which means I would start with one cup and see how you do. I learned with toxic disease we have to manage herx. If we see something we take can cause some herx reaction, go back down a little in quantity. If one cup gives you too much results, cut back to half a cup.

I do enjoy it. It truly helped in stabilizing my spine by pushing those pathogens out of them. They went outward. It was the most difficult part of symptoms for me. I'm grateful to have this, the only one that so far helped that crosses the blood brain barrier.

I hope it will work as well for you!

John B

Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 2/5/2016

Just wanted to mention for those who are dealing with anxiety issues that restoring the gut with probiotics, enzymes, fiber and the cleansing nutrients and clean diet promoted in Mel's protocol will inevitably help promote hormonal balance and healthy brain chemistry.

In the meantime, we do have a supplement that helps lower cortisol levels and lessen anxiety called Anxietame. It works really well, especially in conjunction with MagnifiCal which contains magnesium, God's muscle relaxer.

Those of you who are familiar with our Sleep Advance will notice that Anxietame is the exact same formula, just taken differently. It is not designed to be strongly sedative, just relaxing. And either way you take it will promote deep, restful sleep.

Over the years we had so many people share with us that taking Sleep Advance helped resolve their anxiety issues that we decided to offer the formulation to anxiety sufferers as well. We offer both formulas at the same price, but I point this out to prevent people from ordering both products separately.

I hope this is helpful information for those suffering with anxiety. Please know that we are praying for your perfect peace.




Date Added: 12/28/2023
Date Of Original Post: 12/1/2017

Hi Lucy!

I also have Lyme disease and I definitely would not use agave nectar or any other sweetener than Stevia.

In fact both Mel and Peter have talked about the benefits of Stevia against Lyme... there have been studies that show it's known to significantly add in the treatment of Lyme.

Here's a link to one I found but there are many articles online.

Once Mel and Peter brought this information forward I actually started consuming more Stevia.

Hope this helps!!

Love, Peace & MANY Prayers,

Robert Scott Bell

Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/13/2022

Silver Hydrosol for Restoration of Intestinal Health and Balance
by Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom.

A sea of potential enemies threatening our gastrointestinal microflora lives within us. We carry both beneficial and potentially pathogenic bacteria in our gut, but it is the balance of all life that determines good health or a diagnosed condition. When the “bad guys” multiply due to poor diet, antibiotics, chlorinated water, food poisoning or medical drugs, this resulting manifestation is called dysbiosis. If health is your goal, reversing this situation becomes imperative. Dysbiosis contributes to more serious conditions including Crohn’s disease, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other inflammatory immune disorders. Chronic gut inflammation can also lead to malabsorption, cellular metabolic shifts and obesity.
Although counterintuitive because of its antimicrobial properties, newer research on silver hydrosol reveals its ability to benefit gastrointestinal health. Silver can be delivered internally to the gastrointestinal tract and offer important assistance for epithelial recovery and terrain restoration. in other words, silver is essential for much more than its powerful antimicrobial activity. Its anti-inflammatory and tissue-regenerative properties are underutilized, yet may be more important, for recovery from chronic intestinal diseases.
Bacterial imbalances and Candida overgrowth in the gut (dysbiosis) most acutely affect the epithelial tissue, including the villi. The intestinal villi are tiny, finger-like projections in the wall of the small intestine and have additional extensions called microvilli that protrude from epithelial cells lining the villi. As published in Wikipedia, “They increase the absorptive surface area of the intestinal wall. It is important that the food is absorbed at a considerably fast rate so as to allow more immediate sustenance on an ongoing basis, especially for recovery from chronic illness. If the process is too slow, the concentration of the nutrients in the blood vessels and the food will be equal, thus, adequate diffusion will not occur. Digested nutrients (including sugars and amino acids) pass into the villi through diffusion. Circulating blood then carries these nutrients away.”
But with gut dysbiosis and chronic inflammation, the villi are damaged. Nutrient absorption is highly impaired. Pathogenic (bad) bacteria and fungi complicate and retard the healing process from within. Inflammatory cytokines follow. The immune messengers keep sounding alerts. The inflammation spirals out of control. Your doctor sees this and typically prescribes antibiotics or even powerful synthetic steroid hormones like prednisone. In my book Unlock the Power To Heal (co-written with Ty Bollinger) the chapter on gut health recovery is titled The Road to Colostomy Bags is Paved with Antibiotics and Prednisone. Unfortunately, for every symptom these powerful drugs may suppress, collateral injury and damage is the higher price paid by your intestinal lining. Rather than balance or symbiosis, new and dangerous levels of dysbiosis result. Many in the medical profession and millions of Americans are waking to the dangers of antibiotics and steroidal treatments. It would be wise to investigate and integrate more natural substances that work with your body, rather than against it. Wouldn’t you rather have side benefits, instead of side effects?
Complementary medical options provide hope and are supported with sound scientific reasoning. As stated earlier, silver is well established for its broad-based antimicrobial activity as well.
Its ability to perform both functions on and in the body is actually well documented, as silver is used in a wide range of medical applications from catheters and stents to antimicrobial adjuncts, antibiotics, even socks and undergarments—all for promoting protection against a sea of pathogens, both external and internal.
When suffering from any kind of gut dysbiosis, it is important to do a thorough cleansing. Silver should be considered among the many of nature’s intestinal herbal cleansers. They are preferred to antibiotics for dealing with many, though not all, conditions. Antibiotics have their important life-saving role in medicine, when all else fails, but they are overused and abused to the point of creating significant damage and serious drug resistance (super bugs) within the microbial world. Considering that we are more microbe than mammal by the sheer number of bacteria living within us, to call this a high priority is a gross understatement.
Silver hydrosol, as used clinically, provides all of the antimicrobial power of antimicrobial drugs without the side effects.* Silver is a nondrug mineral option that actually supports healthy immune activity.
Although silver can reduce the presence of some beneficial bacteria, it certainly does not cause the collateral damage endemic to antibiotics nor does it breed microbial resistance. A recent study found that even at 2000 times the oral daily reference dose for ingestion, silver does not negatively impact gut microbiome biodiversity. In other words, even flooding the gut microbiome with silver, although reducing overall floral content, it does not result in opportunistic dysbiotic bacterial or fungal growth. In the study, its impact on microflora biodiversity was nearly identical to the safety profile following the flooding of the GI tract with water! Antibiotics, in comparison, were highly indiscriminate in the kill profile and led to significant dysbiotic micro-organism growth, including antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic-induced inflammatory damage to gastrointestinal epithelium leads to devastating future consequences. By contrast, silver, as a trace mineral and normal constituent of the mammalian diet, is as in line with the body as any natural nutrient or herbal medicine can be. It is even found naturally in all mammalian milk, including human breast milk in measurable trace amounts.
Indeed, a strong case can be made that silver is a critically necessary trace element since research by Dr. Gallyas in the 1970s originally identified receptor sites for it on myelin tissue surrounding the nerve cell.
In the human gut, silver impacts in a profoundly positive way via its inflammation modulation activity, cleansing and regenerating healthy new tissue at the site of infection and injury. Bioactive silver hydrosol ingested with aloe vera juice, followed by a quality pre- and probiotic, easily helps to eliminate all pathogenic microflora, assisting the body on its journey back to perfect balance.
When working with people suffering from chronic gut issues and Candida overgrowth, I have them take their silver with a very good quality Aloe vera juice, away from meals. All of this is part of a thorough cleansing. The silver-Aloe vera combination has powerful synergy, especially in carrying the active silver further along the GI tract where it is needed. Silver greatly facilitates epithelial tissue and villi recovery without inflammatory side effects or subsequent microbial resistance. It is a great first resort defender of your health and immune system.
After intestinal recovery, a sublingual maintenance dose (5mL one to three times per day) can be very helpful in assisting the body to guard against falling back again into bacterial disarray.
Why do I use and recommend bioactive silver hydrosol? Generic colloidal silvers tend to have too many compounds (salts and proteins), inactive agglomerations and inefficiently large particle sizes. What we are seeking is to maximize surface area, which only a pico-particle silver hydrosol such as Sovereign Silver® supplies. This, along with Argentyn 23® for health professionals (from the same company, NaturaImmunogenics Corp.) is the only product that I use for my family and recommend to those in need. I have not seen a more rapidly acting intestinal-health recovery protocol. You can access my intestinal health chapter from Unlock The Power To Heal with full protocol and supportive science at for free.

B Maintenance: 1 teaspoon daily
B Immunity-building: 3 teaspoons daily
B Chronic immune support: 5 teaspoons daily
B Gastrointestinal health: 1-2 tablespoons mixed with
Equal parts aloe Vera juice, swallowed straight to an empty stomach 3 times daily, 1 hour before meals.
B Acute immune support: 7 teaspoons daily
B Topical gel use: Clean affected area and apply generously as needed. Do not rub or pat dry. Leave a film.

Adult dose: Take 1 ounce of silver mixed with 1 ounce of aloe Vera juice, swallowing directly on an empty stomach 3 times daily, followed by probiotic replenishment every evening for 1 to 2 weeks. Those who weigh less than 120 pounds can use half the dose.

*“Side effects” are actually direct effects of a drug, but are labeled as such to minimize patient resistance to pharmaceutical drugs. Please consult your doctor or pharmacist before stopping or starting any drug therapy.

Robert Scott Bell is a homeopathic practitioner and an expert in silver therapeutics. Robert overcame 24 years of chronic illness by learning and applying previously hidden natural-healing methods, including homeopathy, and has since dedicated his life to revealing the healing power within us all. Doctors from all over the world regularly consult with him for assistance with their patients. His radio show is heard throughout the United States, Monday - Friday 3-5PM Eastern Time US and Sundays 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern Time. Link to his blog and podcasts at

For more information on bio-active silver hydrosol visit or call toll free 1-888-328-8840.


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 4/24/2022

Hi All,

I am a "newbie" and today was my first time on the call.

I am a bit confused about the diet.
I already have an EXCELLENT diet and have since I was in my 20's. I am 65 years young.

I started Intermittent Fasting about 2.5 years ago and lost 50 lbs. over that 2 year period. It is a lifestyle for me. I don't eat breakfast and I "fast" every day for 16-18 hours. I eat twice a day.

I mix 2 tbsp. of ACV, 1 tbsp. of lemon juice and 4 pinches of celtic sea salt in 2 quarts of filtered water - every day - and I drink that every day. Sometimes I drink 1 or 2 plain glasses of water on top of that amount.

I eat beef (grass fed), turkey, chicken and veggies. About a year ago I cut out all nightshades - which includes potatoes - and 2.5 years ago I cut out ALL sugar. I rarely - will eat blueberries - but NO other sugar. I read labels if I buy packaged - but mostly I cook whole foods - from scratch - every day! I watch my carbs - and although have not "official" with Keto, I am well aware of what it is and have been basically following that way of eating.
I try to buy mostly organic veggies, eat salads, etc.

My question is this - WHY oh WHY am I going through such a horrific time with Morgellons when I already DO have a clean diet. I have itching, biting and crawling from head to toe. This has been going on for 10 months now. In the beginning it was not that bad and I thought this was something I could tribute to my clean diet. But the past few weeks, it has gotten worse and worse. My emotions are out of control. I try to stay strong, but I just break down sometimes and sob. I have experienced the EXTREMELY low energy thing - but not that much. Recently, the "creatures" moved to my head, face and into my eyes. It is horrific. These fibers and specs are coming out of me by the THOUSANDS! It is overwhelming! They are in my eyes, on my face (and love the eyebrows), in my ears, my nose, my neck, my chest, my back, under my breasts, my stomach, on my private parts, my legs, and my feet and TOENAILS! The black specs AND the fibers live in the toenails on my right foot - which has had what I think to be "Candida" for 20 years plus. All the toenails are yellow and thick. I have not been able to change this - even with NO sugar - it remains. The black specs embed themselves in the toenails, live between the toenails and recently they built their "home" on top of my foot at the base of these same toes. It looks like they completely change the skin by creating some sort of biofilm so they can burrow into the skin deeper and hide there. It's disgusting!

Anyway - I don't get the diet thing. I will keep trying to figure it out. But I truly do not understand why ME - the person who has ALWAYS been very conscious of what they put in their body - is going through this. WHY? What the heck is going on?

I do not have ANY other major health issues and have ALWAYS healed myself with alternative healing methods. I take ZERO medications and never will. I drink tons of water (see above). I eat HEALTHY! So why? Why am I getting this horrible toxicity in my body? I just don't get it.

Also, I have a friend who got Morgellons 5 years ago. She was so sick she almost died from it. She could not even leave her bed for months and months. Her protocol is similar to mine - except she is doing rife maching - which I do not want to do - for my own reasons. About a 1.5 years ago, she started to get better and now she is 100%. She says every once in a while she finds fibers or specs - but only 1 or 2. BUT GET THIS - she told me that she never stopped eating sugar!!! She told me "I like my sweets - so no I did not stop eating them!" She uses "healthy" sugar - such as coconut sugar, maple syrup, etc. - but she has kept baking and eating her sweets all this time. She eats pasta too - a lot of it. So.... again... I just don't get this! Why is she better without going to any extremes with diet and others seem to make clear statements that we MUST not eat certain things - etc. ???? Can anyone answer this?



Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 4/15/2022

Hi Everyone,

Thought I would share what I have found to stop rash & crawlies on the back of my neck & back. Mel knows I have tried everything from WPS,
Kleen Green, Sulphur soap, apple cider vinegar, Hallelujah Mix and many more because I have not been able to get relief until now.
First, I wash area with Anti- Fungal body Wash then Mix coconut oil & oregano oil in my hand and rub area very good. It works!!!
After so many months of not getting relief what a blessing.

Hope this helps some of you, too.

God Bless!


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 4/15/2022

Hi Everyone,

Thought I would share what I have found to stop rash & crawlies on the back of my neck & back. Mel knows I have tried everything from WPS,
Kleen Green, Sulphur soap, apple cider vinegar, Hallelujah Mix and many more because I have not been able to get relief until now.
First, I wash area with Anti- Fungal body Wash then Mix coconut oil & oregano oil in my hand and rub area very good. It works!!!
After so many months of not getting relief what a blessing.

Hope this helps some of you, too.

God Bless!

Gigi Gail

Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 4/15/2022

Gigi update on scalp and skin

I had a rough night the second night, but changed the scalp treatment somewhat and had few problems again.

I like the slough cap because it is 9 inches long and covers not only my ears but to the bottom of my neck in the back. I also put wads of paper towel in the ears,it cuts down on itching there.

I like to stand in the shower and use the shower head arm for my scalp treatment, keeping the water off the rest of my body. I always wear disposable vinyl gloves too.

1) Shampoo, leave on for at least5 minutes and rinse
2) Lather on tea tree sops leave on for 5 minutes and rinse
3) Lather on sulfur soap leave on for 5 minutes and rinse
4) comb thru front to back and rinse optional
5) apply 1:7 Clean Green leave for 5 minutes, then pat to moist
6) Lastly, apply Algeria coconut lotion to cover
7) Then I put on the 2 shower caps and the slough cap.

Usually I am able to only do this after waking in the am and at night before bed.

Skin; mDuring the night, I use 1:7 Keen Green spray on skin that is itching and I can go right back to sleep

At night, during the scalp treatment if I am also taking a shower, I lather the areas of skin with sulfur soap at the beginning, and leave it on the whole time, rinsing at the end. When in bed, my skin might not need anything further until the am.

In the morning, before getting dressed, I spray 1:7 Keen Green on my rashes and let dry.

Lisa W

Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 4/2/2022

Dear Robin, JoAnna, Tea and Judy,

Thank you for responding to me I really appreciate the advise. I am trying different things hoping something will work for me. I am using the Silver drops in my eyes and I just got the Silver spray bottle so I can mist my face.

After the Question and answer I decided to read my bible and I asked Jesus to give me a verse. I just Love When he speaks through his word. I wanted to share with all of you, I believe this will be my verse that I stand on throughout this journey. Drum roll Please! Deuteronomy 20:3-4 Do not be afraid as you go out to fight your enemy today! Do not loose heart or panic or tremble before them. For the Lord your God is going with you. He will fight for you against your enemies and he will give you VICTORY! Oh what a verse for what we are going through. I am asking Jesus to fight for me with this disease and calm my nerves as I am anxious to say the least.

I will be attending church in person with my husband tomorrow but will be thinking and praying for each of you. I would love for Mel to give my number to each of you as I would like to speak with you. I am walking 2 miles with Brian 4-5 times each week outside. If I made my husband sound like a bad guy please forgive me. As I mentioned we will be married in May 35 years and he was my rock during the Cancer journey. He went to every chemo, radiation doctor appointment with me. If I got sick he cared for me and did all the house work, cooking, dog walking ect.

I believe he was ready for me to feel better so we could do more things together. He really thought I would be 100 percent back to myself this year, We did see the Oncologist who is different than the Radiologist on April 1st. Of course Brian went with me and then took me to lunch after the appointment. My bloodwork came back good especially my liver has made a significant improvement YEA God! I truly believe it was due to Mel's coaching the protocol and of course the healing power of Jesus! THANK YOU MEL!!!! I am now under the care of the general doctor for 6 months unless I get a cold that won't clear up or my head hurts something unusual. The Oncologist shared with me that my cancer will likely not return in my breast with the cancer I had it will show up in the blood, brain or liver.

I will not be out of the woods for three years with check ins every 6 months. I am taking this good news and living one day at a time! Now I want to get this disease under control. I enjoy working at United Way and helping others so as long as I am able I plan to work.

Much Love to you all,


Nancy S

Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 2/21/2022

Hi ya all,



Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 3/11/2022

So thankful for all the newbies!

You will not find any place that is better and Mel is always there for you.

The members are wonderful people and God fearing. God brings us all together thur our prayers, Bible reading and sharing our lives. Without this site I would be so lost in my feelings. It is so hard to trust the doctor’s today.

Mel got the best people to help figure out what we needed and what we are dealing with. You won’t find better people than right here. They will not let you fall behind they are right there encouraging on. I love all the brothers and sisters in Christ.

Things get better just keep going forward!

Love and prayers for all in Jesus name Amen


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 3/13/2022

Hi Everybody!

We are all feeling the increase in prices, those in our community know better than anyone else, we don't wallow in worry about things we can't control...we make a plan and address it.

I'm a big fan of Youtube videos about homesteading. I live in an average suburban home, so I'm obviously not a homesteader, but those videos (besides being very entertaining) have given me some great ideas...particularly ideas about building a pantry. My two favorites are Whippoorwill Holler with Miss Lori and Acre Farm with Becky. Of course they cook a lot of wonderful foods with ingredients that don't work for us, but their general cooking techniques along with their ideas about saving money and how they cook ahead do work for us with some adjustments.

One of the things they both do is buy in bulk to save money. Bulk buying saves money because you are not constantly running out of things and running to the grocery store. Additionally, bulk buying provides a bit of a hedge on inflation since today's prices are likely cheaper.

I'll add to this later, but I'm starting with a few pantry staples I use on a regular basis. I compared prices per ounce between my local grocery store (HEB - I live in Texas), Amazon (I have Prime as many do, so I only included items that would have Prime free shipping) and Azure Standard.

Azure Standard is a company in Oregon that specializes in non GMO and organic items. I've ordered from this company before and really like them. The way to make the prices from Azure work in your favor is to order larger sizes of items (the price per ounce or unit goes down with bigger packages) and to pick up your order at a drop site (shipping is free if you do this). A drop site is where the truck stops in your area once every four weeks and you go pick it up. You'll get an email telling you the drop date and the drop site coordinator who is just another Azure customer from your area who helps out, will call you with an exact time on the day. You can go on their site and look at their truck route to see if they come to your area. I live in a place they stop, so this works for me, but they actually have a lot of stops all over the country, so this might work well for you too. If you order $50 or more there's not a handling fee. The prices I'm listing below from Azure are based on a $50 or more order and picking them up at the drop site. Another great thing about Azure is that there is no membership fee. I know it sounds like I'm working for this company, but I'm not. I've just done some homework and this place has come up a winner.

The prices go down per ounce in larger quantities, but the huge bags of things are a pretty big investment. compare...some of these items listed below are organic and some aren't...I was going for price...although most of the Azure items are organic. I didn't list prices for the huge quantities, but I did quote prices from larger than average sizes (4 - 5 pounds) because of the price difference.

Here's the rundown:

Pumpkin seeds (I'm doing roasted because those are the ones I like best):
HEB - 43 cents an ounce
Amazon - 44 cents an ounce
Azure - 37 cents an ounce if you buy a 5 pound bag

Chia Seeds:
HEB - 38 cents an ounce
Amazon - 34 cents an ounce
Azure - 25 cents an ounce

Almond Flour:
HEB - 32 cents an ounce (4 pound bag)
Amazon - 28 cents an ounce (3 pound bag)
Azure - 25 cents an ounce (4 pound bag)

Coconut Flour:
HEB - 22 cents an ounce
Amazon - 17 cents an ounce
Azure - 14 cents an ounce

Unsweetened shredded coconut:
HEB - 42 cents an ounce
Amazon 37 cents an A (3 pound bag)
Azure - 16 cents an ounce (5 pound bag)

I didn't put the sizes and brands on everything, although most of the Azure products are their brand. I've found myself going down a rabbit hole here and had to stop lest I spend hours and hours on this. However, it's easy enough to go on the sites and check for yourself.

The clear winner is Azure if you can do a bulk's worth taking a look at their site. The only thing they didn't have cheaper that I've looked at so far is pecans. The price was close, but HEB beat them by a few cents per ounce. Not surprising since HEB is a Texas company and buys some of their items locally. Pecans are big in Texas...there are pecan trees everywhere.

Amazon (if you have Prime) comes in second in prices. HEB (the store in my area) isn't known to be's less than most of the other stores in my area, so I'm not comparing a high priced store with Amazon and Azure. Like most people, I've found Walmart to have the best prices on many items, but they sometimes don't have the things I'm looking for.

FYI...I'd also checked out Thrive Market which is another place you can order healthy foods online. BUYER BEWARE! Don't be fooled! Thrive Market and Azure Standard are two very different places. To start with at Thrive, you can't even look at their site to check prices until you join. I got lured in by all the hype and joined for $60 for the year. Then they still didn't open up the site to look at their prices. They made me click on items I purchase on a regular basis and then only showed me examples of those and then waved a big discount in front of me to get me to buy an order right after joining. THEN...after that...they finally open up the site for you to look at. Once I got to that point, I realized prices weren't good at all! Then there's the shipping...not cheap. AND THEN...(boiling mad over this) they also trick you into this thing called auto ship that is so sneaky...where they send you the same things you ordered initially every month without you even asking them to! They hype that it's for your "convenience" and that you can go in and cancel your order every month, but who has time for that? I can totally see me forgetting, and I'm sure that's the idea behind this marketing strategy. AND THEN...they automatically sign you up for auto renew which means that next year when you've completely forgotten about it, they'll help themselves to your method of payment (they save your payment method without even asking your permission) and renew your membership again! Once I realized this, I immediately did the not so easy task of contacting them and cancelling both auto-ship and auto-renew.

Forgive my Thrive rant, but I felt really stupid after I gave them $60 to charge me more, save my payment method, and give themselves permission to use it in auto-ship and auto-renew...and their prices are more as well! I just wanted to share this in case anyone else gets tempted to get hooked into their hype too.

I've learned that ordering online can be a big money saver (as in Azure) or a sneaky way to get into your pocket (as in Thrive).

Hope this helps.




Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 1/17/2022

Hello my fellow Christian Brother's & Sister's!

Sorry we missed Sunday Service, we & some fellow Jeepers had church in the mountains. After driving up to our beautiful Colorado Mountains, we all went on a hike on a very snowy icy path around the lake. I wasn't at all sure how I was going to do on this hike.

After being on Mel's Protocol & diet for 4.5 months & the WPS for 2.5 months, I was totally surprised at how well both Kipp & I did. I was so pleased with my energy level & how well we kept up with everyone else.

I am posting this because I want to give hope to all of you that Mel's healing remedies really do work! We still have the same struggles as everyone else, but we really are encouraged & know we have come a long way in a short time from where we began! (Symptoms started end of May of 2021)

We continue to keep our faith in Jesus Christ for we know he is our ultimate healer & is with us every minute of the day as we continue on our healing journey! Keep your faith in Jesus, continue to let Mel help & guide you every step of the way (God has placed Mel in all our lives) & you will be well & you will be set free from this toxic disease!!

Do not claim it!! IT DOES NOT DEFINE WHO WE ARE!!

We are Children of GOD & his servants! He will heal us just like he did MEL so that we can continue to work for Christ & fulfill the needs of his people! Be strong & courageous, that is what God wants us to be! I love each & every one of you & pray for you daily!!

God Is Good All The Time! God Bless You All!


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 2/17/2022

Hello everyone,

I understand what it is to think "I can't do this" ---- but you can!

Believe me, you will get used to the diet, it will become like a second nature to you.

It's a must if you want to get well. I've been on the protocol for almost one year and am already used to everything (although I do miss pizza :-(



Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 2/13/2022

I just wanted to say how great Saturday's call was..... As many of you already know, Robin took the lead and went over many great topics geared toward the newbies. Topics discussed were diet (along with the lemonade cleanse), bathing, Kleen Green, supplements, etc. These types of calls are great and really simplify things for those who are in the beginning stages of this disease!

Robin, you did a great job. You were very thorough and answered the many questions that were thrown your way! I'll be on the protocol for a year in March. I remember what it was like in the very beginning. There was so much confusion and I had a ton of questions.... I hoped this call helped each and every one of you the newcomers. Don't forget - it's all recorded, so you can go back to listen at any time!

God Bless,


Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 02/12/22


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 1/9/2022

Hi All,

Just wanted to thank you all for your prayers and support while going through COVID. I am much better, it took me a week to get through it, but it was rough. Some things that helped me:

Mega Quercetin
Zinc - 50mg
Vitamin C - 500mg
Mullein Leaf (for lungs)

I got all of these things off of Amazon, takes a day or so to get them being a Prime member. If you want, I can send you the links directly or send them to Mel and he can send them to you.

Stay safe!



Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 1/24/2022

Hello everyone,

What a Great call Saturday our main thoughts were about mold!!

It affects everyone it some way and most of the time we don’t even know it is there till it is really bad! All molds are bad most people think black mold is the worst but it is no worse than the rest it is all bad!!!

When our immune system is not up to par it is right there to attack us. I know everyone can’t move and aren’t able to pay for professional services, I know we can’t so we are dealing the best we can until!

Everyone gave great info and ask great questions, we will learn to together. If you have water damage or wet spills they say if not dried out in 24 to 48 houses mold will start to grow, but so many times we aren’t aware that it is there from unknown places.

Renting can be hard to get the owner to fix things right they just cover it up and if leaks happen around you you might not know about them! We had members tell us about Nebulizer pots that helps the nose and breathing . Also dehumidifier to help dry the air 40 to 50. Mold is a fungus and it travels through the air. It has mycotoxins that fight each other in your body for living space in side of you. The mold also has biofilm that protects it and as we are fighting to get well it comes out in our nose, mouth and private areas. As we get rid of it we feel better.

Robert Scott Bell has a lot of info about mold Link please listen to the call and it will help you understand all the problems and give great advice!

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 01/22/22


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 12/12/2021


1st of all Sunday Blessing to you all as I am writing this on Sunday morning.

This post is to Thank Ellen from Mass. who was kind enough to take the time to tell us all how she recovered from toxic diseases @ a very fast clip, Yes 9-months is outstanding speed to recover.

Ellen & her daughter who is a researcher moved very fast to get on the protocol, I believe this was huge & why 9-months to get well was possible.

She did so much right like moving inland to a mold free house like many of us should do.

Ellen also had a boss who cared about her health allowing her stress to be light, I know this was huge for her recovery, Nice people are needed to lift your spirits & keep faith strong, These diseases show you who your real friends are in a flash.

Ellen talked about how she handled our diet by planning ahead & getting friends to help make meals for her, By the way she lost 40-lbs.of body weight & we all know eating very light is needed so your body burns all of what it takes in so nothing is left to turn into sugar that.

I am absolutely thrilled Ellen got better, She made that possible & you can also.

God Bless you all--Donald

Coffee, Tea with Me - Warrior, Ellen of Troy - 12-11-21


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 12/12/2021


1st of all Sunday Blessing to you all as I am writing this on Sunday morning.

This post is to Thank Ellen from Mass. who was kind enough to take the time to tell us all how she recovered from toxic diseases @ a very fast clip, Yes 9-months is outstanding speed to recover.

Ellen & her daughter who is a researcher moved very fast to get on the protocol, I believe this was huge & why 9-months to get well was possible.

She did so much right like moving inland to a mold free house like many of us should do.

Ellen also had a boss who cared about her health allowing her stress to be light, I know this was huge for her recovery, Nice people are needed to lift your spirits & keep faith strong, These diseases show you who your real friends are in a flash.

Ellen talked about how she handled our diet by planning ahead & getting friends to help make meals for her, By the way she lost 40-lbs.of body weight & we all know eating very light is needed so your body burns all of what it takes in so nothing is left to turn into sugar that.

I am absolutely thrilled Ellen got better, She made that possible & you can also.

God Bless you all--Donald

Coffee, Tea with Me - Warrior, Ellen of Troy - 12-11-21


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 12/12/2021

Hello all,

The name of the small pocket sized book is called:

God's Creative Power For Healing
Written by: Charles Capps

I hope everyone has a great week ahead and I'm praying for healing for you all.


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 11/14/2021

Hello everyone and welcome!
Those who joined Saturday's CTw/M with Tea and Karianne, speaking to the community on diet/nutrition and their favorite go-to snacks and recipes, were not disappointed! A plethora of information was provided about carb-based foods and how they break down into blood glucose (sugar alcohol) in the body, which is what this disease feeds off of. A great round of Q&A ensued, especially from our newer members, as this kind of information makes up so much of our protocol and is the key to restoring our health.

Tea and Karianne shared some of their favorite foods and recipes, as well as alternative ingredients to use so they can still enjoy some of those dishes that otherwise would not fit our dietary needs (i.e., use of almond/coconut flour for baking, such as pumpkin waffles/muffins, almond biscuits, etc.). What these ladies brought out that is so valuable to the psyche is understanding what foods we CAN enjoy, rather than focusing on the more pessimistic side of what we can't have. The ladies also provided some of her best practices in terms of managing food intake, weighing out portions, understanding how to read an ingredients label and serving sizes as it relates to amount of carbs are in food, having a list/organized way to prepare simple meals/snacks to have on hand when we're not feeling like cooking... wonderful tips that we can leverage to our advantage and not to go off the nutrition rails!

Remember folks, we have a whole section on this website dedicated to diet/nutrition, as well as a forum thread called "Delicious Ideas for your Dining enjoyment / recipes 2021-2016." So many meals and snacks that we can enjoy and should incorporate daily. Karianne recently added one of her favorite treats to that thread to have around the Holidays. Take a look, give it a try, and you too can enjoy a healthy and tasty Cranberry Sauce!

Thank you to those who joined and participated on the call. For those who missed out, you can listen to the recording through the link posted below.

Have a wonderful week!
Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 11-13-21


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 12/3/2021

Good Morning All.

This is Kipp with a quick update.

My wife and I are being healed from a few toxic diseases. We continue to have better days along with some tough moments. We will continue the Sum of the Parts for as long as it takes!

Dodie and I are so grateful we are able to get coaching from Mel. We are happy to pass along a little cash his way and hope you would consider doing the same.

We pray that God guides us every moment of the day. I personally had a rough weekend fighting some depression. I stayed close to God every step of the way. Last night I didn’t really feel like taking a shower but got off my butt and went for it. I grabbed my sulfur soap and did a light scrubbing using on my hair and everything and finished off with one minute of freezing cold water!!! I got out of the shower a new man.

I felt great physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I felt like jumping into my jeep and climbing onto a BAR (Big A$% Rock) on top of mountain and
thanking God. A great night.

Stay tough. Good times are coming!!!


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 11/26/2021

It's been a long time since I've posted, but I'm almost at my 9th month on the protocol (December 1st). Time has flown by so quickly as I've been busy with work and just trying to focus on getting well.

I am still very strict on my diet. I will not cheat even once as I'm determined to get my life back! The majority of my diet consists of cauliflower rice, zucchini, avocado/protein shakes, eggs and grass fed beef/organic chicken thighs. I am also very strict with taking my supplements, I make sure I take them on time every single day by creating alarms, or reminders, on my phone.

I can honestly say that I am feeling much better since I started the protocol. My clothes fit better and the crawling and biting has dropped significantly. I'm hoping by this time next year I will be well again, but that's in God's hands. I'll be well when God says it's time and I have made peace with that.

A few important tips for newbies- follow the sum of the parts, diet and supplements are very important. It's better to sacrifice now than to stay sick with this disease for the rest of your life. What do you want more? A few seconds of pleasure eating what you want to eat or to get well? Also, don't give up hope - God hears the prayers of His children and He will see each and every one of us through this. You don't have to try to figure everything about, He's already got it figured out. Just trust Him. During your first year of being on the protocol, coaching is very important. I know it's extra $$$, but it's worth the peace of mind.

Keep in mind that as YOU get well, your environment will also get well. Don't stress over cleaning everything perfectly. Many people have gotten well off of this protocol but they have several things in common - they stuck to the protocol, had coaching and became a part of the community by attending Saturday informational and Sunday prayer calls.

Don't let this disease defeat you (I know it's incredibly hard). You can either use this as an opportunity to draw closer to Christ and fellowship or retreat backward. Take this as an opportunity for growth. God can turn all things around for the good and if He's allowed it, there's a reason. Just my two cents!

I'm always around if anyone needs a friend to talk to.... Trust me, I understand your struggle!

God Bless,


Karianne & Joe

Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 9/25/2021

Phone calls are a great way to connect, but you can't ever be sure how someone is really feeling/doing if you can't see their faces. Most experts believe that up to 90% of ALL communication is non-verbal. That's a HUGE reason in favor of video chatting when it comes to coaching with Mel.

Three Key Reasons in Favor of Skype or Zoom
1. You might tell Mel you're doing alright, but your face, eyes, hand gestures, posture, etc. may say a completely different thing. He can see that and be better equipped with handling whatever symptom/environment you're going through.

2. Our international friends. Using Skype or Zoom doesn't come with the fees from international phone dialing, and it's just as easy as picking up the phone. After scheduling your session, you're only a few 'clicks' away from starting your video chat.

3. When you're speaking "face-to-face" with someone, it forces you to be present the entire conversation. There's no room to be doing something else or multitasking, like there is when communicating by phone. And with this disease and us trying to restore our health, it's imperative that we be present in our coaching sessions.

So for your next coaching session with Mel, give Skype or Zoom a shot and see the difference it makes when you're fully present and in the moment.

Blessings and Much Love,


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 11/27/2021

Great call Saturday!

I know we talked about Dead Sea Mud and how beneficial it can be for our skin - I wanted to share this soap that I use, a little pricy but well worth it. You can get it on Amazon for $8.99 per bar. The brand is Adovia - it has a lot of dead sea minerals in it and is worth it. This is the only soap I use....



Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 11/22/2021

Hello Toxic disease suffers,

I wanted to comment on the great call that I know we all enjoyed on 11-21-21, { Yes Winter will be here in 1-month.}

It was a Informational. packed call & we are so lucky to have John B., Robert Scott Bell & Cathy M. who answered so many much needed questions as we search for the answers to treat our symptoms.

These people are Guardian angels who have been put in our lives for a reason, We are Blessed to have them guide us on our long journey to freedom.

Also thanks to Tatiana from Sovereign silver for explaining the new Discounts negotiated by Mel, which now make our website the least expensive way to buy their products.

I want to Thank them all for giving us there time & so much more.

Some of the questions were on the deep side, but there answers were not shallow by any means.

God Bless & Love--Donald

Coffee, Tea with Me - "Meet the Manufacturers" - Saturday 11-20-21


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 10/30/2021

Hello Everyone and Blessings to you All!
This past Saturday's call - "The Three Amigas" - was a really interesting chat with three of our lady community members who are well on their way to healing! Brenda, Nancy, and Vel all came to the table to share their journeys to-date. Three things Mel called out that these ladies have in common:
- Supported by the Foundation
- Utilize their coaching
- Disciplined and stick to the basics of the Protocol: diet/nutrition, water, sleep, supplements.

These ladies have had their challenges with health before finding this community and the support provided by Mel. They've notice significant improvements in the short amount of time being on our protocol and building relationships with community members. Never have they felt more support and hope that they are on the right path to wellness.

Q&A took place shortly after where everyone got a chance to ask questions and gain additional insight to their journeys.

The key takeaway: more is not always better, especially when it comes to how we're healing our bodies. Doing more can actually detract us. Time spent reading other's horror stories and trying out other remedies outside this protocol is time being spent elsewhere and can take the focus off the basic principles of this protocol. Stick to the basics, be consistent, give it all up to God, and we will be healed! If you missed the call, you can catch the recording of these ladies' journeys in the link below.

Bless you all and have a wonderful week!

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 10-30-21


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 10/9/2021

Hello to all my new wonderful Community out there!!

I just want to say how wonderful it’s been getting to know everyone and knowing I have all this amazing support from each and every one of you!! There is comfort in knowing we are aiming for the same goal and that is being healed 100%

I would like to give a special shout out and praise report to our

Kipp and I would be lost without you! Kipp and I chose the 3 month unlimited coaching by Mel and so glad we did! We know that Mel is a phone call away and he is always there to answer any of our questions.

He is a wealth of information and a problem solver for any health issue that is going on in our bodies! Between God and Mel, they are our ROCK we hold on to! Mel tells it like it is and knows the protocol you have to maintain in order to get well!

WITHOUT MEL, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO OBTAIN YOUR GOALS!! That is to be well again and live a normal life including hugging your children and grandchildren!!

Mel, words cannot express the gratitude we have for you and your health coaching, your knowledge of this disease and most importantly your LOVE for our Jesus Christ! We know we found your website by the POWER of our LORD!! You are a huge inspiration to us and I’ve got to say your added sense of humor is a major plus because you have us cracking up every time we talk to you! I also have to say he is a tough cookie, listen to what he has to say, whether you like it or not! He is a stronghold in our lives right now!

Mel is strong in his faith and knowledge and his main goal in life is to heal all of us! I truly believe he was Sent From God to heal his people! If anyone reading this out there is new, lease take our advice if you want to get well, sign up for unlimited coaching to obtain wellness forever!

Kipp and I will sign up for the next 3 months as soon as the first 3 months run out.

To any newbies out there, welcome to our Community, you are on your way to healing with Mel! We Thank God for you Mel! We LOVE you Big time! Thank you for SAVING our lives!

You will be well blessed from the Big Guy in the sky!



Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 10/24/2021

Hello everyone and welcome!
After having a week off, this past Saturday’s CTw/M was a wonderful discussion and Q&A with John B. from Logos Nutritionals! Much of the conversation was on diet and nutrition, as well as a run-down of some of the supplements and which ones support specific areas. Regardless of where we’re at in our healing journey, John and Mel reminds us that we have EVERYTHING we need in the protocol to promote healing.

And if you haven’t already, I encourage you to read the latest thread - “More is Not Better, It’s Just More.” A great post about sticking to the Basics is all we need to get well, which includes everything John and Mel have put together in our protocol.

John B. - thank you, brother, for another educational and faith-filled call with the Community. We are extremely blessed to have your support and the wonderful company that Logos is!

You can catch the latest call in the recording below.


Coffee, Tea with Me - 10-23-21


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/12/2021

It Just Works!!

Hello Everyone,

Lemon Cleanse
What a blessing this tip from Mel is! When I get any stinging sensations, I break out the Lemon Cleanse. It just works!!

Juice from 1 lg lemon
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
Stevia to taste
32 oz cold filtered water
(cinnamon optional)

I recently found a great use for Kleen Green, and decided to share it with you, along with some other things that “just work” for me. A fine feathered friend left a little gift on the black plastic looking thing which surrounds my car bumper. I could not for the life of me get that bird poop completely off, no matter how hard I scrubbed. On a whim, I tried a spritz of Kleen Green. It worked like a charm!

Kleen Green
Wipe down kitchen counters
Clean black gunk from under the garbage disposal “collar”
Clean bathtubs, sinks, and toilets
Spray mattress, sheets, pillowcases, and pillows
Insects – I’ve killed flies with it!
Bird poop on car!

Sovereign Silver liquid
I had a swollen eyelid for months. Tried Erythromycin ointment; two weeks of Doxycycline; and Blephadex eyelid wipes. None of those worked. Mel told me to start putting Sovereign Silver in my eyes. I’ve been putting one drop in each eye daily. My swollen eyelid is finally starting to look normal again!

Sovereign Silver gel
My husband has a stubborn patch of psoriasis on his arm, near his elbow. It is painful, sometimes keeping him awake at night. He tried the Sovereign Silver gel, putting it on gauze and securing it with a large bandaid. It is not completely gone, but MUCH IMPROVED!

Diaper Cream
I had a stubborn sore on my scalp. Nothing I used seemed to help it. I read in an old post that diaper cream with 40% zinc can help with sores. The name brands are expensive, but a generic brand (like Equate from Walmart) works just as well. Within a few days, my scalp sore disappeared!

OGX Teatree Mint Shampoo (recommended by Rockin’ Robin!) Helps with itchy scalp.
Apple Cider Vinegar (recommended by Velera!) I dab it on itchy spots on my scalp.

God’s Blessings to you all!


Date Added: 12/16/2023
Date Of Original Post: 10/8/2021

Lemon Cleanse Enthusiast

I make a lemon cleanse most every day. Lemons grow freely here so I get a bunch at a time free off the trees from nearby neighbors who what to get rid of some of them. Sometimes I use very bitter oranges that are not sweet because they are available. when lemons are not (never sweet)

I like to make a lemon cleanse each morning to start my day. I believe this has kept problems at bay. I tweaked mine to get rid of a kidney stone that is stuck and has not moved out completely and help for some calcification in my arteries in my neck. (I add 1 T olive oil, and 1 T apple cider vinegar)
They are not required.

My recipe:

Vels' Lemon Cleanse
16oz healthy water
1- large lemon juiced, which is about 1/4 cup juice
1-T olive oil
1-T apple cider vinegar
1 t- of cayenne pepper for those who can handle it. I can not use much I get upset stomach when I use that much. I just shake a little into the glass.
Stevia as desired

This helps keep the body more alkaline (helps stop antennae from forming-(grows in acidic surroundings) and also they hate it. Helps stop the "unwanted" activity. Keeps me happy!


Date Added: 12/11/2023
Date Of Original Post: 10/9/2021

Hello everyone and thank you to those who joined on the 10/9/21 CTw/M call - with one of our special returning guests and host of the Robert Scott Bell show... Robert Scott Bell, or RSB!

RSB wasted no time and jumped right into remediating mold toxicity, with the focus on Orange TKO all-purpose cleaner, as well as a new copper product that will be coming out soon (Mel will let us know), and how to use them with a Nebulizer. As many of us deal with some level of mold toxicity, this is great information. Karianne and I started using Orange TKO since Spring when we first heard RSB talk about it on a previous CTw/M call. He also gave his thoughts on how the word/theme of 'virus' is very misused to drive fear and how we can overcome that fear, from a mental aspect. As for actual viruses, RSB strongly advocates for selenium to combat viruses, as well as increased dosing of sovereign silver. Both RSB and Mel also discussed the plethora of healing properties in hemp oil and how it supports the Endocannabinoid system, and healing of our organs.

Questions also arose regarding the COVID vaccination, which RSB gave not only his opinion, but information that has been brought to him on his show, which is non-biased. His main concern is that the post-pandemic era we're currently living is being used to further control us and take away our rights, to serve a 'darker' agenda. The main point here, especially for us in this community trying to heal our bodies, is to not buy into the news and media outlets. We do have the power to heal our bodies and with this community, following the Sum of the Parts, and coaching with Mel, we can repair our natural immune system, which is arguably the BEST form of combatting any virus.

So many great discussion topics were on the plate that provided a ton of value (5G impact and self-sustainability, food-grade selenium, chromium, etc.). If you weren't able to attend the call, you can catch all the details in recording link below.

Thank you RSB for your contributions to the community!

God Bless you all!
Karianne & Joe

Coffee, Tea with Me-Saturday 10-09-21

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