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The Testimonials Page is a microcosm (cliff notes version) of our site. It has been created to bring forth the most important information (knowledge) found here and share stories of encouragement and progress from those within our community.

It is with immense gratitude and great pleasure that we dedicate this testimonial page to our devoted friend and webmaster, John Waiveris of Invisible Gold.

This could never have been accomplished without his unselfish willingness to help others. I could have never gotten this far along with the web site without the endless hours of his generosity.

I will always be grateful for all he has done for all of you.

God bless you John,


This website has grown so large that in order to see the transforming impact that our protocol is having in the lives of Morgellons sufferers and their families, one must now wade through a massive volume of information.

Therefore, we decided to create a special place that is dedicated to sharing medical updates, progress reports, and encouraging stories from those who are having their health restored. The posts shown here are unsolicited and unedited, and are taken from our own forum. They appear in order of their historical appearance.

The person who invests an hour or two to review this collection of posts will notice an emerging pattern of transformation here. Many arrive here in a condition of hopelessness and despair, often isolated and estranged even from their loved ones. They find here a place of safety and compassion, a place of learning and inspiration, a place of encouragement and admonition to "First Do No Harm".

They devour the information available here and begin the process of improving their daily choices as they take back responsibility for their health. They begin to first stabilize, then to improve their health to a place where they are functional and productive again.

Their Hope restored, and "having their life back again", they begin the process of identifying what specific challenges remain and they may venture off to explore new interests or opportunities.

One thing should be perfectly clear from those who have reported improvement; they have all consistently stated that they have diligently stayed on the entire protocol.

The first three posts are without a doubt the longest, but they contain vital information that will give you a better understanding of how and why the protocol works and what one can expect when you have your herxheimer (detox) reaction.

You will find that the reading pace quickens thereafter. Each post or thread of posts is separated by a horizontal line. Sometimes threads were included to capture an original thought or train of thought in its entirety.

This testimonial page will be updated regularly. Anyone wishing to share encouragement and Hope may submit their story via email to:

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Date Added: 12/11/2023
Date Of Original Post: 9/20/2021

Hello Everyone,

If you missed Sat.'s conference call, 9-18-21, (Coffee, Tea, W/ Me), you missed a fantastic call!!

Our very own Terry did her "Happy Dance" celebrating her complete wellness!! What a joyous celebration!!

She thanked God and shared her faith with us!

Terry thanked Mel and his wondrous guidance through her healing journey. She thanked her friends in the community who supported and encouraged her. She answered questions from fellow sufferers about her journey and gave advice to help us in our journey's to wellness.

Terry encouraged us all to stick to the diet and follow "The Sum Of The Parts"
and follow all of Mel's advice! She stressed over and over that we too can do our very own "Happy Dance" if we do the work and have faith!!

It was truly the best call ever!! It was recorded, so if you missed it, give it a listen! It is worth your time!!

Congratulations our dear, dear sister! We love you and we are filled with joy for your success and the return of your life back, even better than before!!

Big Hug & Loads Of Love,
Rockin Robin

Coffee, Tea with Me - terry's Happy Dance - Saturday 09-18-21


Date Added: 12/11/2023
Date Of Original Post: 10/7/2021

Please Use the Discount Codes

Hi, Everyone – Just a quick reminder to use the discount codes when ordering the products we use as our weapons against toxic diseases. These codes are listed on Mel’s Protocol page…also listed in this post.

Each time you order your Logos supplements, Kleen Green, Sovereign Silver.

it’s like getting free money!! Who doesn’t like free money??

These discounts add up to a significant savings over the months. So, do yourself a big favor by keeping these discount codes handy and using them!

God’s Blessings to you all,


Date Added: 12/11/2023
Date Of Original Post: 9/25/2021

Hello everyone and thanks to all who joined for Saturday's CTw/M, where all things Essential Oils were discussed. And the best part?? Our very own Tea, and Cathee from Natural Genesis, delivered the best-in-class information about what essential oils do and how to use them as a weapon to combat this disease!

Tea and Cathee recommended various uses of oils, how to mix them with carrier oils for topical use, adding oil drops to the bath tub, or add to water in a diffuser. Lots of great questions were asked, especially by newer community members, and no detail was spared. These ladies are very well-versed in treating the skin with Essential Oils and we are so fortunate and blessed that they are part of this community - it's no doubt that God placed them here to support each on our healing journey.

So much detailed information on what oils were discussed and how to use them that we could write a few pages on the call, but there's no better way to get the information than by listening to the recording link below if you weren't able to attend.

Thank you Tea and Cathee - the work you do to support this community is God working through you!

Blessings to all and have a wonderful week!

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 09-25-21


Date Added: 12/11/2023
Date Of Original Post: 9/2/2021

Dear friends and fellow warriors,


I am ecstatic and deeply grateful to be able to say that I am 98-99% healed!

I have not posted in a long time as my life has gotten busier as my health has improved, but I follow your posts, and keep all of you kind, wonderful souls--especially Chrissie, Jamie, Cheryl, Terry, Donald, Linda, Karen and Donna-- in my nightly prayers.

I am writing to give hope and encouragement to those of you who are just starting out on this journey, are midway there, or have been fighting it for a long time now. It took me a lot longer to get well than many--3 years altogether, roughly. I became ill after we had water damage and mold in our home.

I made mistakes along the way by not always following the diet strictly when I started feeling really good, and life hurled a few curve balls at me along the way, as it does with all of us. Please do not feel that you are failing if you find that you need more time than others to get well...some of us will need more time. It isn't a race.

What matters is that you NEVER give up, NEVER lose hope, and that you STICK to the diet, the protocol, the sum of the parts! As John B. once told me--just keep on keepin' on, and you will get there! Don't beat yourself up if you stray from the diet, don't get enough rest, or forget a dose of supplements--just resolve to do better, and get back to it. It is so important to be gentle and kind to yourself--this disease is tough enough as it is.

I strongly recommend getting coaching from the Mel-man. He cheered me on when I was feeling hopeless, he brandished his hockey stick fiercely when I needed that, too, and his advice always proved to be spot-on helpful.

I did not follow any super strict cleaning protocols in my home, nor was I able to isolate myself from my family. In the beginning, I had black specks everywhere, so I used Kleen Green solution to clean and mop. I mopped and vacuumed frequently, and used Borax in my laundry. I put my two dogs and cat on a protocol of WPS drops in their water, per Mel's instructions, to keep them healthy. It really is true that your environment will become cleaner as you get better--I trusted Mel on this, as I was going crazy trying to clean all the time. Indeed, the black specks disappeared as I improved, and this happened fairly quickly.

What helped me most--

1. Sleep is paramount! Sleep, nap and rest whenever you need to--let the housework, chores, meals and everything else wait. I napped and rested whenever and wherever I could.
2. Try the fabulous Logos Nitro supplement! It gives me a tangible extra boost of steady energy that helps me get through the day.
3. Weekly or bi-weekly wps baths followed by grape seed oil or sweet almond oil on my skin was very soothing, and kept my skin moisturized.
4. Pura D'Or hair thickening shampoo and conditioner (from Amazon)--this shampoo and conditioner really brought my fine, straight hair back to life--it is now shiny, soft, and has more volume. My hair loss is now greatly reduced--back to what is normal. Giving my hair a deep conditioning in coconut oil once a week also does wonders.
5. Drink more water than you think you need...I sip all day long--herbal teas. water, or sparkling water.
6. Daily prayer, meditation, "forest-bathing", or walking briskly in the fresh air as often as possible are huge mood boosters, and stress-relieving.
7. Distract yourself with whatever you enjoy and love--I got through the worst days and nights of this disease watching all the reruns of "Frazier"...I belly-laughed every night and forgot for a time the nightmare of MD. Good books, Netflix, movies and staying connected with family and friends (who did not know about my illness) saved my sanity.

I am grateful to God, to Mel, and to my beloved husband and daughters without whom I would never have made it. I would like to thank this wonderful community for all the support and encouragement I have received over the years.

Here's to our collective recovered health!

love, Maria

Laura (past warrior)

Date Added: 12/8/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/23/2021

This morning I decided to re-visit this website while thanking God for all he has brought me through. My heart goes out to all who are new searching for answers and not really knowing if this is the place to be.

Believe me; this is the place for healing. But not just from this disease. There are members of this community who know what you're going through and somehow we all connected. There is hope through prayer and becoming a new person in Christ. It is all part of the healing process; Christ, prayers, supplements, diet, patience, more prayers and connecting with people who understand what you are going through.

I joined this community in 2016 when praying for God to bring me home with him. I had this disease and did not want to infect my family. I stopped holding my beautiful grandchildren or hugging my family. I did not know what to do because the medical community did not have answers. I stopped living my life and it was forever changed.

For the first time in my life, I was truly all alone and did not understand this disease or why this was happening to me. Then one day, I received a call from Peter who completely understood me and what I was going through. He shared his experiences of this disease and I could not believe someone actually had the same disease as me and overcame it. He led me to Mel and this community and It was then that the healing process began.

Fast forward 5 years later and I now hold, hug and even visit my grandchildren in their homes. I travel (always taking my daily supplements with me) and I am once again living; but never forgetting. There is no returning to the old version of myself because I have learned too much.

My point for posting again is to give you HOPE that there is life after this disease. However; it takes time, commitment, community involvement, prayers, supplements and perseverance. NEVER give up. Learn from this disease and have confidence that you can and will overcome it!

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

In Christ,


Date Added: 12/7/2023
Date Of Original Post: 9/3/2021

Hi, Katharine,

The cedar oil I used was "Cedar Mountain 100% Cedar Essential Oil".

I purchased it online from

I also bought my diff-user from them. It's the kind that does not use water.

Hope this helps!


Date Added: 12/7/2023
Date Of Original Post: 9/3/2021

Hello everyone and yes welcome,

From my understanding, the biggest pro for fermented foods, especially for those fighting toxic disease/Lyme, is that it supports a healthy gut bioterrain by getting rid of the bad bacteria and maintaining good bacteria (primarily probiotics).

Moderation, with anything, is key.

The con against fermented food is that the fermentation process converts carbohydrates and sugars into alcohol, carbon dioxide or organic acids.

For toxic disease sufferers we want to limit the amount of sugar alcohol in the body as possible. Side effects can be bloating and gas, but normally not more severe than that.

Like anything you recommend with diet/nutrition - try a little bit and determine if it causes a herx. We've had fermented foods in our diet, but not very frequently and haven't really noticed a notable difference.

I would say Brenda is good if she wants to experiment with a couple fermented foods to try out, maybe 1-2x a week as an 'introduction' to her body.

Best to all,


Date Added: 12/7/2023
Date Of Original Post: 9/7/2021

Hello Everyone - I hope this message finds you well and that you and your loved ones enjoyed a wonderful Labor Day Holiday :)

Saturday's CTw/M BYOQ call was epic... we had participation from one of the largest number of existing and NEW community members! Much of the topics centered around diet and nutrition. As infatuated as I am with nutrition, I'm just amazed at how much people working this protocol are willing to adopt a completely different approach to nutrition and making it work for them. The lemonade cleanse and tea were the "big hitters." If you haven't already, please check out "It Just Works!!!!!!!" in the forum - this post gives all the ingredients and how to make and take the lemonade cleanse that Mel came up with. And just like the title says... It Just Works! The acidity of the lemon, spiciness/heat of the cayenne, and sweetness of Stevia or organic maple syrup will keep the creepy-crawlies at bay in an instant! We are getting more and more habitual at keeping a cleanse on deck in the freezer ready to go whenever the 'prisoners' decide they want to run the asylum. As a reminder to Mel's request - if you provided a recipe or a different approach to any of the topics discussed on the call, PLEASE do us all a favor and write a post about it!

From the tea side of the discussion, Rockin' Robin and Tea brought the heat with their go-to's: Rooibos brand tea and dandelion tea. My wife recently brought home a supply of Dandy Blend brand dandelion tea and let me tell you, from being an avid coffee drinker this blend has replaced my taste for coffee! We only have the regular kind, but pour steamed almond milk over it with some monk fruit sweetener and it's a pure treat! We were blown away even more when Robin mentioned there are different flavors of this tea, which we plan to pick up on our next run!

Folks, I'm telling you, the number of "raised hands" on the call that Mel had to turn down was unlike anything I'd experienced. We could have easily gone on for 3+ hours if Mel allowed each person to speak but there was just so much solid information and everyone was so enthusiastic to help each other out. THIS is what being a part of this Community is all about!

If you missed Saturday's CTw/M, you can catch all the juiciness of the call in the recording below.

Boys and Girls - if you're reading these forum posts, which I urge you to continue doing, but haven't attended a weekend CTw/M and/or Sunday Prayer & Fellowship, you really are missing out on the power of these calls and how we keep each other accountable towards our individual path of healing. Even if you just want to sit back and listen, take it all in... heck, use a fictitious name as your identity, it doesn't matter. Just join the calls and you will see your healing progress so much more!

God Bless

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 09-04-21


Date Added: 12/7/2023
Date Of Original Post: 9/7/2021

Hey Glenn,

I just received an email from USPS regarding Australia shipments.

Here is what they said.

The Postal Service™ will temporarily suspend international mail acceptance for certain destinations due to service impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Effective September 3, 2021, the Postal Service will suspend international mail acceptance to destinations where transportation is unavailable due to widespread cancellations and restrictions into the area.

Customers are asked to refrain from mailing the following services to Australia until further notice:

First-Class Package International Service (FCPIS)
Commercial ePacket (CeP)
International Priority Airmail (IPA) Packets
International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) Packets

Unless otherwise noted, service suspensions to a particular country do not affect delivery of military and diplomatic mail.

For already deposited items, other than Global Express Guarantee® (GXG®), Postal Service International Service Center (ISC) employees will endorse the items as “Mail Service Suspended — Return to Sender” and then place them in the mail stream for return.

Due to COVID-19, international shipping has been suspended to many countries. According to DMM 604.9.2.3, customers are entitled to a full refund of their postage costs when service to the country of destination is suspended.

Karen (the Librarian)

Date Added: 12/7/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/18/2021

Hi Katharine,

Thankfully, the clothes in the closet problem can be solved. I am happy to read that JoAnna was successful with her methods.

Allow me to share what Mel taught me to do:

Hang the clothes that are the problem in the closet. Leave at least an inch, 2 is better, between the clothes.

Then take a large glass bowl (I use a 2 1/2 quart mixing bowl or casserole). Put it on the floor in the closet. Put a glass place underneath it.

(Have towels ready to push underneath the door quickly.)

Then put 60 drops of WPS in the bowl, then put 60 drops of Citric Acid in a small glass. Then pour the citric acid into the bowl with the WPS. Be absolutely ready to VERY QUiCKLY close the door to the closet tight. Then QUICKLY and carefully stuff the towel under the door to seal the vapors in the closet. Actually, I also close the door of that room, and stuff a towel under that door and get away fast! I wait 24 hours or so before I go back in the room. You might smell a little bit of the vapors left over, but not much.

What you have done is gassed the critters out of the clothes. For me, sometimes it took a second time when I was gassing a sweatshirt or a warm up jacket.

Mel thinks that possibly the WPS is not as strong as it used to be, so, with his blessing, you could up it to 100 or so drops of each. That could likely get the job done with only one treatment. If you do need a second treatment, it is best to wait a day or two before doing it.

Hop this is helpful! I know the closet situation can be a challenge... but thankfully there is a solution!!!


Karen (the Librarian)


Date Added: 12/7/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/18/2021

Good morning fellow warriors!

Thank you for all your kind words and great questions on last Saturday's call. As I mentioned I would have never in a million years thought that Mel would ask me to "host" on his program so please know I'm still honored and happy to be of any service that he would request of me as I owe him and HIM :) my life back.

Brian- Thank you for your kind words, YES YES YES you will get well and soon will be doing your Happy Dance, and we will all dance with you!

It's hard to fathom but it's true-stay the course my friend and whatever you do never ever give up hope. The days you rely on hope alone are sometimes the most fulfilling: 2 Corinthians 12: 8-10 Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh,(M) a messenger of Satan,(N) to torment me. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.(O) 9 But he said to me, “My grace(P) is sufficient for you, for my power(Q) is made perfect in weakness.
For when I am weak, then I am Strong.

In regards to a cleaning item, I forgot to mention in the call that I have and still do use Borax in all my laundry. It's proven to be a great booster along with my reg. laundry. soap.

Nancy- LOL :) love it! Yes, we must keep "rolling" to get better. The great thing though is although it gets rough during the "herxing" (not gonna lie) there is a really bright light on the other side. For me, I still remember during my herxing it felt like I went totally backwards but Mel stayed close with me and ever so gently applied the necessary pressure he's famous for :) and pushed me to carry on and he was right! Man this thing just flashed through my memory recall- YUK!

What we've been afflicted with is...beyond! We are warriors, no matter what stage of this you are in.

All of us are beyond Blessed having found this website here with Mel.

Peace, much love and continued Blessings everyone!

Tina "Turner"

Coffee, Tea with Me Saturday 08-14-21

Karen (the Librarian)

Date Added: 12/7/2023
Date Of Original Post: 8/22/2021

Not sleeping well and need a nudge, or having difficulty with anxiety? Why don't you consider using the supplement "Sleep Advance", or, also named "Anxietime"?

It is a produce from Logos Nutritionals. Sleep Advance is not habit forming and non-addictive. It is made from Melatonin/L Theanine/GABA/5HTP.

If you need restful sleep, Sleep Advance will help you relax before falling asleep, and give you a good night of rest.

Anxietime contains a blend of nutrients and herbs that work great together to give you a calm feeling during the day, and good, deep sleep during the night.

**** Important note: if you are on a medication for depression or an SSRI such as ProZac, Paxil or other product for mental health, it is important to check with your pharmacist before taking this supplement. It might not interact well with your medication


Date Added: 12/7/2023
Date Of Original Post: 7/28/2021

Hi Stuart.

My story is very similar to yours. This is my second time coming to the protocol. I've been sick with m for about 13 years.I am Much better now, but have a long way to go.

I believe I've had candida since I was 5 or 6.
I had constant tonsillitis and ear infections and was on antibiotics every time. In 3rd grade I missed 72 days of school. Had my tonsils out and didn't get the infection s again until I was in my 20.

I lived in a mobile home filled with all kinds of chemicals and toxins like formaldehyde etc.

Anyway ii was already set up physically and came boatloads of stress and voila. After a flea infestation from ferrets of my daughter. I've been sick with Morgellons.

I'm grateful for the protocol and the amazing people who come here to restore their health. It will take time. You've been very sick for a very long time.

You can do this. Rely on Mel and the website. Come to the calls. Unfortunately I cant because of my job. Bu you can still listen to the Saturday call and watch all the videos.

You really have to work at this harder than anything.
That is where God comes in. Pray!!!

Take care and best wishes and blessings on your journey.



Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 7/26/2021


I wanted to comment on last Sat. 7-24 call that I thought was very good as it gives so much hope for all of us who are struggling to get better.

The 3-speakers Freddie Bean, Chrissie & Ruth were wonderful to tell how far they have come.

Freddie Bean went 1st & it was from the heart she spoke, She told how she could not work or very little, to working a full time job that she really enjoys. Just like she enjoys her life now that she is so much better by controlling her symptoms.

Next came Chrissie who knows so much about these diseases as she has researched lots to know what she knows, She & Springer Holly give so much kindness & love it really is a breath of fresh air in a toxic world.

Last came Ruth who has been better for 6-yrs. by doing as instructed by Mel & others. Ruth did lots of reading to understand what is needed, to do the happy Jig, I am so thrilled for Ruth, She shows it can be done if you do what is needed,.

Jolly good show Ladies.

The bottom line is these 3- Toxic disease suffers have grabbed the raging bull by the horns & showed it who is boss.

Thank you 3 for sharing your journey & results.

God Bless & Love.--Donald

Coffee, Tea with Me Saturday 07-24-21


Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 7/15/2021

Good Morning Everyone and Welcome,

Just a little late with Junes update, been very busy.

As I imagined June, the beginning of summer, there has always been a drop off in almost every category.

JUNE 2021


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I HOPE you all enjoy the new clocks around the world and it makes easier to communicate with me!

God bless,


Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 7/12/2021

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to give you all a very overdue update. I just wanted to let you all know that as you can see from my very first post, I started on this website in September of 2020. Since then, I will have been doing the diet and protocol religiously. I mean, when you are suffering so much from this illness you really find out how much self control you can have when you have hope of getting well finally. A lot more than I thought!

Today has been one of the best days that I have had in a very long time. Hardly any pain or itching on my face today. That's where it is the worst. There is still stuff coming out, but the swelling is phenomenally diminishing and now I really feel like if I can just keep the stress down, it will be down hill from here.

You guys, this protocol really works. Its not overnight, but just know that if you keep doing what Mel says, you will get better! I am so grateful to God that I found this website. I remember feeling so hopeless, I was crying and praying that God would heal me, and if not at least lead me to the right person to help and he did!

I don't know when I will be all the way better, but I do know that I will be some day! I just remember being so sick and feeling like I was dying and now I am starting to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. So for anyone new that comes here, if anyone is having doubts that is reading this, don't waste anymore time and start this protocol because it works!

Get the coaching because if you are not doing everything you are supposed to that can set you back and it is best to catch it early.

I still feel a little crawly but it is not even near as bad as it used to be and everything is so so much better. I can barely even notice it now!! Thanks Mel! I love you all. I'm sending my love, thoughts and prayers to you all that your health will be restored.



Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 7/2/2021

Hi Vel,

Yes MMS & WPS are the same product.

Washing clothes goes like this,1st use warm water not hot or cold, As washer is filling put in 1-cup of borax & 1-cup of ammonia, Standard amount of detergent & 10-drops of Peppermint Ess. oil, Let that mix for 1-minute then add cloths then set washer on soak cycle run for 5-minutes then let soak for 2-Hours.

Even if small load fill level after soak to high level of water, Do not crowd clothing & run on regular cycle as you are trying to wash away the Micro fibers that are on the clothing that look like dust.

The amount of Micro fibers I see on cloths tells me how often I need to wash my cloths but @ the beginning I used cloths only once before washing.
Also a tip I learned is to shake clothes { outside } to get some of the Micro fibers off clothes before I wash.

You didn't ask about how to treat clothes in dryer but I will review any way, When clothes are washed & ready for dryer be sure to clean dryer lint filter every time, Throw clothes into dryer except a towel or face cloth that you pour 1/2 of a cup of ammonia on then put that in dryer & run on standard cycle.

I use Sulfur bar soap on scalp & body that I leave on for 5-mins. then rinse away, Dry your scalp & body then spray on diluted 7-1 ratio enzymes { Kleen Green } That I leave on body & scalp, Enzymes are very mild & will make your skin soft for debris to exit your skin, It will even make your hair soft.

There are other useful treatments but this is simple
& worked well for me, Selsun blue works for 1-2 wks. then this disease adjusts where it don't work so good so its always good to have few treatment plans.

As these disease's give you brain fog write down your questions so you can rattle off them on Wk. end calls, I found a treatment log worked will for me so I could look upstream for what I did, Diet log is a winner also.

Good luck & Drink lots of water.-Donald


Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 6/25/2021

Hi everybody,

I just wanted to tell everyone something that really helped me.

First I must explain I have removed most all plastics in my kitchen. I try hard not to get plastics in me. So I do not put hot things in plastics, and when I store food I can use a plastic lid but only glass bowls, etc.

I do the same with aluminum I use it to cover my phone at times, I do not use it in regards to food. Aluminum is terrible for the brain and it comes onto the food when covering in the oven (ex: turkey I use a covered lid pan),.
So when I heard Mel explain the WPS slowly eats up the plastic spray bottles (I bought a Walmart $1 plastic spray bottle), I tried something. I had just finished up a 32 oz bottle of apple cider vinegar so I tied the spray top of the plastic bottle on the apple cider vinegar glass bottle. IT FIT!

A quick way to use a glass bottle of WPS without using plastic.


Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 6/20/2021

Hello Everyone,

Nitro Complex was one of the Logos Nutritionals products recommended to me by both Mel and John B as I started Mel's Protocol.

What an amazing product!!

Within the first week, not only did I re-discover long-lost energy levels...I actually found myself dancing as I moved about my home to do chores, etc. No longer a couch potato!

The product literature states Nitro Complex contains HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and acts like a "youth serum" .AND it can contribute greatly to renewed vitality, greater stamina, improved libido and cardiovascular health.

My blood pressure decreased enough within that first week that I weaned myself off one of two drugs I have been taking.

Now when I start my day I no longer stress over dangerously high BP readings...and I look forward to eliminating the second drug soon.

Bottom line: Nitro Complex is priceless!!

Happy healing everyone,

Brenda *** Part two

Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/31/2021

Quick Tip for Alkalinity:
Apple Cider Vinegar is a marvelous health tonic.
I keep a bottle in my refrigerator of the prepared tonic and whenever I go to the frig for anything I will take a few swallows of this tonic. It is especially good to do before meals.

The Recipe: 2 Tablespoons ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) to 16-20 ounces purified water. That's it!

Let's get Alkaline!
Love, Brenda

Here are some benefits of ACV:
1. Helps maintain youthful skin and vibrancy.
2. Helps remove artery plaque.
3. Helps fight germs, bacteria and viruses naturally.
4. Helps regulate calcium metabolism.
5. Helps keep blood the right consistency.
6. Helps normalize the urine pH, thus relieving frequent
urges to urinate.
7. Helps digestion, assimilation and balances pH.
8. Helps relieve sore throats, laryngitis and throat tickles
AND cleans out toxins.
9. Helps sinus, asthma and flu sufferers to breathe easier
and more normally.
10.Helps banish acne, soothes burns and sunburn.
11.Helps prevent itching scalp, baldness and dry hair and
banishes dandruff.
12.Helps fight arthritis and removes crystals and toxins from
joints, tissues and organs.
13.Helps control and normalize weight.

***Remember to always use ACV that contains the mother which makes it appear cloudy in the bottle***

Braggs Apple Cider vinegar is a longtime favorite brand and their practices include God and scripture.

This info is taken from the book "Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar" Natures Health System


Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 6/19/2021

Hi Everybody,

I was telling Mel a couple of weeks ago how much I'd been struggling with lack of gets especially low when I'm working so diligently on the "sum of the parts." If you don't know this...fatigue is a type of herx...and it's one I struggle with a lot, thus my difficulty in staying diligently on the "sum of the parts" when I'm working so much. If I get backed up against the wall at work with deadlines, I end up not doing all of the "sum" because I'll have a bit more energy to get things done when not attacking the disease. Of course, this is "expensive" short term energy because when I'm not attacking the disease, it's internally attacking me. Obviously, this has become a stumbling block to getting me to the finish line as it's become a vicious cycle of the choice between getting well and keeping my job.

So...what to do?

Mel suggested Nitro Complex to help with the fatigue. Apparently it helps with circulation which, when increased, can help with energy.

Well...I just started taking it and can already see the difference. When I'm fatigue herxing, it's often exhausting to just get up in the morning, do a few chores and take a shower...I'm wiped out after that and have to lay down for a while. However... I'm off for the summer now, so I've been able to be a couch potato, but it's really not a long term solution. I needed a way to do the "sum" and handle my work load when I return to work on July 27th.

Nitro already appears to be helping quite a bit with the lack of energy, and I'm really surprised it worked so fast. If this continues, I believe I can stay on the "sum of the parts" and manage the fatigue herx and get my work done. All good!

Thanks always know the thing that'll help, no matter what situation I find myself in.




Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 6/20/2021

Hello Everyone,

Nitro Complex was one of the Logos Nutritionals products recommended to me by both Mel and John B as I started Mel's Protocol.

What an amazing product!!

Within the first week, not only did I re-discover long-lost energy levels...I actually found myself dancing as I moved about my home to do chores, etc. No longer a couch potato!

The product literature states Nitro Complex contains HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and acts like a "youth serum" .AND it can contribute greatly to renewed vitality, greater stamina, improved libido and cardiovascular health.

My blood pressure decreased enough within that first week that I weaned myself off one of two drugs I have been taking.

Now when I start my day I no longer stress over dangerously high BP readings...and I look forward to eliminating the second drug soon.

Bottom line: Nitro Complex is priceless!!

Happy healing everyone,


Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 6/30/2021

Here's some great nutrition for your teeth!

It's through the mouth many of our contaminants come from. Heavy metals from teeth cause many problems, underlying infections do not even show up on the usual x-rays. Through a cone beam x-ray you may find infectious cavitations in your jawbone where heavy metals hide making the whole body sick. Besides removing the heavy metals and clearing up infectious cavitations in the jaw. Here is good news how to build your teeth back up!

Mineral Building Toothpaste

4T food grade diatomaceous earth
2T baking soda (aluminum free)
2T bentonite clay with calcium
1/4 t. green stevia powder or 2t. xylitol (xylitol has properties that are beneficial for the teeth. I do not know what greet stevia is, so I just use stevia
15 or more as desired either peppermint, cinnamon, orange, etc essential oil. drops depend on quality of oil. I use closer to 24
5 drops trace minerals
6T coconut oil - add more as needed for preferred consistency.

- medium sized bowl for mixing (NOT Metal)
- non metal spoon (bentonite clay should not come into contact with metal)
-non metal measuring spoons
-container for toothpaste

combine, diatomaceous earth, baking soda, bentonite clay, stevia/ or xylitol, and mix well. Add peppermint essential oil or other oil as desired, trace minerals, coconut oil to consistency you like. Stir well. spoon into container.

Winter if solidifies add 1/2 t essential oil or 1/2 coconut oil. If hot and it separates, you can drain off excess oil and mix. Use hot water if mixture goes down pipes. Can spit it out (not in sink), or swallow it.

It takes about 70 brushing to take off the glycerin in toothpastes (yes even the healthy ones), Glycerin covers up the pores in the teeth and prevents them from getting the nourishment from calcium in the mouth, etc. So best not to use most toothpastes.
I really like building my teeth up. I want them to last! Enjoy!


Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 6/27/2021

I have to say that yesterday's call was great! We met with the folks from Logos Nutritionals (Glen, Jill and John), who supply the high quality supplements for our protocol. Logos is a Christian company and that makes all the difference! Their love and compassion for their customers really show. All three of them were available to answer our questions in regard to shipping, the protocol, Thymic Formula, Nitro and Sleep Advance along with various other supplements offered by their organization.

I wanted to take this time to thank all three of them for their guidance and kindness. I've had experiences with all three of them and each has gone out of their way to take care of any issues that may arise. Thank you for also treating us all like family instead of a number.

If you didn't attend the call on Saturday, 6/27 please look it up as it is recorded and available to all to listen!

God Bless!

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 06/26/21


Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 6/13/2021

I have to say that the call with Robert Scott Bell on Saturday was amazing!

This was my first call with just him and he definitely confirmed all of my thoughts about the COVID vaccine. It was great to get answers from someone so knowledgeable. He gave a lot of great advice and believe me, I will be staying away from this vaccine!

Robert discussed how the COVID vaccines contain RNAs. The vaccines instruct your cells to make a protein that it wouldn't normally make which could be malformed. Malformed proteins can lead to other diseases and complications. We also discussed CBD oil and other topics.

For those of you who don't know Robert, he's very well versed in natural healing and he has overcome chronic disease himself. He's got his own program and can offer a lot of great advice. He also makes appearances every once in a while on our Saturday calls. You can find more information about him on The call from Saturday is recorded so you can listen to it on this site at any time!

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 06-12-21

Pam / John B / Mel

Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 4/23/2021

Herxheimer's reaction or AKA the healing crisis

5:21:34 PM

In one of John B's posts he mentioned '3.dieoff of pathogens (often characterized as a 'healing crisis').
It is my belief that to really heal - our bodies must get rid of years of toxic build up. I wanted to post the following wonderful article which explains this process very clearly. I believe if you read the whole article it will encourage you immensely in your journey to health and wellness.
God Bless you richly with all that is Him,

The Healing Crisis
Date:09/29/2003 By: Jon Barron
The Healing Crisis was originally observed while administering antibiotics during the treatment of syphilis, but was later identified during the treatment of other illness and in a wide variety of natural healing programs. It is characterized by a temporary increase in symptoms during the cleansing or detox process. Reactions may be mild or they may be severe. You should expect it and work with it. It is an indicator that the cleanse is working. There are several causes.

The body must go through an elimination process to achieve good health. There will be ups and downs. You do not go immediately from disease to good health. This elimination process is what we call the 'healing crisis.' The healing crisis is the result of every body-system, in concert, working to eliminate waste products through all elimination channels and set the stage for regeneration. The end result: old tissues are replaced with new.

There are three distinct categories of Cleansing Reaction:

When any treatment or cleansing program causes a large scale die-off of bacteria, a significant amount of endotoxins (toxins within the bacteria itself) are released into the body. The more bacteria present, and the stronger their endotoxins, the stronger the cleansing reaction.

When any treatment or detox causes the organs of the body (particularly the liver, which is a storehouse of drug and poison residues) to release their stored poisons and toxins, a cleansing reaction may occur.
Any program, such as fasting or the use of weight loss herbs which causes a rapid breakdown of fat cells (which are a storehouse for toxins), can be accompanied by a detox reaction.

Specifically, we can now see that a variety of cleanses and/or products can initiate a detox reaction.

Category 1

Intestinal Cleansing and Detox Programs can obviously trigger a die-off of bad bacteria in the intestinal tract and colon.

Likewise, use of the probiotics will cause a die-off of bad intestinal bacteria (as much as 3 1/2 lbs worth) as new beneficial bacteria take their place.
Digestive enzymes when first introduced can literally eat up colonies of bad bacteria, thereby releasing their endotoxins.

And use of immune enhancers and pathogen destroyers can produce die-off, not only in the intestinal tract, but throughout the entire body.

Category 2

The liver is the primary processing and storage organ for drug residues and poisons in the body. The primary purpose of the Liver/Gallbladder detox program is to flush those toxins out of the body. The bottom line is that this makes the use of this program one of THE most important for improving your Baseline of Health, but also the program most likely to cause a healing crisis.
Use of an herbal blood cleansing program can likewise initiate a Herxheimer reaction

Category 3

Rapid weight loss, when fasting for example, can also produce a healing crisis as toxins previously lodged in the fat cells are released into the blood stream


The healing crisis will usually bring about past conditions in whatever order the body is capable of handling at that time. People often forget the diseases or injuries they have had in the past, but are usually reminded during the crisis. Reactions may include:

Increased joint or muscle pain
Extreme fatigue and/or its opposite, sleeplessness
Sinus congestion
Fever (usually low grade) and/or chills
Frequent urination and/or urinary tract discharges
Drop in blood pressure
Skin eruptions, including: boils, hives, and rashes.

Note: skin eruptions are often misdiagnosed as allergic reactions, resulting in the premature cessation of the cleansing program.

Cold or flu-like symptoms

You may think that you actually feel worse or that the treatment is not working at all during a cleanse. Do not despair. These are all signs that your treatment is working and that your body is going through the process of cleaning itself of impurities, toxins and imbalances.

Such reactions are temporary and can occur immediately -- or within several days, or even several weeks, of a detox. Symptoms usually pass within 1-3 days, but on rare occasions can last several weeks.

If you are suffering from a major illness, the symptoms you experience during the healing crisis may be identical to the disease itself. A cleansing, purifying process is underway, and stored wastes are in a free-flowing state. Sometimes discomfort during the healing crisis is of greater intensity than when you were developing the chronic disease. This may explain why there may be a brief flare-up in one's condition.

Often the crisis will come after you feel your very best. In fact, most people feel a surge of energy during the first few days of a cleanse. It is at that point that your body dumps toxins into the blood stream for elimination. Thus the healing crisis. Do not be upset. It means your body is eliminating the toxins. Go as slowly as your body needs to so that your elimination is gradual and comfortable.

With a more serious condition there may be many small crises to go through before the final one is possible. Everything must be considered and given its proper place in the build-up to a healing crisis. You should expect it and work with it.

Easing Your Way Through the Healing Crisis

Drink plenty of fresh water (especially water), juices, and herbal teas to flush the body of toxins.
Use colon stimulation formula to make sure that you are eliminating waste promptly. Symptoms frequently disappear immediately after a good bowel movement.
Use ground flax seed daily to absorb toxins and to help speed their transit through the system.
On occasion, a good enema or colon-irrigation can provide relief.

Sometimes, rest is the best therapy.
And, on rare occasions, a reduction of the dosage or temporary cessation may be required.
The Baseline of Health Foundation


Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 6/1/2021

Hey everyone,

I know I asked the 'GAS' question on the Saturday call and it's been bugging me ever since. So I googled it up yesterday.

This is an interesting link I found:

Scroll down to the "Potential Die Off Symptoms" section and check out the herxing for Yeast and Fungi.

If anyone else has any more input, please chime in. I'd love to hear.

I know 'gas' and 'poop' are not easy to talk about, but they are so essential to good health and so I encourage a discussion on these topics.



Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/21/2021


Between speaking to both John B and Mel, my foot is now 100% better! I was put on a natural uric acid supplement which contains both turmeric and tart cherry. The swelling has totally disappeared and all is well. I don't know whether it was herxing or gout, but just glad it's back to normal.


Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/21/2021


Between speaking to both John B and Mel, my foot is now 100% better! I was put on a natural uric acid supplement which contains both turmeric and tart cherry. The swelling has totally disappeared and all is well. I don't know whether it was herxing or gout, but just glad it's back to normal.

John Burgstiner

Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/28/2021

Hello Dear,

Sorry for the delay in responding and thanks to you and so many here that have been lifting up my family in prayer.

Yes OptiSight is a fantastic eye support formula that would be an excellent addition to your regimen.

The Joint Marvel actually contains 1200 mg of MSM per serving which is impressive in such a comprehensive joint/soft tissue support formulation, but you could add another 1000mg (one capsule MSM per day) and perhaps raise the pain relief potential while further reducing inflammation and oxidative damage.

This is especially true when paired with the other glutathione boosting ingredients in the Joint Marvel.

Thanks again for your kind words and prayers.



Nelson / Mel

Date Added: 12/5/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/19/2021

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

I have often said that a hobby is a good way to escape and relax and enjoy!

My dear friend Nelson visited this past Sunday and made this video Its not to long and not a lot of movement as we had a train wreck!!

I hope you enjoy!!!

God bless,

Nelson / Mel

Date Added: 12/4/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/19/2021

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

I have often said that a hobby is a good way to escape and relax and enjoy!

My dear friend Nelson visited this past Sunday and made this video Its not to long and not a lot of movement as we had a train wreck!!

I hope you enjoy!!!

God bless,

Nelson / Mel

Date Added: 12/4/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/19/2021

Hello Everyone and Welcome,

I have often said that a hobby is a good way to escape and relax and enjoy!

My dear friend Nelson visited this past Sunday and made this video Its not to long and not a lot of movement as we had a train wreck!!

I hope you enjoy!!!

God bless,

Rockin Robin

Date Added: 12/4/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/22/2021

Hey Everyone,

This week's "Coffee Tea With Me" Saturday's call was a very successful BYOQ - Bring Your Own Questions. Warriors who are near the end of their journeys and other ones who have been here a while answered questions from new members and discussions about many topics were covered.

The importance of joining the website and being an active member in relation to getting well was encouraged. Learning through the search engine, participating in the weekend phone calls, sharing with others, and reading on the website was discussed and the critical value of these activities toward healing was expressed.

Also, the benefits of hobbies, doing activities you like, staying spiritually lifted was expressed to be highly influential in our health growth!! Terry gave us some of her testimony and many others encouraged the new members!!

If you missed this great call, please listen to the recording posted just below!

Til next time,
May God be With You Daily And Give You His Peace And Strength!!

Love & Hugs,
Rockin Robin

Coffee, Tea with Me - Saturday 05-22-21


Date Added: 12/4/2023
Date Of Original Post: 5/3/2021

Hello, Linda!

I hope you and Mackenzie are doing well. She must be very close to graduation day!

Yes, urinary issues do seem to be tied to digestive issues.

I’m actually recovering from the first cold or sinus infection (not sure which) that I have had in the five years since my Lyme and MD made their grand entrance, although I may have had both longer than that. I even ran a fever of a little over 100, which is also something that never happens to me. I think that’s a fairly good sign that my immune system is in better shape than it was.

The other thing I would recommend for your gut is to drink fresh organic celery juice every morning. I’ve been doing that for several months now, and I think it makes a significant difference. The investment in a juicer is worth it, and celery isn’t too expensive.

Take care of yourself, my friend, and God bless!

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