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Karen the Librarian

Karen the Librarian
Fellow community Members,

Have felt led to share a few thughts with you all today.
First though, let me explain the heading of this entry:
You may remember the movie "Dead Poets Society" from the late '80s. That film meant a lot to me. Robin Williams was extraordinary (as usual.)

Carpe Diem has come to mean "Seize the Day'. Doesn't that have meaning for each of us in this Community? We have found the site, we have Mel as our coach, we have each other to encourage us! We must "Seize the Opportunity - Day by Day" and keep on keeping on, and not let go of HOPE!

(Well, to continue, please indulge the personal note here: I have changed it to "Karpe Diem", because I was a lifeguard for several years, and taught swimming, and had the nickname "Fish", or "Karp". Since my name Karen, I think Karpe works well! )

Well, Carpe Deus means "Seize God", or literally "Pluck God". Karen's paraphrase is "Seek God with ALL your heart!! He promises we will find Him when we seek Him earnestly! So, this day, be encouraged to SEEK Him, knowing that He knows your challenges, and He is with you, and yearns to encourage you in this day and this time in your life.

This morning, the song "Through it All" by Andre Crouch came to mind. We don't know wny this disease has attacked us, but we do know WHO walks with us. Through it All we can be drawn closer to Him, and somehow, He will bring glory to His name.

Please spend 7 minutes and watch/listen to this YouTube from Brother Andre, and be ministered to:

Karen (the librarian)