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Shout out to Terrific Teddy & Superdad Dale

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9:40:48 AM

Morgellons -


I really appreciate you and Mel.

The knowledge both of you share is life changing.

Thanks for the additional insight on the healing process.

As well as the encouragement !

9:44:46 AM

Morgellons -


Just wanted to give you some useful information. There are two types of kidney stones. One type is fueled by too much uric acid. The other type is fueled by excess oxalates.(oxalic acid) I want you to ask your practitioner which type it was. If it is a uric acid stone, then tart cherry extract will help you keep another future stone from arriving as it helps to regulate uric acid. These stones will often repeat, so you want to take preventative measures to thwart another future episode. I thought you should be aware here.

If your primary care informs you that it was an oxalate fueled stone, then you want to check your diet to see that you are limiting foods that contain oxalate s (oxalic acid). If this is the case, then take your research into discovering oxalate rich foods and adjust your diet where necessary. Hope this helps!


I wanted to clarify for you that Morgellans expresses in different stages, with differing expressions in each phase. These phases will then repeat over and over. The key is to look for these stages, over time, to repeat with less frequency and with less intensity. It does take time, but you will understand this as healing as you fulfill your detox over time. It takes a while, but when you see the patterns dominish in these ways, you can rest assured you ate succeeding. Just stay the course and let your detox run its course. In tome, as you reduce the infection load and eliminate heavy metal toxicity, you will get clear of symptoms. Trust the science and stay committed. Hope this helps!


6:19:28 AM

Morgellons -


I second Teddy's appreciation for your post. Just when I am having a down day I get on here and read yours and Teddy's recent posts and get more motivation to keep fighting this condition.

A day after my last post when we were finishing up our waterslide adventures at Great Wolf Lodge Williamsburg, VA, I experienced the most excruciating pain which was that of a kidney stone larger than 1 cm. It turns out the pain I was having recently off and on was that of a kidney stone and had nothing to do with eating meat. We drove back to town and dropped the kids off with my parents and continued on to the hospital ER. They gave me meds sent me home and scheduled the surgery for a few days later. During that surgery they weren't able to get up through the ureter with all the equipment, so they put a stent in. I had to wait 2 weeks and had surgery all over again and this time it was successful. They were able to blast the stone into smaller pieces and remove it.

They put another stent in and I had to remove it myself after 4 days and after some medication, relaxing music, and deep breaths. It all has been an experience I hope I never have to repeat.

I also just had Covid for a third time thanks to my boss who was around a covid positive coworker of his at our corporate office, he then came to my hotel and spent the day with me going over things even though he didn't feel the best. Thankfully I was able to get on meds early (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and doxycycline since I had them on hand just in case, along with adding Selenium, Lysine, mushroom blend, extra vitamin C, NAC, and glutathione. I think because of these additions along with the protocol it was a rather mild case compared to what I have experienced in the past. I just thought I would give an update on my situation.

I am still trying to stay on the protocol the best I can and get tighter with my diet to continue to see improvement in my symptoms.

I hope everyone is continuing to see improvement on the protocol and look forward to hearing updates from the rest of you on the thread.


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